niffty world rush

By wishmaster, in Gummi Garage

player: sora 2 (L&D)

lvl 0
2x tidus
2x sebastian
2x mayor

lvl 1
2x phil
1x jack
2x donald

lvl 2
1x jack
1x godmother
1x triton

lvl 3
2x beast (L&D)
2x herc (L&D)
1x jack

magic friends:7
lvl 3
3x bambie
2x dumbo
2x tinker bell

dark cards:5
3x behemoth
2x invisable

world cards:9
3x hallow bastion 3
3x olympus coliseum 1
2x destiny island 1
1x disney castle 1

I like it. Maybe a few more deck thinners would help. goin for WR i would recommend wendy to fetch peters. Maybe a cid... lol. Anyone ever heard of a band called "I wrestled a bear once". Thay're great... i immediately recommend their song "tastes like kevin bacon". Anyways... the deck seems stable, maybe drop a colisseum for another destiny island. Anyways, good deck overall though, seems to have potential

lol thanks for the reply and i like that band also alskin flounder basket is a great song aswell i recommend lol... i give to you + rep