New characters by me

By mjanos10, in Citadels


Me and my friends have created some new characters for this game. We have already tried them, and they worked great, but you should use them at once without any of the original cards.

Please comment on them. (Sorry for bad english, I'm from Hungary :D )

some notions:
turn- the players own turn
round- that is the whole round, beginning with choosing a character and ending by collection of the money after the barbarian's (or informer's) turn.
action- the part where you choose between the two golds or the district card.

We have also created some so called blessing cards which can be gained by choosing them at the action part of your turn over the 2 gold or the district card at your turn, or by building a district that costs you 1 or 2 golds. These cards can only be used in the next round in the players turn and only once). If you would be interested in what cards we have created i can write some of them down.

So here they are:

1. Traitor - You can prevent someone from his action, or from using his characters ability (which means taxation too), or from building something, or from useing his blessing cards. At your turn you choose which one of these 4 things you will prevent, and you can use them any time in that round. (This means you almost certainly will prevent someone from doing something). You can also get your two money and build a district.

2. Treasurer - The treausurer gets 1 gold from everybody who has more gold than he at the end of the round. The one who has double the gold than the treausurer gives him two golds. However, if the treausurer has only 0, 1 or 2 golds he may only collect one gold. If he has 0 gold, he cannot get money from the player who has only 1 gold. At the end of the round he gets to collect the money first. (This means that the missionary can get a gold from him if the treausurer has the most money.)

3. Illusionist - The illusionist can get a district card thats building cost is 4 or more from the player on his left or right (he chooses). If that player doesn't have any the one next to him gives the illusionist that card and so on. If nobody has such a district card the illusionist gets 2 cards from the deck. If he gets a district card he can build it in his city (but than he cannot build anything else in his turn). If the player next to him has 2 or more of such cards he can choose which one he gives to the illusionist. The illusionist can pick a blessing card from any player instead of a district card.

4. Tyrant - He gets one gold from every yellow districts. If he has 2 or more he gets +1 gold (This means if he has 2 yellow districts he gets 3 gold, if 3 than 4 and so on.) He must relocate the crown, but can not put it on its own head. The player who gets the crown looses his action at the next round.
(If only 2 player are playing he can put the crown in his head but than one of his characters will not have any action)

5. Missionary - He gets one gold from every blue districts. At the end of the round the player with the most gold gives him 1 gold. His buildings can be destroyed for twice the money as it destruction would cost, and he gets 1/4th of this money. If this number is a fraction you make it round up.
(so for example he has a building that's value is 6 the barbarian can destroy this building for 10 gold (6-1=5, 5x2=10), and the missionary gets 3 golds.)

6. Money Launder - He gets one gold from every green district. He gets back half of the cost of the building he builds. (Rounded up)

7. Immigrant - He gets a district card from the deck. If he has 2 district thats values are the same he can build them for the cost of one.

8. Barbarian - He can destroy a players building for one less money than it's value, and he can get that district card in his hand for 1 gold. He gains one gold for every red buildings.

9. Informer - If in that round the crown has been moved he gets 2 actions.

I hope you will like it too. Please comment. :)

My opinion:

Traitor: Seems quite complicated->" you can use them any time in that round"-does it mean no other player can do this thing or you only say what he can´t do, during your turn and decide "spontaniously" who the person, the thing is forbidden to, is????

-Treasurer:Like it really much!

-Illusionist:Also complicated, but basically OK, dunno what the blessingcards are so its hard to estimate

-Tyrant: Stronger than the Emperor!

-Missionary: Also too complicated

-Money Lounder: Something between Alchimist and Merchant, but too strong

-Immigrant:Like it!

-Babarian: Warlord with integrated "Special-Graveyard"->Too strong

-Informer:Good idea, but too weak

So, basically some good ideas, but try to keep the game as simple as it is. Nevertheless, I´d like to know more about your "Blessing cards"

1. Traitor - Way too powerful. This card will be taken first every turn and be used to keep a player down. Theoretically, you could keep a player from building anything the whole game. The Assassin works b/c he picks a character to kill, so a player could ignore a common target to ensure they get their turn or switch things up so they aren't consistently targeted. The prevent building idea is good, but I think it would be more effective to steal a building someone made, say by paying 1 gold more than the building's cost. This way people have to pay attention to how much gold the Traitor (Spy might be better in this case) has on hand and consider the likelihood of them taking their building (i.e likely to take a red if it's the only colour you don't have) or waiting for something better built by the next player, creating the second-guessing and paranoia that comes with traitors in your midst.

2. Treasurer - Too many variables. The thing that's great about this game is the simply rules: everybody pays a gold, players who build pay a gold, etc. What might work better is anyone who gets gold gives 1/2 to the Treasurer unless they had less than him at the start of their turn

3. Illusionist - Problem here is mostly the title. You are taking a district from someone when you make illussions, things that are not actually real. It might work better if they could flip a district face down for the round so it's ability, the money it would generate, and it's count toward the 8 needed to end the game are negated, though the last may need some more thought concerning its execution.

4. Tyrant - The +1 is pointless. o one else gets money from yellow districts so you don't need to make him stand out in that way. I like the idea of cancelling the action though.

5. Missionary - Taking the 1 gold is a repeat and there should only be one power anyway. Not sure how the other power makes thematic sense though. And making it cost double to destroy a building is just going to make people destroy other player's buildings. Getting money for it makes even less sense. What you could do is allow him to get gold from the poorer districts, say 3 cost or less.

6. Money Launder - I think this one has already been done, but otherwise it's a good power. I'd change the title to something more medieval though.

7. Immigrant - First power, unnecessary. Second, neat idea but, again, makes little thematic sense. Also, there should be a limit on the cost that could be played, either 3 or 4, so a player doesn't get 16 points in one turn. Otherwise you should only get half thye points from the second building.

8. Barbarian - Makes no sense. Why would a barbarian get the district card they destroyed? First, they razed the district. Second, he's a barbarian. Why would he want the plans to build a district. What would make sense is the -1 to destroy and +1 cost for him to build, which would balance the powers while reflecting the barbarians uncivilized nature.

9. Informer - This one isn't bad, it just seems underpowered.