Arkham Horror Statistics Reports

By Tibs, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

Sure thing, doomturtle. I've added a field that I will update each week. As it happens, there have been 118 submitted games since last month's report.

Sigismond said:

Daoloth and Cthulhu - revised? Did I miss new expansion ;) ?

These two AO sheets were handed out at the recent Arkham Nights event in Minnesota. Daoloth's ability replaces all open gates with randomly drawn gates whenever there is a monster surge. His final combat attack is to draw a mythos card, and the effect is based off of what is present at the depicted location, but usually it kills the 1st player if the depicted location doesn't have an elder sign.

Revised Cthulhu does exactly everything that the original does, except that Cultists are also aquatic monsters, and if you go insane/unconscious you lose one maximum sanity/stamina, respectively.

You can see a picture of them here .

Very cool Tibs, thanks so much!

Is there an url adress with them? I would like to print these AO.

Tibs said:

The stat report is up. Not too much info on Daoloth and New-thulhu; all three such logged games were won by Julia .

Julia has just beated Daoloth again, with Dagon & Hydra enhancing his ability and man, it was *really* difficult. His ability to switch gates on monster surges with many investigators in OW at the same time produced a LOT of characters LiTaS, and thanks to Hydra this increased the monsters in the Outskirts, thus some unexpected terror level increases triggering Dagon ability and we won just because we were lucky enough to gather the last clues for sealing thanks to the Favor of Nodens.

Anyway, a quick note: in the Small record section, the maximum score registred is 45. Shouldn't it be 48 (I scored 48 in an Eihort game on October, the 15th)?

Okay. So apparently, What's been happening is that allowing players to type in their scores and such has registered the scores as "text" rather than "numbers." Thus, the formula I wrote wasn't able to pick up on new higher scores. I fixed that error by changing the offending fields on the submission form to a drop-down format.

Also, it's about time I stuck names to the record holders ;)

Tibs said:

Okay. So apparently, What's been happening is that allowing players to type in their scores and such has registered the scores as "text" rather than "numbers." Thus, the formula I wrote wasn't able to pick up on new higher scores. I fixed that error by changing the offending fields on the submission form to a drop-down format.

Also, it's about time I stuck names to the record holders ;)

Thx ;-)

Thanks a lot for the image, Tibs, but there is one important detail I can't make out: does Daoloth add ONE or THREE Doom tokens in final battle when you draw a Mythos card without a gate opening?

Solan said:

Thanks a lot for the image, Tibs, but there is one important detail I can't make out: does Daoloth add ONE or THREE Doom tokens in final battle when you draw a Mythos card without a gate opening?

As far as I can read (the image is a little blurred), you should add 1 doomer to the doom track

It definitely says "1 doom token is added."

Thanks, Julia and Tibs!

So I'm curious, have you obtained enough information to make statistical assertions about the length of games?

I know it is a field where people can put anything they want, and different people measure it in different ways, be it time, mythos phases, turns, or lamentations about how brutal the game was. I'm just interested in what other people's experiences are.

flamethrower49 said:

So I'm curious, have you obtained enough information to make statistical assertions about the length of games?

I know it is a field where people can put anything they want, and different people measure it in different ways, be it time, mythos phases, turns, or lamentations about how brutal the game was. I'm just interested in what other people's experiences are.

- adding / removing expansion cards

- setup time

- pure gaming time vs. raw time taken (see below)

- cleanup time

For us, setup alone can take half an hour. Our games also tend to be interrupted a lot, making it difficult to measure unless you're using a stop watch.

When playing solo (with four investigators) my games take from 2 - 6 hours (yeah, I'm slow, I know). Note, that I never forfeit a game. I usually go for a victory by seals.

Tibs, an idea.. what about adding a control check in the special events section for Tulzscha's cultists removing ES from the board? (asked innocently Julia, knowing the next game will be with Tzulscha as Herald)

jhaelen said:

For us, setup alone can take half an hour. Our games also tend to be interrupted a lot, making it difficult to measure unless you're using a stop watch.

When playing solo (with four investigators) my games take from 2 - 6 hours (yeah, I'm slow, I know). Note, that I never forfeit a game. I usually go for a victory by seals.

Yup, the time can vary heavily, depending on too many factors. This is why I measure the length of the game simply by counting the number of Mythos cards resolved (including Mythos zero).

Generally speaking, my games last 12 - 14 Mythos. I noticed that, the longer the game, the easier is losing it, or, at least, having hard times to put 6 seals down. Which is pretty logical, I suppose

Another observation:

Since I bought Lurker, I put away the old gates. I won't look back. The new gates are really neat, and add an extra depth to the game. These gates can make things much tougher, especially the moving gates and the higher modifiers. (And why does McGlen always have to stop what he's doing to seal the Abyss/R'lyeh gate?)

