Updated creatures = major screwup

By player510875, in Battlelore

With the ability to store lore tokens removed, the standard spider can

no longer use it's poison ability as it can't normally roll 2 lore tokens

and hit in battle with 2 dice. As a long time player I strongly sugguest

that you leave the ability to store lore tokens in the game, with the

exception of the hydra which explicitly states otherwise.

The trample rules should probably be left in too.


I hadn't noticed that. Seems to me like Creatures was an update to the three main creatures and an additional creature. With the possibility of using the old ones if people really wanted to (though this wasn't well thought out as you point out).

I think I'll just play the newer creatures - or if the older ones, then slight mods to their rules - like the Green Spider poisons (as per it's rule) on 2 lore symbols - no hit required.

