Your (SOON TO BE) pc?

By Tunnelhckrat, in Black Crusade

Morangias said:

Sorcerer, because I have this hilarious mental image of indirectly causing havoc in the Empire while leaving calling cards with a trollface reading "PROBLEM, INQUISITOR?".

Would you also ask the Plague Marine "You jelly?"

But seriously CSM Sorcerer of Slaanesh or Tzeentch, depending on how I'm feeling, for somewhere between Warhammer Fantasy's Champion of Tzeentch Melee/Caster badassery and the more subversive Slaanesh feel.

Might be a fun way to play a high fellowship psyker.

NOTE: The forums lost my original reply. I expect that this will be published. And only this one.

If someone wants to manipulate all others but primarily picks up Nurgle associated changes.....

Someone wanting to play a Slaaneshlike guy, but picking more and more taolents good for slaughtering others in a crude fashion?

Yeah depends on your game.

Going back on the Slaanesh/Khorne discussion.

Khorne takes joy by slaughtering others. Slaanesh wants to experience more than slaughter. Thats pretty much the arguement between those two gods (and why the fight each other more than say Khorne and Nurgle).

If you build a Slaanesh character good at slaughter, Id expect some character streaks in there, that he also enjoys something else. If nothing else is there, id give the player a talk. (The player has full control of the PC, but the character has only some control over which god gives him attention).

An interesting concept is one thing. And then there are necromancers with a phobia about dead people.....Whereever the boundary is for your group.

I have a few character ideas, such as a Night Lord striking out on his own and a philosophical Space Marine Magus, but my favourite is currently "The Liar". A mortal whose most dangerous weapons are his sharp mind and quicksilver tongue. Purely out for his own goals and couldn't care less for the gods on either side. Utterly uses others to achieve his objectives and then walks away before anyone realises who is ultimately responsible for the ensuring anarchy (if they ever do).

I have to say, after the recent spoilers, I'm beginning to lean more towards a CSM Sorcerer. I wonder if it's possible to make a Thousand Sons character, considering their... peculiar relationship with Chaos, corruption and mutation.

Not every Thousand Son was affected by that ritual IIRC. Some were well away from the ritual when it happened and aren't either super-powered sorcerors or mindless automatons.

i have several ideas

1st - wordbearer (preferably a dark apostle or possesed)

2nd - a fallen space wolf

World Eater.

Then a human Khornate worshiper who seeks to be a larger than life 'hero'.

A Black Templar, broken free from the pious, strick diciplines of his former chapter, now free to relish in his inner desires, both on the battlefield, and of it.

Depending on how aviable demon weapons are I might use his as a plot device to explain his fall.

Since character advancement is so open, a heretek/psyker. Balance the perfection and strive for excellence of Slaanesh with the cold calculating and drive for knowledge of Tzeentch. Bring true science back to humanity, craft a perfect paradise for humanity, free from both overindulgence and austerity.

Of course, more than likely failing spectacularly in the process :P

Waywardpaladin said:

Since character advancement is so open, a heretek/psyker. Balance the perfection and strive for excellence of Slaanesh with the cold calculating and drive for knowledge of Tzeentch. Bring true science back to humanity, craft a perfect paradise for humanity, free from both overindulgence and austerity.

Of course, more than likely failing spectacularly in the process :P

consider the deamons of Chaos would find perfection and happynes so boring, yeah he is going to have a fun time X3

If the rules allow for it, a Slaaneshi con-artist/grifter who has various addictions that need to be fed.

Definately a Renegade-type!

I'm beating around the idea of some 'fallen Champion' something along the lines of 'cured of faith'. For now it's either a Khornate who lost his rage/frenzy and the meaning that this gave to his existance or a Dark Apostle who lost his faith or his faith in having faith at all.

In case of both it would be a PC that struggles for his survival and his place in the chaos society, always on the run from becoming slobbering ooze.

A loyalist, bureaucratic Inquisitorial Interrogator. No, not a radical.

The rules look better than Dark Heresy for char-gen, so gonna use it for a loyalist game.

Other options I'm considering are Batman, I mean a Night Lord... or a Fallen Dark Angel.

bluntpencil2001 said:

A loyalist, bureaucratic Inquisitorial Interrogator. No, not a radical.

The rules look better than Dark Heresy for char-gen, so gonna use it for a loyalist game.

Other options I'm considering are Batman, I mean a Night Lord... or a Fallen Dark Angel.

I´m batmaaaaan, eh I mean Night looooooord


bluntpencil2001 said:


Imperial soldiers. They're a Superstitious and Cowardly Lot...

XiMao626 said:

bluntpencil2001 said:


Imperial soldiers. They're a Superstitious and Cowardly Lot...

the funny thing is...the are a Superstitious and Cowardly Lot

Not sure between a fallen Librarian or a mechainucum, I would want to finish witha devastator body... Who Want a Melta or a Lazer Canon or a RK launcher mouahahahahh...

Well I had two options in mind.

1. A heretek genetor praying to nurgle (I am a microbiologist in RL ;) )

2. Probably my favorite. Something normal, unremarkable, unaligned. Just a human, that got slighted one time to often an now is on his personal crusade... TO BRING DOWN THE IMPERIUM, WITH THE POWER OF HIS VOICE AND THE MIGHT OFF ALL CHAOS GODS BEHIND HIM, SO THIS WRETCHED, ACCURSED, OPPRESSIVE SYSTEM WILL FALTER UNDER THE PRESSURE OF A THOUSAND, NO A BILLION VOICES CRYING FOR FREEDOM! (Sorry for the shouts, I just had to ;) )

master_death said:

2. Probably my favorite. Something normal, unremarkable, unaligned. Just a human, that got slighted one time to often an now is on his personal crusade... TO BRING DOWN THE IMPERIUM, WITH THE POWER OF HIS VOICE AND THE MIGHT OFF ALL CHAOS GODS BEHIND HIM, SO THIS WRETCHED, ACCURSED, OPPRESSIVE SYSTEM WILL FALTER UNDER THE PRESSURE OF A THOUSAND, NO A BILLION VOICES CRYING FOR FREEDOM! (Sorry for the shouts, I just had to ;) )

That might be the best idea ever ;-)

Slaanesh Sorcerer. Born on the harsh world of Obenix, brought up in a world where chaos rule. The gods that blacken the sky feel not the pitty that the man god.

The world have not felt the pain I will bring down apon it! Anything in my way will be killed not by steel ot by fire but by sheer pain and suffering! Nothing is to crule, nothing is to horrid!

Hide behind your Astarties! They can not stop the tide of death and domminiance that will fall on you all!

All hail... ME!

CoyDK said:

Slaanesh Sorcerer. Born on the harsh world of Obenix, brought up in a world where chaos rule. The gods that blacken the sky feel not the pitty that the man god.

The world have not felt the pain I will bring down apon it! Anything in my way will be killed not by steel ot by fire but by sheer pain and suffering! Nothing is to crule, nothing is to horrid!

Hide behind your Astarties! They can not stop the tide of death and domminiance that will fall on you all!

All hail... ME!

...*obvius British peasant voice* but I didn´t vote for ya

I really want to make a Night Lord. Preferably a Raptor or something. Even as an NPC for games I run, just to tag along with the group. :)

An angry and bitter Sons of Horus legionnaire who can't accept the fact that Horus is dead even after 10,000 years, and still fighting the Long War because he has nothing else to look upto besides it.