Just recently added DUST TACTICS to my collection and so far we've quite enjoyed it. However, there is one thing for which I'm looking for clarification - several posts here on the forums state that a unit can use multiple weapons in an attack. The rules specifically state that each expendable weapon must be fired by a separate miniature; i.e. a squad with 3 mini's left cannot throw all 5 demo charges in one go... something that makes perfect sense. But the rules ALSO imply that same squad can, in a single action do ALL of the following:
- fire its primary weapons (i.e. the weapons carried by the mini's)
- fire as many single use weapons as it has squad members
- use its close combat weapons in melee
Is that interpretation correct? If so, it certainly seems odd. A squad with 4 rifles at range 4 can only attack 1 target per mini in the same amount of time that, say, a Battle Grenadier squad that is 1 square from 2 infantry squads and a walker can fire it's 'fausts at the walker, then, with attack with each mini's small arms at one (or both) adjacent squads and then close assault them with the bayonet and do all that in the same time that each of the Ranger riflemen can fire their weapons a single time (with the proviso that all the attacks are properly declared.) Wouldn't it make more sense that each model can attack *once* per SHOOT phase with whichever single weapon it chose to employ whether it be with a one use weapon like a 'faust or UGL, or with their primary weapon or in close assault?