Your (SOON TO BE) pc?

By Tunnelhckrat, in Black Crusade

I was wondering what kind of character I would be. I was originally wanting to be a noise marine, they are so cool and underutlized in TT, but When I play RPG's im normally the "Holier than thou" type (chaplain, paladin,ect). So I was thinking about being a Word Bearers Dark apostle instead.It would be cool if I could start a dark ritual to summon damons to overwhelm a planet lol.

What kind of Pcs are you guys interested in?

Chaos sorcerer of Tzeench will be first on my list as i have always played the spellcaster in whatever TTRPs i've played. I hope that he will have a few chances to corrupt some imperial scum before a chaos spawn eats him or a world eater gets tired of being called an uncivilized grunt in conversation:).

Member of the Black Legion and the reincarnation of Warmaster Horus!

Ok...not really, but the likeness and mannerisms are uncanny along with a certain brilliance for tactics. Doesn't proclaim himself to be anything special, but lets others do the connection and the spreading of rumors. Yes, a short lived character to say the least, but fun!

I can see the execution bolt coming from an emissary for Abbadon now.

A fugitive forced to flee the imperium.

Also, I think maybe we can reconvert a character from a previous campaign.

I'm currently torn between a Heretek and a manipulative sorcerer of Tzeentch. Heretek, because I love all things mechanical, and would really love to get my hands on all the forbidden toys. Sorcerer, because I have this hilarious mental image of indirectly causing havoc in the Empire while leaving calling cards with a trollface reading "PROBLEM, INQUISITOR?".

So yeah, I'll probably go with a Heretek.

I like pushing the limits in makeing a Tank. Invulnerability is my goal and thus Nurgle shall be my GOD.

A Tzeentch Sorceror wearing tactical dreadnought armour and wielding a daemon weapon.

If that cant go through ill settle for gigantic wings while wielding dual force (power) claws.

Khorne, but I'll lean more toward the "Master of Warfare" angle rather than "BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD Baaaahhhwaabbwawawha!!" crazy seen-a-million-times-in-the-past.

Makes me wonder if we can actually do these things we want to do. Will I be able to aquires an accursed crozius? Can a tzeench sorcerer be in a dreadnaught (hope not lol). But still these are awesome ideas? Anyone thought about playing as human?

Slaanesh anyone?

Yup, I'm looking for a charming manipulator archetype... somewhere between Slaanesh and Tzeentch I suspect. The kind of person who can get you things... for a price that seems so small at first but builds until I own you.

Tellarond said:

Yup, I'm looking for a charming manipulator archetype... somewhere between Slaanesh and Tzeentch I suspect. The kind of person who can get you things... for a price that seems so small at first but builds until I own you.

Tzeentch. Manipulator puts you firmly into the camp of the schemer, or unaligned (or so you think).

Slaanesh would have you a depraved addict (to any one thing at least).

Tzeentch. Manipulator puts you firmly into the camp of the schemer, or unaligned (or so you think).

Slaanesh would have you a depraved addict (to any one thing at least).

Exploiting the Desire of someone else can certainly be seen as slaanesh-y as well. Otherwise, every warrior would default to Khorne.

Myself, I'd probably go scheming Tzeentch sorcerer (probably mortal rather than CSM), though I just had another idea: A sniper, looking for the perfect kill and almost lovingly stalking his targets, savoring the intimate moment that is ended only by a pull of the trigger...

Cifer said:

Tzeentch. Manipulator puts you firmly into the camp of the schemer, or unaligned (or so you think).

Slaanesh would have you a depraved addict (to any one thing at least).

Exploiting the Desire of someone else can certainly be seen as slaanesh-y as well. Otherwise, every warrior would default to Khorne.

Exactly this, everyone who wants to be a cultist leader will be a bit tzeentchy I suspect, there isn't much room for that path without manipulation or plotting, but its the goals and methods that make it Slaanesh. Preying on desire, feeding on the sheer lascivious pleasure of breaking down resistance and putting others in your debt and eventually thrall.

It's all about the rush of being needed and the desperation that leads to the adulation he wants

And the outcome in the end isn't the point...

I'll probably take an old DH Psyker character who's story I never got to finish and push her to the conclusion I wanted for her: Chaos sorcerer.

Preferably of Nurgle.

Cifer said:

Tzeentch. Manipulator puts you firmly into the camp of the schemer, or unaligned (or so you think).

Slaanesh would have you a depraved addict (to any one thing at least).

Exploiting the Desire of someone else can certainly be seen as slaanesh-y as well. Otherwise, every warrior would default to Khorne.

You know, considering the amount of warfare (inlcuding shooting etc.) some people see in Khorne, many people might actually believe that.

