Brand said:
Who says it's only one situation? Again, the AM can kill the Dev at range. The Dev will almost never challenge the AM in melee. Melee and ranged work very differently. Ranged lethality is based almost entirely on the weapon; only the weapon affects the number of attacks and damage you get (apart from a tiny boost from one or two Talents). Melee efficiency is entirely on the user. His or her abilities determine the number of attacks, how good of a defense can be brought to bear, and it has a large factor in the damage (an average SM will be adding 12-17 damage very quickly just from Strength). Getting hit by a Lascannon hurts whether an AM or Dev fired it. Facing a Thunder Hammer could be only a slight challenge (if used by a Dev) or it could mean you're dead (AM).
Also, an experienced AM can actually top the Dev's Horde-killing ability. Lots of attacks + more hits from DoS + Wrathful Descent + Talents = lots and lots of dead Hordes.
Why should anyone be helpless? No one is helpless in ranged combat, so why should anyone be helpless in melee? Again, the AM and everyone else can kill at range because most of the lethality is tied up in the weapon, not the user.
The AM is still good at Rank 1 and the HB is not that great now. It's good but not the weapon of absolute destruction it once was After only a few missions, the AM will have even more melee attacks and extra Reactions.
I really don't know what game you played it definitely wasn't DW!