Dissapointed with Loth, I have re-armed it as per the walker on the box set, I've named it Ludolf.
This card was a bit tricky as there seems to be no real ruling for having a pair of guns, it's just probably to make models balanced or not overly expensive, could you imaging the 88's of Ludwig counting as two seperate weapons! In real life the 88L56 of the Ludwig/Tiger 1 is comparable to the 17pdr, so as there is only one 88 on the Ludolf I've given it the stats of the 17pdr, basically 1 less than the 88's.
The Nebelwerfer is a right pain to get a balance and so have reduced its stats by 1 also. This now gives the Ludolf a ferocious first attack against armour but probably not after, as it now has to spend an action to load, slowing it down or making it unable to call sustained fire, it could be a problem deciding what to do.
The anti-infantry fire is pretty much on par with the total fire power of a Pounder over 2 turns of shooting. I think the Neb should be better against infantry but I can't really justify it having the same effect as a twin Neb.
The best way to tell if a models is costed right or balanced is to ask youreself what 2 mechs you would take to a 16pt fight? Would you always take this, never take it or take it every now and then for a change?
So, would you/wouldn't you take one to a fight?