For the purposes of the statistics reports, the standard in this forum is that if you play with an expansion board, you are playing with that set. If you play with the mythos cards from a small box, you are playing with that set. Up until now, I agreed with this.

However, I just started playing games without the Lurker mythos cards. My observation is this. Since the gates have a higher degree of difficulty, the impact of Lurker at the Threshold is felt regardless of what mythos cards you use, in stark contrast to the rest of the small expansions. In the game I'm playing now, the gates have added three doom themselves!

So, will I be putting Lurker in the expansion field for the rest of the games I play? I don't think so, but these gates may skew the data. Though perhaps no more than the bevy of house rules, expansion permutations and random luck present in any one game already do. Perhaps I am suggesting a components check box. It would be a little more complicated than just checking what expansions you play, but it may be worth it.

I tried the components checkbox, but it got really messy really quickly. Feel free to mark LatT, as the replacement gates loan their effects every game, while the Lurker mythos cards may not necessarily be seen during a game that you're using them.

Your mantra of when to check the box has worked well... until Lurker. Lurker stands apart from the other expansions, just by virtue of the fact that it adds so much "universal" stuff.

Two quick questions about how to record properly the game... today we played against Daoloth + Tulzscha. A very unlucky Mythos card forced us to an unexpected final battle (3 doomers were left, the Mythos card we drew was Cover-up, so +2 doomers and everything moving. We had a rift open and free to wander through the board and... yep, +1 doomer via rift movement. With two investigators in the second area of OWs and with enough clues for sealing the last two gates). So:

1. Should I have recorded in some way the rumor? It was neither passed nor failed; simply the final battle started with the rumor still in play, so, according to the rules, we discarded it. I didn't check anything on your spreadsheet, but I'm wondering whether this has sense (I hope yes) or not.

2. During the final battle, we had 3 investigators devoured. Do their trophies count for the final score? I don't think so, but in case, could you kindly change the score from 14 to 26?

3. A cultist removed an elder sign (I've already asked this question, but probably you didn't notice the post; in case, sorry). Is it possible to record this in some way?

Thanks for help!

Tibs said:

  1. Tulzscha seal removal? Erm. I don't know if that's something that should be added, any more than gaining a corruption for killing a hex against the black goat. But I do recall that Tulzscha and Daoloth's Cultists don't get along well. How did you handle their movement?

Ok for the first two points, thanks! I scored the game properly ::smiling::

Regarding the third point... well, having a cultist removing a seal with Tulzscha in play is something that could happen more likely than having Darke's blessings activated, I think. So basically I thought it could have been interesting, just to see how often in a Tulzscha game, an elder sign was removed. Just an idea, that's all.

As far as the movement issue is concerned... I didn't have many troubles with it. I though the Herald is here to aid the AO, and not the viceversa. Besides, Daoloth ability could boost Tulzscha ability in some cases. So, basically, a cultist move and

1. If there is an investigator in an unstable location or street area, the Cultist moves directly there (Daoloth movement has precedence over Herald movement)

2. If there are no investigators in such a locations, cultists move according to Tulzscha's movement patterns

3. Maybe it's a hybryd case, not so sure about it. I think ES make unstable locations stable, but nonetheless, whenever an investigar was in a location with an ES and a Cultist had to move, I moved the cultist directly over there, if that location was the nearest to the cultist's original position, trying to accomplish both 1 & 2 (So, for example, after I had Hank returning and sealing the Graveyard, a Cultist moved. He moved directly over Hank, which was in an unstable location sealed). Maybe it's a little house-ruled, but the game was pretty challenging and this seemed to me a good way to deal with the two movement patterns suggested by AO + Herald

Hey everybody. Here's a special mid-month report to celebrate the 5000th game submission:

Stats report for 18 Nov 2010

Lord_Nerdhammer has been keeping his own game records and decide to offer up an additional 89 games, pushing past the 5000 mark essentially overnight.

Nothing extremely exciting to report, except that I've collected enough reports of "Sealing the Beast's Power" to add it to the final battle modifier section. And it's... pretty beneficial. On the other hand, I actually don't have enough hard data to conclusively offer a figure for Lily Chen's personal story, so you'll have to make do with this for a while.

And even with those games, it wasn't enough to get my favorite investigator (George Barnaby) out of last place....

He was only middle of the pack statistically for my games... But still, i hate to see my favorite in last place!

Stats report for Dec 1 is up now. Go get it!

Hi Tibs! Can you fix my last report? It's 0h:50m, 8 Mythos, 6 battle turns. Thanks

Not that I use that stat column in the reports, but sure.

Only 6 Mythos turns? No wonder you were able to beat Shudde M'ell in final combat! He probably didn't even have enough time to crumble one building before he awoke!

no, it's 8 Mythos :)