Arkham Horror Statistics Reports

By Tibs, in Arkham Horror Second Edition


I'm impressed...of course, Physics + Arkham Lore means you're becoming non-Euclidian...

It is 94. Whoops.

And yeah, luckily for me, we have not done any non-Euclidean math. Come to think of it, non-Euclidean geometry only really comes up in astrophysics. Our local spacetime is effectively flat, so Euclidean is perfectly good.

I assume that graduate courses will deal closely with general relativity and cosmology, and, with black holes in particular, non-Euclidean math will poke up constantly.

I'm someone with a background in History (BA) and International Relations (MS) ~ the closest I come to perfomring math calculations is balancing my checkbook. On second that...not even then cool.gif

The closest I come to history is learning about Einstein's breakthroughs. Usually scientific history is distilled into humorous anecdotes.

Watch the episode of Big Bang Theory in which Sheldon tries to teach a "bit of Physics" to Penny~ hysterical!

The Professor said:

Watch the episode of Big Bang Theory in which Sheldon tries to teach a "bit of Physics" to Penny~ hysterical!

"It's a warm summer evening in Ancient Greece!" (and you're returning home from the local market, or Agora - that's the point where you should start taking notes, Penny)


that's it, that's it, that's it!!! partido_risa.gif I find that show hysterical, because despite my friends and I not having advanced academic degrees in science, we're eerily too similar to those characters.

The Professor said:

that's it, that's it, that's it!!! partido_risa.gif I find that show hysterical, because despite my friends and I not having advanced academic degrees in science, we're eerily too similar to those characters.

Seconded! That show is actually one of my fave of all times (if only season five was as good as the previous four... sigh...) :-)

Well I guess I have to come in and crap on everyone's parade, but I don't like Big Bang Theory.

Still better than Better off Ted though, by a longshot.

Oh that reminds me, I said I'd post the transcript of the 94 game. It's long editing and review process is over, it's ready to publish (in no way did I forget).

It's available at

As it's 27 pages long, I figured I wouldn't spam the board with it. And before anyone asks the obvious question 'Why in sweet heavan did you do that?' - because I was asked to!

Hi all. Sorry about the late report. Again, and without shame, I'm claiming Electrodynamics as the reason.

Stats report for March 3 2012

The only thing of note is that I personally have filled the space for #1 contributor. The funny thing is, I'm in 1st by a single game, and I wrapped up a game right before remembering that I had to do the report. Well, we'll see how long that lasts anyway.

Tibs said:

Hi all. Sorry about the late report. Again, and without shame, I'm claiming Electrodynamics as the reason.

Stats report for March 3 2012

The only thing of note is that I personally have filled the space for #1 contributor. The funny thing is, I'm in 1st by a single game, and I wrapped up a game right before remembering that I had to do the report. Well, we'll see how long that lasts anyway.

Welcome on the top of the world!

As a side note, I did some excel (yeah, nothing better to do at lunchtime), studying submissions of top contributors with at least 100 games logged (yes, I download & archive every month the report); only 6 of them have been active in the last 5 months:

ArkhamRel, 2 games logged in november 2011
Hyou, 3 games logged (Nov, Dec 2011, Jan 2012)
Partizan, 1 game logged (Dec 2011)
Solan, 1 game logged (Nov 2011)
Julia, 25 games
Tibs, 34 games

So it seems like a natural process that I climbed a little the stair to the Olympus and you're sitting on the throne, from now to eternity

The stats report is up!

April 1 stats report

Someone named "John Dee" got the 8th Joining the Winning Team . And for this report, I've decided to add the names of all contributors, rather than the top 25. Give it a look!

Tibs said:

Someone named "John Dee" got the 8th Joining the Winning Team .

We need more of these demonio.gif !

Tibs said:

The stats report is up!

April 1 stats report

Someone named "John Dee" got the 8th Joining the Winning Team . And for this report, I've decided to add the names of all contributors, rather than the top 25. Give it a look!

Tibs, there is something wrong. Dunno if it's just me, but in case... in your latest report, these seem to be the most winning investigators ever:

George Barnaby 77%
Charlie Kane 76%
Skids O'Toole 72%

and the worst ever are:

Carolyn Fern 55%
Patrice Hathaway 55%
Mandy Thompson 54%

Is this an April Fool? Or did something went wrong in some other way?

Hahaha... it is an April Fool. I'll set them back now gui%C3%B1o.gif

Tibs said:

Hahaha... it is an April Fool. I'll set them back now gui%C3%B1o.gif


Hey hey… the new stats report is up . Have a look!

Julia said:

Tibs said:

Solan, 1 game logged (Nov 2011)

So it seems like a natural process that I climbed a little the stair to the Olympus and you're sitting on the throne, from now to eternity

Good grief! I haven't played Arkham since NOVEMBER ?!?! How on Earth did that happen?!? I suppose I was too caught up in the magic that is Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition, with both expansions. A truly wonderful board game, but no excuse for completely neglecting Arkham. This is an error that must be rectified!

Solan said:

Julia said:

Tibs said:

Solan, 1 game logged (Nov 2011)

So it seems like a natural process that I climbed a little the stair to the Olympus and you're sitting on the throne, from now to eternity

Good grief! I haven't played Arkham since NOVEMBER ?!?! How on Earth did that happen?!? I suppose I was too caught up in the magic that is Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition, with both expansions. A truly wonderful board game, but no excuse for completely neglecting Arkham. This is an error that must be rectified!

Ouch, I think I too haven't played since November. Or maybe it was early December. I guess that means I have to go on an Arkham binge soon, complete with ordering Miskatonic and leaving the boards deployed on my kitchen table for weeks on end :)

Tox said:

Solan said:

Julia said:

Tibs said:

Solan, 1 game logged (Nov 2011)

So it seems like a natural process that I climbed a little the stair to the Olympus and you're sitting on the throne, from now to eternity

Good grief! I haven't played Arkham since NOVEMBER ?!?! How on Earth did that happen?!? I suppose I was too caught up in the magic that is Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition, with both expansions. A truly wonderful board game, but no excuse for completely neglecting Arkham. This is an error that must be rectified!

Ouch, I think I too haven't played since November. Or maybe it was early December. I guess that means I have to go on an Arkham binge soon, complete with ordering Miskatonic and leaving the boards deployed on my kitchen table for weeks on end :)

That is indeed the required ritual. And though its value depends in part on how many expansions you use, I predict you'll be quite pleased with Miskatonic Horror; I was gui%C3%B1o.gif .

Stats report is up:

01 Jun 2012

It appears I have internet service in the WV mountains, so I can continue compiling these reports.

Likewise whilst I was never going to climb the dizzying heights, entering in our game tonight made me realise just how long it had been since the last. In my case, roughly since the week before Mass Effect 3 came out. I plead correlation but not causation…

Whoops, reporting two errors: in my second-to-last game (Rhan-Tegoth) a Rift opened, and in my last one (Abhoth) Wendy was amongst the investigators (although she turned into a fish-girl pretty soon =P )


Tox said:

Whoops, reporting two errors: in my second-to-last game (Rhan-Tegoth) a Rift opened, and in my last one (Abhoth) Wendy was amongst the investigators (although she turned into a fish-girl pretty soon =P )


Oh, and in the last one it was Patrice, not Carolyn. Yes, Patrice lost a game =P