Tellarond said:

Exactly this, everyone who wants to be a cultist leader will be a bit tzeentchy I suspect, there isn't much room for that path without manipulation or plotting, but its the goals and methods that make it Slaanesh. Preying on desire, feeding on the sheer lascivious pleasure of breaking down resistance and putting others in your debt and eventually thrall.

It's all about the rush of being needed and the desperation that leads to the adulation he wants

And the outcome in the end isn't the point...

If its a eat tasty human gonads, have depraved parties indulging in drugs of all kinds. Sure then your firmly in the Slaanesh camp. I went Tzeentch, because you put equal focus in manipulation and charm. I simply wouldnt put Charm that close to Slaanesh though. Thats why i put you into the Tzeentch camp.

In truth, its probably about what your primary motivation is. Do you manipulate, so you get more drugs/slaves/pieces of art. Then its Slaanesh.

Do you hoard pieces of art / trade in slaves etc. so you can manipulate others into doing your wishes. Then its Tzeentch.

Voronesh said:

Cifer said:

In truth, its probably about what your primary motivation is. Do you manipulate, so you get more drugs/slaves/pieces of art. Then its Slaanesh.

Do you hoard pieces of art / trade in slaves etc. so you can manipulate others into doing your wishes. Then its Tzeentch.

I wouldn't go so far as restricting motivations. I think that many motivations can do well with many cultists. The main question is: which god gave you the opportunity of getting your power. Or, even, which god did you grow worshipping? It's reasonable that multitude of characters and motivations can fit with different gods. Otherwise, it would be too stereotypical.

Tzeentchian sorcerer, probably.

Rather than create a terrifying chaos space marine, I believe I will create a character who may have to work a little harder to cause his share of mayham, but he sure has fun while he does it. I picture the character's MO as cross between the Joker as potrayed by Heath Ledger in the Dark Knight , David Xanatos from Gargoyles , and possibly Lisbeth Salander from The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo . This character is an agent of chaos and change, though he seeks a way to extend his life because his personal crusade will take uncounted lifetimes to accomplish.

"You look at me and see a monster. I look at you and see a slave too afraid of his own shadow to realize how small he really is."

If my group actually gets around to playing BC (and I don't end up GMing), I'll probably play a mercenary of some sort (preferably Astartes, but not necessarily). Not actually an agent of Chaos, but willing to work with them (not that he won't get corrupted over the course of the campaign). I feel that the Forsaken archetype (iirc the name correctly) seems pretty appropriate for this.

I'll probably end up "hiring myself out" as a "bodyguard" to one of the other party members.

Why doesn't this forum have an edit function?

Addendum to previous post: I'll probably end up using a fair bit of xenos tech too. Hopefully work in an apprenticeship to a heretek or something and learn "true science" instead of the Cult Mechanicus stuff. So basically, imagine Fabius Bile, but replace his Ph.D in Biology with Physics/Engineering. And replace his Xyclos needler with a Necron Gauss rifle (long term aspiration :P )

i love how no one's touched on mutants here.

I personally would love to play an ex-Pale Throng infiltrator. Caught on a planet conquered by Chaos forces of (in all likelyhood) Tzeench, converted to the cause, now serve the same purpose, different employer. definately a pretty boy, until you gotta face him in open combat. picture a mutant version of Thonius/Slyte.

Mutant? Oh why not. An extra strong, regenerating mutant who unfortunately must remain sealed within power armor due to his mutations having the side effect of damaging him when exposed to oxygen. Naturally, his regeneration prevents the oxygen from actually killing him, but the pain is so immense that the Fatigue levels build up and he's laying on the floor for someone to be able to do enough damage that WILL kill him.


Lord Ork said:

Voronesh said:

In truth, its probably about what your primary motivation is. Do you manipulate, so you get more drugs/slaves/pieces of art. Then its Slaanesh.

Do you hoard pieces of art / trade in slaves etc. so you can manipulate others into doing your wishes. Then its Tzeentch.

I wouldn't go so far as restricting motivations. I think that many motivations can do well with many cultists. The main question is: which god gave you the opportunity of getting your power. Or, even, which god did you grow worshipping? It's reasonable that multitude of characters and motivations can fit with different gods. Otherwise, it would be too stereotypical.

Och it depends.

If someone wants to manipulate all others but primarily picks up Nurgle associated changes.....

Someone wanting to play a Slaaneshlike guy, but picking more and more taolents good for slaughtering others in a crude fashion?

If its kidna balanec, i dont see a problem, but if its too much of a different god, they player might not have a choice in the matter and just a plaything of the gods. They are rather possessive i think ^^.