Arkham Horror Statistics Reports

By Tibs, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

Ahhh. Yes, you'd have to get some unfortunate luck to get an awakening by too many open gates in only 6 Mythos, and you'd need some miraculously-obtained attack-cancelers to last 8 battle turns.


After having finished what must have been the most frustrating game session I ever had, I realized, that one of the options in the survey doesn't really do the reality of the game justice:

In last night's game against Cthuga using the Dunwich expansion I lost after an agonizing 30 turns mainly because of my new personal record of four gate bursts occuring (not counting games against Atlach-Nacha, naturally), twice right after sealing that particular gate. In this session I closed a total of 17 gates, eight or nine of which I had sealed - but unfortunately never more than five at the same time. llorando.gif

Okay, enough venting - what I'd really like to see would be a text field for the number of gate bursts that occured in a game. A binary yes/no indicating if one or more gate bursts occured doesn't really tell the game's story accurately enough. What do you think? Would it be possible/worthwhile?

P.S.: Merry Christmas (or whatever else you may be celebrating) everyone! angel.gif

@Tibs: Could you please correct one of the games I reported? It's the game against Quachil Uttaus which I accidentally reported with a nickname of 'J' instead of my usual 'jhaelen'. Also the score should only be '22' rather than the '24' I entered (I forgot about the two elder signs I had used). Thanks!

A happy new year to everyone! angel.gif

I fixed your entry.

Also, representing multiple gate bursts would require a new field. I want to try to avoid that because it takes up so much space.

Tibs said:

I fixed your entry.

Regarding the # of gate bursts, I guess, I might just start a thread asking what everyone's record is...

So, Rhan Tegoth is currently the most difficult AO? Interesting. I noticed he was pretty difficult, particularly since it's so unplannable when he awakens and also a bit frustrating since there's absolutely nothing you can do against it (apart from finding means to remove doom markers). Atlach Nacha by comparison has an ability that is more obvious in its difficulty, hence you automatically play differently, resulting in a better success rate than I'd have thought.

I kinda look at it like a mixture between how difficult an AO is to beat in final combat, compared with how easy they wake up. Azathoth is unbeatable, but, of course, the hardest to wake up. Similarly, Yig is the easiest to wake up, but is considered (statistically) the easiest to beat.

So since Rhan-Tegoth is the 2nd easiest to wake up (thanks to his short Doom Track and special ability), couple that with the fact that he's #13 in hardest to battle (though he's basically in a 3rd "tier" of AOs in ease of battle, from the Nearly-Impossible, to the Very Hard, and to the Hard). So that ratio makes him, statistically, the most dangerous ^_^ I think Atlach Natcha WAS the most difficult last month. But meh, stuff fluctuates (especially since Atlatch Natcha is just above Rhan in difficulty in FC and just below him in ease of awakening)

Speaking of which, Tibs, not that we don't appreciate all that you do, but would it be easy to incorporate something that tracks changes? Like a +/- to the win percentage of this month versus last month? I think the win percentage went down from 63-ish to 62-ish. Just something that I think would be neat, but I'm not sure if that would be easy at all for you :-x Thanks for updating on the Holiday, too! I was expecting it to come out today instead! Then again, the Dark Pharaoh never sleeps...

Certainly it is no coincidence. An AO's difficulty percentage comes almost entirely by losing against it in final combat, so that's going to be a marriage of difficulty to keep in slumber and difficulty to win in combat. It's obviously not that the AOs themselves change from month to month. Ideally, I'd have at a bunch of submissions of each AO with each combination of expansions, investigators, heralds, and guardians, and with consistent "final battle" conditions such as Kevin's clue-seal rule. Clearly, this is not possible, so instead I just assume that each month's stats is a more accurate representation of the AOs and such than the last month's. AOs like Daoloth and New-thulhu won't have meaningful entries until at least 25 games are logged. Note that there are still Final Battle situations like Joey the Rat that haven't even shown up on the stats report yet thanks to lack of entries.

Rhan-Tegoth is my least favorite AO because his highly random ability makes him wake quicker and more fiercely. I suspect that players have just had unlucky streaks against him and he'll fall off again. Though Rhan is still top-tier, I still maintain that Atlach-Nacha is the hardest.

Also note that Dagon and Hydra are individually more difficult than they are together. Obviously, this can't be true. In fact, I've been counting "Dagon & Hydra" games towards the difficulty of Dagon and Hydra on their own just to bring their individual difficulty percentages down. Many more Dagon and/or Hydra games need to be logged so that their "true" difficulties will be more evident.

I don't think I can add a +/- feature because what I do is paste the AOs right out of my spreadsheet and sort the list. It would be a nightmare tracking which ones rose or fell and by how much. And like I said before: an AO's absolute difficulty doesn't change; our submissions merely tend the reports towards representing their absolute difficulties.

No problem on the New Year report. Though, it didn't occur to me that it was the 1st, and "1st = report," until about 4 o'clock.

Ah yes. He is quite fierce, and the more data we collect, hopefully we can be more precise AND accurate! And yeah, I noticed the Dagon+Hydra thing, too, and found it odd. Hopefully the tweaking helps it out! I won't be getting Innsmouth for a month or two, so I'll have to wait to contribute in that manner :-) Thanks as always, Tibs!

