Arkham Horror Statistics Reports

By Tibs, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

Just a little question: how should I handle Silas passing his PS while recording my games? I mean, in a couple of occasions I won by sealing with 5 seals on the board and Silas sacrificing himself for the 6th seal. I do not understand properly the timing of his sacrifice; it is:

a) Silas sacrifices himself - the gate is sealed - the game is won (no replacement investigator drawn)

b) Silas sacrifices himself - a new investigator is drawn - the gate is sealed - the game is won?

I'd say a), but in this first case, it's not recorded anywhere on the spreadsheet that this character has been devoured; in the other case, the replacement character will figure out as winner of the game (this influences some stats of the spreadsheet) even if he/she hasn't done anything in the whole game apart being drawn from the investigators pool

And a thought: always in the small section records, could be fun to know the maximum number of rumors passed / failed in a single game

Ultimately the Silas thing comes down to a timing issue. However, the way I would do it is that you win the game, and he's devoured, but you don't draw a new investigator (because s/he will not be used anyway). It's pretty clear that this person has died to save the team, regardless of if he passed out moments after the 6th seal was deployed, but it's still nice to commemorate him.

Julia said:

And a thought: always in the small section records, could be fun to know the maximum number of rumors passed / failed in a single game

Unfortunately, I don't think I can do that one. I have an idea for a way to trick Excel but it's probably not going to work...

I did a manual look-see on the Rumors after my 4 completed Rumor game, I think there was at least one 5 completed Rumor game listed and a couple of other 4s. Yes, I'm anal about things cool.gif .

Tibs said:

Ultimately the Silas thing comes down to a timing issue. However, the way I would do it is that you win the game, and he's devoured, but you don't draw a new investigator (because s/he will not be used anyway). It's pretty clear that this person has died to save the team, regardless of if he passed out moments after the 6th seal was deployed, but it's still nice to commemorate him.

Ok, so basically in a 5 investigator game using Silas, I have to record all my 5 investigators, then record that 1 was devoured and then nothing else, right?
In this case, would you mind eliminate from the list of investigators of my latest game recorded (yesterday against Tsath) Zoey?
And thank you!

@Dam: 5 rumors in a single game? Which ones? Just curious about it, and knowing that probably if you have recorded the number of rumors, then you'd know even some gory details ::smiling::

Julia said:

@Dam: 5 rumors in a single game? Which ones? Just curious about it, and knowing that probably if you have recorded the number of rumors, then you'd know even some gory details ::smiling::

It's listed in the "first 2500 games" section, logger Vitus. Looks like:

Cursed Relics, Disturbing the Dead, The Southside Strangler Strikes, The Stars Are Right, The Tattered King

Around the halfway mark of the page. Yes, I scrolled through them angel.gif . If you want to find the game in question faster, search for "goddamn" to jump to it.

Also, looks like there's another 5 Rumor session in the "Current games" section, logger jaklide: Disturbing the Dead, Good Work Undone, The Great Ritual, The Stars Are Right, The Terrible Experiment (7 hour game)

My 4 Rumors were The Great Ritual, Return to the Old Ways, Riots, The Southside Strangler Strikes, game lasted 18 Mythos (1h 45 min), that's some Rumor-ratio. Of those, only Riots is a bastard, RttOW is arguably the easiest Rumor in the game. 1 Common item for 2 Clues each investigator? Yes please, can I have some more? With Marie in the game, Great Ritual was a breeze and since those two Rumors both give 2 Clues each for passing, Southside Strangler's 5 Clue pass clause wasn't much at all.

(This response to Julia about my 0-doom token/Ghroth game was still open; guess I forgot to press "publish"):

AO was Yibb-Tstll. But after a couple Elder Signs, Eltdown Shards, hits from Marie Lambeau's witch blood and visits from William Bain, Yibb was reduced to 0 doom tokens in time to be banished by no open gates. Yibb was too embarrassed to show her face(?) for a long time after that.

