Arkham Horror Statistics Reports

By Tibs, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

Yeah, seven, you're right. Anyway, Tibs?

For the first time, this is something that I can consider being able to do. Excel is not very forgiving in analyzing complex statistics, but asking for discreet expansion combinations is definitely in the realm of possibility. I may even be able to add this to the next report.

Wonderful! thx a lot!

That's outstanding ~ thanks, Julie for "batting your eyelashes" at Tibs gui%C3%B1o.gif For the past 6 months, I've kept my own private library of games and I'm curious of my win-loss ratio squares against several thousand games.

Hey guys. Heck of a busy day today. Compound that with the fact that adding the "board expansion" stats was a lot more difficult than I thought (I had to go back through the 5000 archived entries).

But anyway, the new stats are up:
May 1, 2011 stats report

One thing of note: the first 10-investigator game was submitted... in fact, there are three such submissions—all by some masochist with godlike patience named "Donut."

You're welcome for those.

Donut said:

You're welcome for those.


Tsathy exceeds Cthulhu in most dangerous AO? O_o

Very sad that a gigantic sloth is more powerful than one of the most central AOs in Lovecraft's mythos.

Well, you know, Cthulhu is by no means the most powerful of Lovecraft's entities. I'm rather sad that he's the most difficult of the base game AOs (Yog-Sothoth is much more terrible).

Tibs said:

Well, you know, Cthulhu is by no means the most powerful of Lovecraft's entities. I'm rather sad that he's the most difficult of the base game AOs (Yog-Sothoth is much more terrible).

Actually you have got a really good point there Tibs. Cthulhu is just merely a high priest, right? Shub-Niggurath, Nyarlathotep, Azathoth, and Hastur really should be stronger than him!

Sorry Tsathoggua, I take that comment back.

Sooo, just beat Bokrug in a solo game :) I'm saying this because I have a win ratio of about 30%, due to my usually super unlucky throws :P Akachi started fine but came to halt in the mid-late game (in the end she had been sent to the hospital I think 5 times), Zoey was the real workhorse of the game, William underperformed a bit (and was stuck on one gate trying to close it for something like 4-5 turns), Mark did fine and I will be using him on my next game too, I think. What I liked the most was how the game started thematically, for the characters speaking.

On the first turn William visited Father Michael and was blessed when he showed him (spent) the strange bodies (monster trophies). He was lucky enough to draw a Shoggoth during start-up.

Mark was lucky enough to survive R'lyeh and claim it as a reward (killing Barnabas Marsh with a molotov on the first space, seems the old mutant was looking for Cthulhu), even though in the second space he was thrown into a prison and lost 6 stamina (I guess there was a Shoggoth in the cell). Later he was lucky enough to have enough trophies while being the first player and was sent to the House in the Mist by the Mythos card (Changed). Oh, at the beggining of the game he visited the Lodge, where he gave Stanford his "Joining the Winning Team" card for 3$. Yeah, I bet Stanford was looking just for that!

Zoey started with the book of the believer (I guess she thought it was the Bible, heh), came upon a Summon Shantak spell which she used once to get out of a tough spot (..traveled on the wings of an angel!) and accumulated 3 Madness cards in the end of the game, fittingly creating a "mad" character such as she.

Akachi took the down road when she was stabbed by a stranger in the Unvisited Isle, the injury card reducing her to 2 max stamina. Didn't do much from then on, except be sent 3 more times to St Mary's.

All four Beings of Ib were removed from Bokrug's sheet :) In the end the AO had 5 doom tokens, and to think he came pretty close to be awakened (10 tokens). Two rifts were open at once at one point and another opened late in the game, but fortunately they didn't do much moving and they never added a doom token! With a high number of monster surges and Rifts the terror track reached 10, and Bokrug would have awakened on the next surge due to too many monsters if I hadn't sealed the last portal (thank you again Mark). First citizen: Zoey. Good luck with that, Arkham :P

All in all a pretty satisfying game :)

June 1 stats report is up:

June 1 2011 Report

Sigh - a whole month with no games for me. llorando.gif Can't wait until I'm in my new apartment and can unpack all my Arkham stuff. With luck Miskatonic and/or the revised CotDP will be available to play with.