Tibs said:

Rhan-Tegoth is my least favorite AO because his highly random ability makes him wake quicker and more fiercely. I suspect that players have just had unlucky streaks against him and he'll fall off again. Though Rhan is still top-tier, I still maintain that Atlach-Nacha is the hardest.

I actually like Rhan-Tegoth, because I enjoy the way he sucks the Investigators' blood and thereby grows more powerful. I also like that the fight against him is very difficult, but not impossible as it is for many of the AO's. Finally, I enjoy the tension provoked by each draw from the monster cup. All of that said, he utterly annihilated us in a game yesterday when we drew *FOUR* Cultists in the first seven turns.

My least favorite AO is probably Hastur, whose eight clue requirement for sealing is just supremely tiresome and makes for a very unfun game.

jhaelen said:

Regarding the # of gate bursts, I guess, I might just start a thread asking what everyone's record is...

Tonight we had a total of 5 (FIVE) gate bursts in a game against Tsathoggua. Never ever had such a bad luck. Probably because we used Dunwich + Kingsport + Lurker Mythos, but nonetheless we had gate bursts everywhere. And three rifts openings. A nightmare. We lost by final combat a game where we were able to close 12 gates and seal 8 of them :.shock::

Julia said:

Tonight we had a total of 5 (FIVE) gate bursts in a game against Tsathoggua. Never ever had such a bad luck. Probably because we used Dunwich + Kingsport + Lurker Mythos, but nonetheless we had gate bursts everywhere. And three rifts openings. A nightmare. We lost by final combat a game where we were able to close 12 gates and seal 8 of them :.shock::

How many gate bursts does Lurker add? I don't have it, since the German version has not yet been released.

jhaelen said:

Ouch! That's sounds really bad.

How many gate bursts does Lurker add? I don't have it, since the German version has not yet been released.

It seems to me it's similar to the Black Goat, but I don't have the cards with me now, so I can't check it. In case, later on today I'll be able to tell you more precisely. And yes, it was bad. 2 gate bursts at the Witch house (both the round immediately after the one we sealed), 1 at the Graveyard, 1 at the Black Cave, 1 at the Unvisited Isle

I added "Gate Location" and "Special Type" columns to the Mythos card section of the wiki, so you can sort them and count. But to answer your question, Black Goat and Lurker both have 7 gate burst cards, in the same locations.

Hey Tibs,

I just realized that my log from this past Tuesday (finally got to play again after a month) should have included that the Dunwich Horror awoke. Thanks!

Tibs said:

I added "Gate Location" and "Special Type" columns to the Mythos card section of the wiki, so you can sort them and count. But to answer your question, Black Goat and Lurker both have 7 gate burst cards, in the same locations.

A great idea, thanx!

Tibs said:

I added "Gate Location" and "Special Type" columns to the Mythos card section of the wiki, so you can sort them and count. But to answer your question, Black Goat and Lurker both have 7 gate burst cards, in the same locations.


Hey Tibs, quick correction. It should be MANDY in my battle against Shub, not Amanda. Not to be confused with Amanda who battle Shudde M'ell...Stupid similar names :-x

We still make that mistake. Both characters are my fiancées favorite, and she confuses one for the other all the time, so they might as well be the same character to her.

... Uh, you don't have a recently submitted Shub game. You have a Shudde M'ell with Amanda, and a Yog-Sothoth right before it with Amanda. Which one should be changed to Mandy?

...dangit it. Change Yog-Sothoth to Shub (I get them mixed up, too. Not sure why...). That's the one that should have Mandy instead of Amanda. Thanks Tibs :-x


I've just filed my 12th game, whereby I used 4 Investigators (Randomly Selected and then removed for subsequent games until all 24 were used) & 1 of the 12 GOOs. The last two games, one against Yig, the other Abhoth were victories at Final Combat, but let me tell you the battle against Abhoth was a nail-biter ~ he's a beast, absorbing 90% of all Items, Trophies, and Clues (in the end, I had a stack of 3 Clues; 3 Monster & 5 Gate Trophies; the Patrol Wagon; 5 Common, 7 Unique, and 3 Exhibit Items; and 9 Spells!) In the end, Sister Mary (Blessed) had a Flamethrower, Michael clung to his Tommy Gun, Mandy had the Deputy's Pistol, and Harvey used his Storm of Spirits.

Just curious, now that we're well over 5,000 games, do you have the ability (or do I) to search for those games I've played on your spreadsheet, so I can keep track of them?

The Professor

You can use ctrl+F (or Command+F for the cool Mac kids!) and type in your username and make a spreadsheet of your own ^_^ When I get my real computer (the one I'm on now is temporary after mine died), I'll be using that and making a Excel Document once I get another computer.

So as far as I know, you can't just type something into a search bar where it only shows your stuff, but you can certainly find your own entries pretty easy with your browser's built in "Find" feature!

Right. If you're looking at the HTML one, a "find" function will work. Or if you're looking at the excel-like spreadsheet, go to File>Download As and you can save it as your own spreadsheet.


Thank you both very much!

The Professor

Any chance we could get some options added for when variant characters/GOOs/heralds, etc., are used? I realize that might negate the use of any of the stats for the sake of everything not being "official", but it would be nice to record everything in that format, anyway.