Arkham Horror Statistics Reports

By Tibs, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

Meh, I like how it only uses the meat'n'potatoes of Arkham. Though maybe there could be a few buttons to stress that it's Custom. Then again, people can play with a bunch house rules without any real notice in the game statistics...

One could differ to "minor house rule custom" which isn't noted at all, and "major custom" like a scenario or similar.

On a different note - we had a game break up about midway due to the hour being way too late. I don't find how to record it.. If anything, it was completely surely that we'd lose, and I suppose most non-finished games are losing games.. perhaps making the results a tad shew?

There's an option for "forfeit" in the results category.

One game I realized I had TOTALLY forgotten to include the "+1 toughness" to monsters with Shub-Niggurath, so I didn't record it here :-x I figured the game was skewed enough that it was a personal victory, but wouldn't be right if I included it in the main statistics gathering that Tibs and others do so painstakingly!

EcnoTheNeato said:

There's an option for "forfeit" in the results category.

One game I realized I had TOTALLY forgotten to include the "+1 toughness" to monsters with Shub-Niggurath, so I didn't record it here :-x I figured the game was skewed enough that it was a personal victory, but wouldn't be right if I included it in the main statistics gathering that Tibs and others do so painstakingly!

oh, totally missed that one, will use it next time, thanks.

i forgot shub's extra toughness for about 2-3 games in a row, then we repositioned the Ancient One on the table and now we never forget. :)

Yeah, I only want to see official characters get recorded. Penny Arcade and Calvin Wright were just novelty investigators.

If I added a "custom" character check to the roster, it wouldn't do much. It would be meaningless to add stats on it, because a "custom" character could be anyone's. Personally when I use a custom character I just don't include it when I submit the game.

If you feel that your house rules negligably affect the game (I use many "thematic" house rules that pretty much break even in difficulty), then you should just submit the game. If you're using MAJOR custom stuff, like a scenario or herald (I'm looking at you, Avi), then you shouldn't submit the game.

In future reports, I'm considering disregarding some elements of some of the recorded games in the interest of extracting more "accurate" results. I won't mention any until I'm sure I can actually pull it off.

Tibs said:

Yeah, I only want to see official characters get recorded. Penny Arcade and Calvin Wright were just novelty investigators.

If I added a "custom" character check to the roster, it wouldn't do much. It would be meaningless to add stats on it, because a "custom" character could be anyone's. Personally when I use a custom character I just don't include it when I submit the game.

If you feel that your house rules negligably affect the game (I use many "thematic" house rules that pretty much break even in difficulty), then you should just submit the game. If you're using MAJOR custom stuff, like a scenario or herald (I'm looking at you, Avi), then you shouldn't submit the game.

In future reports, I'm considering disregarding some elements of some of the recorded games in the interest of extracting more "accurate" results. I won't mention any until I'm sure I can actually pull it off.

What? What did I do? I never submit ;'D Are people sending you reports using stuff I made?

Avi_dreader said:

What? What did I do? I never submit ;'D Are people sending you reports using stuff I made?

I don't even touch the stuff you make lengua.gif . But then, it's not just you, I don't touch HBs with a 10-foot pole.

Dam said:

Avi_dreader said:

What? What did I do? I never submit ;'D Are people sending you reports using stuff I made?

I don't even touch the stuff you make lengua.gif . But then, it's not just you, I don't touch HBs with a 10-foot pole.

That's why all the stuff I make says "Not for use by Dam" in very fine print.

Avi_dreader said:

What? What did I do? I never submit ;'D Are people sending you reports using stuff I made?

You never submit, Avi! You bow to no master!

EcnoTheNeato said:

Avi_dreader said:

What? What did I do? I never submit ;'D Are people sending you reports using stuff I made?

You never submit, Avi! You bow to no master!

What can I say, animated movie Megatron was a role-model growing up.

in yesterday's game we won by closing gates, but one of the investigators succeeded the mission Sealing The Beast's Power. when reporting, i didn't note this mission in the final battle modifier field since we didn't have a final battle. should i had done that anyways as the mission actually was succeeded?

No, because Sealing the Beast's Power didn't affect your final battle, since there wasn't one.

my latest game, against Azathoth, he awoke due to the doom track. this somehow i failed to input when submitting the game report..

also, how come "the tattered king" is among the rumors that one can check as passed, when it has no pass condition? i mean, none were devoured from the rumor when we had it, so it wasn't really feeling like a failure.

"Virulent Disease" and "Tattered King" are checked as passed if and only if nobody failed to get vaccinated, or was in the street, respectively. I included that in the explanatory text in that portion of the submission form.

So if in your game, nobody was in the street when The Tattered King failed, you'd check the "passed" box. It's just to indicate that the rumor claimed no victims despite its failure. If I only offered the "fail" checkbox, then I wouldn't include it on stats reports because it could never be passed.

I moved it to "passed" and added your "doom tokens" information.

missed that description when i submitted then. i see it now, makes sense.


The February 1 stats report is now up and ready.

One new entry is that I have enough info to report on how Joey the Rat affects final combat. He increases it about 5%!

Tibs said:

The February 1 stats report is now up and ready.

One new entry is that I have enough info to report on how Joey the Rat affects final combat. He increases it about 5%!

I always hated that guy, blight or not.

"Hey, I have kids to feed y'know!" Oh please... gui%C3%B1o.gif

if we have five seals and one opened gate, and the one closing that one has enough clues to seal (or using elder sign parchment, as was our case). is it a win by seals, a win by closing gates or both? and if the latter, how should i report it - as a closing win as they're more uncommon and thus "better"? :)

That happened to me once or twice. I called it a closing victory, because I figured that I could use those clues to close the gate and still win if I didn't close it initially. That and because it's more rare...

Yeah, I usually put "close." In order to seal a gate, you must first close it.

Tibs said:

Yeah, I usually put "close." In order to seal a gate, you must first close it.

not when using elder sign or parchment of the elder sign..

Tibs said:

Yeah, I usually put "close." In order to seal a gate, you must first close it.

not when using elder sign or parchment of the elder sign..

Ah, Elder sign yes, parchment, no. You still have to close the gate to seal with the parchment :-D But good call on the elder sign. But if you wanna get all weird and technical, if you use an elder sign, the seal and close would happen at the same time I guess...? So would you technically choose which happens first...? I know that sounds backwards, but yeah...anyway...I'll just stick with "you can choose either, but I choose closing"...

but. uhm. well.. you have to discard the card before making the check to close.. so you throw dice to close but if you succeed you cannot just close it as you've already decided to seal it. it's a seal that cannot become just a closed gate.

Right. But's it's still closed first ;-) Just think of it as a substitute for clues that you sacrifice before rolling. You still roll "before attempting to close" so you still close it, and when (or after, depending on how you want to look at it) you close it, it then becomes sealed. ^_^ THat's just for the parchment though. Either way, I still say it's up to you. That's the way I look at it. You may very well look at it another way. To be honest, none of this really matters because you still won, and all you're wondering is what box to check happy.gif

The most important stats in the report are the AO difficulties. Picking one or the other does not affect AO stats. It only affects the section that depicts how easy it is to win with certain methods as a function of investigator number.