Sorry for the inconvinience, but for my last entry (# 1235 vs. Shudde Mell) I forgot to tick the "All Investigators passed their personal stories" box. Wouldn´t want to let my error stand ^^

Best regards


Hey. Sorry it took me so long to get up the new report but we were cleaning the apartment all day. Also I took a brief tangent to look into my number crunching.

Small question for Tibs:

I just submitted some info from my last game and I was wondering about something. When do you judge an expansion as being used or not used? For my last game I used the vanilla AH Mythos deck, but added in all Arkham Encounters Cards, Gate Cards and all Common Items, Unique Items, etc. from a number of expansions (CotDP, KH, BGotW & IH). Personal stories were used along with the Tulzscha guardian.

Would I have to have had marked those expansions as being used even if I didn't use the boards and/or Mythos cards?

I'd say to use your judgment. Mythos and boards are the biggest factor of course, but if you use everything but those, then that's pretty close to using the expansion.

Tulzscha didn't matter, since AOs, Investigators, Personal Stories, Injury/Madness, Epic Battle, Guardians, and most Heralds are not expansion-specific in theme or mechanics. Besides, most of those components have a checkbox.

I have all skills, items and spells permanently mixed in the decks. I check the expansion only when I'm playing with that expansion's Mythos/board.

That works. Do you have Miskatonic yet? And if so, do you mind telling me what two of the skills do? I'm very close to revising my "Thematic Starting Possessions" variant and the anticipation is killing me.

Hey, Tibs! What would you say to the idea of adding a box for "Final Battle reached "The End of Everything"' to your report sheet? I think that's as worthy of note as Bokrug Departing and it would be nice get an idea of how many other players occassionally reach that card.

Hmm. Yeah, that sounds easy enough.

Did you want me to modify any of your recent reports?

Tibs said:

Hmm. Yeah, that sounds easy enough.

Did you want me to modify any of your recent reports?

Yes! If you could add that we reached the end of everything in our most recent Nyarlathotep report, I would appreciate it.

A quick question about reporting.

First off, I apologize, as this question has probably been asked before but I don't have the time to scan the board at the moment

Anyway, in the game I played this morning, Nyarlathotep's 'Join Me!' Sinister Plot was drawn for the first time. Nyarlathotep and the traitor ended up winning, of course. When reporting, should I treat it as a win or a loss? I essentially just reported it as a loss as normal and just checked the corresponding box for 'Join Me!'. Seemed like the most appropriate way to go about it, but I thought I'd ask to make sure if there was a different protocol.

Hyoushitsu said:

First off, I apologize, as this question has probably been asked before but I don't have the time to scan the board at the moment

At 45 pages, I don't blame you.

Hyoushitsu said:

Anyway, in the game I played this morning, Nyarlathotep's 'Join Me!' Sinister Plot was drawn for the first time. Nyarlathotep and the traitor ended up winning, of course. When reporting, should I treat it as a win or a loss? I essentially just reported it as a loss as normal and just checked the corresponding box for 'Join Me!'. Seemed like the most appropriate way to go about it, but I thought I'd ask to make sure if there was a different protocol.

That's the way I'd do it. The Ancient One won, so the investigators lost. The one "winning" investigator, even if it was the only one all game, became a traitor or was tricked and wound up doing the opposite of what the investigators have been fighting to do all game, every game.


regarding the "Special Acquisitions" section of the reports. When an investigator is devoured, is the starting equipment of the replacement considered as gained during setup, e.g. do I check "Silver Twilight Membership" if Diana is the replacement investigator?

Best regards