Thank you, Tibs and Dam gui%C3%B1o.gif It looks like Yibb is often beaten to death in some terrific ways ::laughing::

As far as the 4 rumors thing is concerned, my four were Cover-up, Disturbing the Dead, The Great Ritual and Plans in Motion . The funny thing is that the Cover-up rumor was passed during the last round of the game, with Tsath at 12 doomers; so in case we hadn't won the game by closing, it would have been interesting to see whether with 5 blessed investigator, that dam(n) ancient beast could have been beaten during the final battle.

I don't really know whether what happened to me yesterday can be of any importance for the data of the spreadsheet, but... it happened to me to have an investigator (Hank) being devoured by a corruption. Basically, he drew the Vessel of the Mythos corruption card ( ).

Since he had 6 other corruption cards, his Sanity went below zero and he was devoured. I noticed that some special events are recorded in the sheet (like being devoured for reaching 0 Sanity & Stamina, or retiring and similar stuff), so maybe this could be of some interest. Don't know

I thought about "devoured by 0 maximum" but figured that people would check it like crazy if they lost against Cthulhu. But, I guess, the same may hold true for Yig and "0 sanity/stamina" so sure, I'll add it.

Tibs said:

I thought about "devoured by 0 maximum" but figured that people would check it like crazy if they lost against Cthulhu. But, I guess, the same may hold true for Yig and "0 sanity/stamina" so sure, I'll add it.

Thx Tibs!

Hey hey hey everyone! I was out of town this week and I got home at quarter to 9, sorry for the late update. Anyway, here's the stats report:

Stats Report for Jul 1 2010

Of note:

  • Julia drove the final nail into the coffin of Rhan-Tegoth on the Mythos Busters page! Woo-hoo!
  • You might notice that investigators from different expansions have begun to inter-mix in the "number of games" column. A Kingsport investigator (Daisy) has had more plays than a Dunwich one (Jim).

Tibs, what about adding an entry for being devoured by the devouring gate of the upcoming Lurker?

I guess it will depend on if it is an infrequent occurrence. But yeah, probably I can add it.

I was hoping you would add a "Relationship cards" under Guardians and a "Lurker Gates" under Heralds for those who decide to play with one or both, but not the rest of the Lurker expansion.

The problem with that is that you can use a Guardian as well as the Relationship cards, and a Herald as well as the Lurker gates. But you do bring up a good point... I may have to add a "Lurker Gate" field and possibly a "Relationship" field.

---(some time later)---

All right, I've added a field called "Add-ons" that's supposed to include checkboxes for Injury/Madness, Personal Story cards, and the Lurker components. Also, I've re-arranged the form fields so that they're in an order that makes more sense.

When scoring a Final Combat victory, do you guys also count the unspent monster and gate tokens of devoured investigators or only the ones belonging to surviving investigators at the end of FInal Combat?

When an investigator is devoured during final combat, I discard all their trophies as there is no replacement investigator to claim them.

Then if it is so, my score against Nyarly is not 17, but 12. Of course, the only investigator to be devoured was the one with the most gate trophies (2) and monster trophies (9) :P

I don't like this thread not being stickied anymore and having to search for it. Did someone forget to renew their sticky license?

I actually never asked for it to be stickied in the first place. I just woke up one day, and there it was.

Well I wish it would sticky itself again. I'm going to start chewing gum around this thread. But anyway, while I'm here, what about adding the Black Goat difficulty cards to the add-ons section of the spreadsheet. Do you think anyone uses them? I don't, but who knows about others. I do like to use the dual-color gate cards no matter what expansions I play. Would that be good for the add-ons section, or would that be possibly less used than the difficulty cards?

The dual-color gate thing is a good idea, but then again there's a "dual-color gate" events checkbox, so that kind of makes it redundant. Something I could do is just add another field for what difficulty was being used, but I'm not interested in doing stats reports for anything other than default difficulty.

DoomTurtle said:

I don't like this thread not being stickied anymore and having to search for it. Did someone forget to renew their sticky license?

Me too, it adds a surprising amount to the gasme experience!

Julia said:

Tibs, what about adding an entry for being devoured by the devouring gate of the upcoming Lurker?

I've added this in the "Special Events" section.

Tibs, any chance of adding "Pact or Bound Ally" to the Special Acquisitions section?