Arkham Horror Statistics Reports

By Tibs, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

No, acquisitions that an investigator "come with" are not counted.

That´s what we thought :-)

Thanks for the quick reply.

Sorry for the late report. A number of things were responsible here.

I had a full work day, and also forgot it was the 1st of the month until about 4:30pm. Whoops!

Then, I decided to essentially rip down and re-compile all the stats ever submitted. Things like Lily Chen's final combat boost have definitely been corrupted along the way so I wanted to perform a "hard" reboot.

August stats report.

Of interest: Lily Chen's passed personal story now lends a (miniscule) bonus to final combat. Enas has now recorded the highest score: 56.

Thanks for the update. Minor nit: you refer to the new institutions as "Guardians". Of course, maybe that's not a mistake as, except for the Bureau, they are managing to help more than the real guardians!

I also made a mistake referring to the Guardians as "Heralds." I'll go poke around.

A small remark regarding my latest submission to the statistics (game # 6659). My wife and I tried to reach the theoretical maximum of points. The setup was chosen accordingly, i,e,

All monsters from all expansions.

The 24 gates from basegame, Dunwich and Kingsport.

Every investigator had an ability to generate/safeguard points or prolong the game time.

Patrice chosen to always be able to seal.

Jacqueline to prevent any doubledoom-mythos and remove a doomtoken via personal story.

Charlie to prevent terror track increases.

Marie to remove two doom tokens via special & personal story.

Mandy for the re-roll.

Akachi because of her starting trophy.

Hank to kill as many monsters as possible.

How we gained the points:

22 for gate trophies (William Bain, Nodens Encounter at Strange High House, 2x Eltdown Shards enabled 19 gates to open + starting trophy, Dunwich Horror added 2, 2 gate bursts).

35 points for 107 monster trophies.

All tasks (5) and two missions (Wave of Destruction & Sealing the Beast´s power) passed.

7 investigators, 14 doomtrack & terror @ 0 after 41 mythos cards.

Finally all investigators started Cursed, i.e Black Goat difficulty card +2 points.

I think that´s pretty much the maximum possible (if you are not luckier with the mission draws), but everyone is welcome to try ;-)

Best regards from Germany

Enas & Gwyn

All right everyone! The new stats report is up .

  • I've added a section to display the beautiful bell curve created by plotting reported scores. Which, while we're speaking of it...
  • Enas has once again set the record for the score, raising it to a whopping 87 .
  • You might have noticed that the loss by Act III has jumped considerably since Miskatonic hit the scene.
  • Lily Chen's "This Is It" has become confused again, but Norman Withers's "The Path Is Lit" is now available to view.

Enas, I set the drop-down score to cap at 99 thinking that nobody would really venture up that high. Should I raise it some more?


I would love to know what things were killed, and how many gates were in the possession of the group that yielded an 87!

The Professor

Don't ask me!

Enas was the last record holder; I'm sure he'll come on like last time and tell us how he and his wife did it.

Tibs, I just would like to point out a minor error in your stats report: in the section under most difficult Herald, the KiY stat should be changed into a percentage.

The Professor said:


I would love to know what things were killed, and how many gates were in the possession of the group that yielded an 87!

The Professor

Just check two posts above yours :-)

@Tibs: I think 99 is plenty. If we had drawn a few more surges or the right missions I think the low 90s are realistically possible. We got almost all available gate trophies (2 left) and only three of the remaining missions actually contribute points (For the Greater Good, Purifying The Town and Sacrifices to Make), the others cost points in form pf trophies or result in a loss. But it would need to be a rare draw of mythos cards to be able to kill ~21 more monsters... if I remember correctly we had about 20 left and some of them were "return to box". Finally, the +6 points difficulty card is actually only +1 due to the terrortrack increase involved.

ahhh, thanks, Enas. I hadn't seen the post.

The Professor said:

ahhh, thanks, Enas. I hadn't seen the post.

No problem, you´re welcome :-)

I await the addition of Arkham Nights Hastur with anticipation, so I can lay claim to mythos-busting herald mastery once and for all!

Submit it as regular Hastur game and I'll update it.

Hey everyone! Stat report's in!

Nov 1 2011

Of note is that Dagon & Hydra finally climbed to the top of the herald difficulty list, as they should. Let's see how long that lasts.

Chris, my last two logged games used used elements from MH (expanded encounters deck both for Innsmouth and Kingsporth, expanded Innsmouth look cards deck) and from the Lurker at the Treshold (apart from items, encounters and so on, half of the gates were taken from there). No Mythos nor OW encounters from any of these two sets, however. In your report, I didn't checked the box related to these two expansions basically because I didn't use the Mythos. Has this sense? Otherwise, could you correct my logs?

It's ultimately your discretion. If I were submitting the games, I would have checked the boxes, because after all the whole thing is based around probabilities. For example, before beginning the game, you would have said that you were about to play a LatT and MH game, right?

If you still want me to check the boxes, let me know and I'll do that for you.

Tibs said:

It's ultimately your discretion. If I were submitting the games, I would have checked the boxes, because after all the whole thing is based around probabilities. For example, before beginning the game, you would have said that you were about to play a LatT and MH game, right?

If you still want me to check the boxes, let me know and I'll do that for you.

I tend to check boxing according to some existing protocol. Since no protocol was ever codified, I'd check boxes according to what you'd have done if you were me. So, yes, please, check the boxes for me. And if you don't mind, raise the score of the last game (Hastur AN + Dagon) by one (I forgot to calculate an extra point for a mission accomplished)

And thank you!

OH. Sorry Julia, I misread what you posted. I thought you said that you added the Mythos cards but never drew them. You're right: in that case I would not have checked the boxes.

I'll still raise your score though.

Tibs said:

OH. Sorry Julia, I misread what you posted. I thought you said that you added the Mythos cards but never drew them. You're right: in that case I would not have checked the boxes.

I'll still raise your score though.

Sorry Chris, before reading your post I submitted a game with the previous protocol on ::laughter:: would you mind removing then Lurker and Miskatonic from my just posted Hastur AN + Hydra game?

Thanks for clarifying / the patience / having fixed my previous score!

(I'm so happy I finally have a table to play Arkham again! finally playing and submitting new games!)

Tibs, not so sure you noticed it, and not so sure it's that important, but entries 2171 and 2172 seem to be duplicates of the same entry

I try to catch every entry like that. I'll go fix it.

Did something get changed or fixed in the stats report? I just noticed that the combination of the Kingsport and Innsmouth board expansions has become the least deadly, instead of the most deadly.