Arkham Horror Statistics Reports

By Tibs, in Arkham Horror Second Edition

FFG Anton said:

Hello Julia,

Apparently this thread is currently stickied. Does anyone else have trouble seeing this at the top of the threads list?

Hello Anton,

thank you for answering my question. The first forum user to notice the thread wasn't stickied any longer was DoomTurtle, on July, the 20th (cfr. pag. 30), but even other users wrote something about this issue in the following days. Anyway, as far as I'm able to see, this thread is - as you said - stickied; hope it's the same for anyone else! Thx again :-)

Yes, the thread looks to be back where it belongs now!

Hi guys, I'm back from vacation. Also... re-sticky! Nice.

I think what happened was that when I first posted this thread, I saved the URL to the original post so that I could edit it later if I wanted to. Well, you'll notice that the first post has been modified within the last month or so. When I saved my changes, it probably also saved as non-stickied as the thread originally was when I posted it. Well I won't be messing with it again, that's for sure ;)

Tibs said:

Hi guys, I'm back from vacation. Also... re-sticky! Nice.

I think what happened was that when I first posted this thread, I saved the URL to the original post so that I could edit it later if I wanted to. Well, you'll notice that the first post has been modified within the last month or so. When I saved my changes, it probably also saved as non-stickied as the thread originally was when I posted it. Well I won't be messing with it again, that's for sure ;)

Oh no, we didn't miss *you* Tibs ;') (actually, I was wondering where you'd gone).

The new Stats Report is up.

Lurker at the Threshold is tragically very low on the difficulty scale. I mean REALLY low. The percent of investigator losses with the Lurker herald is less than half of all the games where no herald was used. And it can't be a big statistics issue, since 53 games have already been logged with the herald.


Also, only one block remains on the Mythos Busters chart: Lurker + Atlach-Nacha!

<humor> How about adding the Lurker to the list of Guardians then at least one Guardian would be have a win rate higher than the entry for "none"! </humor>

Seriously though, something needs to be done about this "herald".


Due to an outbreak of incompetance on my part I have accidentally submitted the same game against Sheudde M'ell twice. I would be greatful if you could remove one. Thanks

Not a problem. I see duplicate entries occasionally. Sometimes there's a site error or what-have-you.

Easily fixed!


First, thanks for compiling all these statistics, as they are a fascinating look into what makes Arkham tick. Well done!

Second, due to poor reading comprehension skills on my part, for the first few games I submitted (all of which were this month) I misread the bottom "nickname" line as being the nickname of that individual game, not the nickname of the person sending the data. Is it possible to revise those after submission? I can tell you exactly what I named them, and if you can change the nickname to "Gothire," I'd appreciate it. If not, no big deal; I'll just know to do things properly in the future.

No problem, I can change your entries. What names did you have them under?

I can't believe this, but it happened.

I lost by Act III.

I was surprised when Act I activated. A couple of turns later, Act II came into play. "Alright", I thought, "since two of these came into play already, there is like 0,5% chance another one will be drawn before the end of the game". Act III activated shortly after. And yes, I always mega-shuffle the decks before each game, so by now everything must be ultra-mega-shuffled.


I should be "The Beginning 1," "The Dunwich Horror 1," and "The Kingsport Horror 1."


Gothire, your entries have been updated. Three losses, with all expansions? Nasty. Well, Rhan, Shub, and Atlach are all pretty brutal.

Tox said:

I was surprised when Act I activated. A couple of turns later, Act II came into play. "Alright", I thought, "since two of these came into play already, there is like 0,5% chance another one will be drawn before the end of the game". Act III activated shortly after. And yes, I always mega-shuffle the decks before each game, so by now everything must be ultra-mega-shuffled.

Unless you're playing with many expansions and no anti-dilution rule, you should take an early Next Act card very seriously ;)


Your reply made me think. I've been marking my games as using all expansions because I mix in all the encounters, gate cards, items, and extra "bits" like Epic Battle or Personal Stories, even if I don't actually use the Dunwich, Kingsport, or Innsmouth board. Is that the "proper" way to fill the form out?

Usually I've left it up to the submitter to make that judgment, but I'd say that the most important criteria are use of the expansion boards and Mythos cards. If you're not using the expansion boards, then I wouldn't count it as using that expansion.

Things like AOs and investigators are designed to be used universally, so they shouldn't merit an expansion check. Are there any submissions you'd like me to modify for you?

Heya. The updated stats report is ready to go.

I tried adding popup messages that link you to Arkham Horror Wiki but didn't have much luck. I also tried modifying the sheet so that it will continuously update the information, rather than waiting for me to do it monthly. Again, I ran into trouble (you can't use wild card characters in Google docs functions???). So, it's same as it ever was.


Tibs said:

Also, only one block remains on the Mythos Busters chart: Lurker + Atlach-Nacha!

Not any longer...

Julia, blowing away the smoke from her gun

Haha I just sent you a congratulatory email about it. Well, like I said, we now need to wait for Daoloth and Ch2lhu.

Tibs said:

Haha I just sent you a congratulatory email about it. Well, like I said, we now need to wait for Daoloth and Ch2lhu.

Yep! I'm pretty excited about this :-) Even if I'm wondering how Cthulhu will be modified. I like a lot the actual version

Tibs, I made a mistake while recording my last game. Would you mind changing the "vicotry by seals" entry into a "victory by closing"? I just realized that sealing happens after closing, and not at the same time!

They're effectively simultaneous. It's up to you which one you want to submit it as, but "close comes first" is a fair assessment. Let me know if you want to have it changed back to "sealed."

Edit: and congratulations on being the first to submit a "Daoloth" game.

Tibs said:

They're effectively simultaneous. It's up to you which one you want to submit it as, but "close comes first" is a fair assessment. Let me know if you want to have it changed back to "sealed."

Edit: and congratulations on being the first to submit a "Daoloth" game.

Thx :-) it was a good game, even if the AO's special ability didn't affect that much the game, simply because by chance we had only one monster surge at Mythos 2 (only one gate open at the Esoteric Order of Dagon and none in the OW).

And thx also for changing the sealing victory to a closing one. I also think is more fair to think closing comes first :-)

Hope everyone had a happy Halloween!

Nov 1 2010 stats report

The stat report is up. Not too much info on Daoloth and New-thulhu; all three such logged games were won by Julia .
For those of you who didn't see the thread about it, there has been a 5th victory by For the Greater Good that Partizan pulled off against Hastur/Ghroth.

I've got a suggestion/request. Can you include a stat on the front page that shows the number of games added since the last update? I can never remember how many games total were there the month before, and I'm just curious as to how many get played each month. 20? 100? 200? I have no idea.

Daoloth and Cthulhu - revised? Did I miss new expansion ;) ?