Playing as Lesser Daemons?

By nick012000, in Black Crusade

I wonder if it'll be possible to play as a Lesser Daemon in this. You'll be able to play as a Space Marine, after all; Daemons get Unnatural Toughness and a few other assorted benefits standard (Fear, From Beyond, Daemonic Presence, et cetera) that should roughly balance out with the Space Marine's assorted other miscellaneous advantages (Unnatural Strength, Black Carapace, immunity to Fear, et cetera). I certainly hope so, even if the rules to do so don't turn up until the equivalent of the Inquisitor's Handbook; I want to be able to play as Reasonable Daemonette or Khornette alongside Cultist-chan and Dranon.

Well, not quite sure you'd be able to play as a full-out daemon, but I'd think a possessed marine is very much possible, or a daemon host.

I'm not sure this is a good idea from a role-playing perspective. It's tough enough to play a xenos PC, but daemons have an utterly inhuman mindset, more alien than an alien. I don't think any of the role-players I know would be good enough to pull it off.

Possessed or a mutant would certainly be an option as those have at least some human element for you to work with.


- V.

I really hope they are getting rid of Unnatural stats or flat multiplicators in general with BC.

Had to grin at the mentioning of Reasonable Daemonette, though.

Given that people can play Orks and Kroot in Rogue Trader, I wouldn't be too surprised, and I do not think it would be massively different from playing a CSM. Few people would get it right, but such difficulties already exist for many other careers in the existing RPGs, and then there are some who wouldn't care either way as long as they are having fun, so ... why not?

Apparently you can get them as minions either way, so someone ought to play them as well. If the GM can, so do his players.

Still, I don't think they would be available right away, simply because there's a lot of Lesser Daemons, and already there's a lot of "normal" human heretics that would have to come first. With a supplement, though ...

I hope they don't become playable. IMO it would cheapen the alien-ness these horrors (well, and the others) from a realm beyond normal space should possess.

Cifer said:

I hope they don't become playable. IMO it would cheapen the alien-ness these horrors (well, and the others) from a realm beyond normal space should possess.

I doubt they will force people to play demons.

On the other hand, I think BC will be restricted to humans.

I rather hope that due to the requirements: Must be human of the heretek, doesn't just the same thing as requirements: must be non-astartes.

I think roleplaying a daemon of Nurgle would be pretty easy. but daemon PCs would be... bizarre in the extreme. They only stick around for a small period of time, and probably can't progress to chaos spawn or daemon prince (though technically Fulgrim's possessing lesser daemon got promoted to DP, right?)

I rather hope that due to the requirements: Must be human of the heretek, doesn't just the same thing as requirements: must be non-astartes

I'd assume that further supplements may contain some Xenos like the Enoulians. For now, "human" will probably mean "non-astartes" indeed.

As far as playing a lesser daemon of the ruinous powers in Black Crusade?

...Perhaps not

More likely what you might find is perhaps something along the lines of a possessed PC template option, somewhat similar to the Daemon Vessel elite package in the RH for Dark Heresy - where the character grows giddily and gleefully more powerful as talents/traits are acquired as he/she descends into madness and plumbs the depths of their depravity/corruption in an ascent for power/influence. Probably something like a possessee-renegade in the old RoC/WH4K Rogue Trader days. In this case perhaps the rules may not initially appear in Black Crusade, but the big book of badass equivalent to the Inquisitor's Handbook.

Initially, no...

As the teasers have taught us there will be a corruption system....that could not apply to daemons....

Lynata said:

Apparently you can get them as minions either way, so someone ought to play them as well.

While I'd love to play a lesser daemon, I'd love to take a pack of pink horrors as minions: the gift that keeps on giving.

Just takes the rules given for lesser daemons in Mark of the Xenos, find an given average for stats for when you're rolling up stats, and go with it ;)

I wouldn't think there would be a Corruption/Infamy system for daemons as such, but maybe something to do with Favor and the need to keep one's essence solid if leaving a Daemon World or the Warp. And heck, maybe even a system involving once Favor reaches a certain level of being able to be transformed into a greater daemon.

vastrix said:

Just takes the rules given for lesser daemons in Mark of the Xenos, find an given average for stats for when you're rolling up stats, and go with it ;)

Those rules are quite weak for roleplay. For example, seduction powers of the Daemonette are not specified, which would be essential to a Daemonette PC.

I almost think something might be easier to cobble together than merely taking from the beastiaries. I even wonder if the system being previewed for Daemon Hunter may well end up used in this too...

One small point though.

Lesser daemons and to a certain degree greater daemons, are simple extensions of the will of one of the 4 chaos gods.

Unless you are unaligned lesser daemon. Possessed and Daemon princes are so powerful, because the human mind gives the semi-daemonic entitity more of a "free will" and human ingenuity.

deamon princes and possesed are human (or human like) that became deamons (or on the same level as greater deamons)

too a full greater demon of whatever power a deamon prince is a weaker but cunning ally. too the deamon prince the greater deamons are great lighting rods they can use too get the plan to go.

greater deamons being over all part of the manivestasion of there power and having something of a free will but not real. where the deamon prince still sorta has free will but has done so much too follow this or that "god" (i personaly do not think it totaly out of the realms for a deamon prince too change sides but it would take a lot of work