Sure thing, doomturtle. I've added a field that I will update each week. As it happens, there have been 118 submitted games since last month's report.
Sigismond said:
Daoloth and Cthulhu - revised? Did I miss new expansion ?
These two AO sheets were handed out at the recent Arkham Nights event in Minnesota. Daoloth's ability replaces all open gates with randomly drawn gates whenever there is a monster surge. His final combat attack is to draw a mythos card, and the effect is based off of what is present at the depicted location, but usually it kills the 1st player if the depicted location doesn't have an elder sign.
Revised Cthulhu does exactly everything that the original does, except that Cultists are also aquatic monsters, and if you go insane/unconscious you lose one maximum sanity/stamina, respectively.
You can see a picture of them here .