Changing Your Investigator

By Weyoun, in Arkham Horror League

My friends and I are rushing to finish the league before the end of the month, and a question came up during Scenario 6, when one of our investigators was devoured by The Tattered King Rumor after ending up in the street due to an amazingly unlucky encounter. He chose a different one randomly, stating that as Scenario 7 brings Kingsport to the table, he'd then switch his Investigator for a Kingsport one.

So, the rules say you can start the league with a base game Investigator, and if it doesn't get devoured you may then change it for another from an expansion when that expansion comes up. The question is: Can you do this MORE THAN ONCE? Meaning, some of us started with a base game Investigator and then switched it for a Dunwich expansion Investigator when Scenario 3 came up. Can we do that again, and change the Dunwich Investigators for Kingsport ones for Scenario 7?

That part of the League rules is kinda confusing to me, so your thoughts shall be really helpful. Thanks a lot!!!

I think most people went with the option of choose any investigator and keep them the whole time until devoured.

But if you go by the Expansions being played, you could change it when the next big box comes up, but only to an investigator packed within that big box. So as I understand the rules, you could do this twice - once when DH was first played and once again when KH was played.