I'm looking to trade some Rares from Iron Throne, House of Thorns, and House of Talons.
I have:
AHoT 109 A Web of Thorns
AHoT 3 Donella Hornwood
AHoT 114 Edict of the Prince
AHoT 115 Endless Ambition
AHoT 18 Hooked Trident
AHoT 49 Lord Anders' Honor Guard
AHoT 108 Mander Ford
AHoT 58 Seduced by the Rose
AHoT 59 Sun Stroke
AHoT 64 The Queen of Thorns
AHoT 91 The Shield Islands
AHoT 82 Trader on Ironman's Bay (2)
AHoT 138 Waste Their Time
AHoTa 44 Braavosi Harbormaster
AHoTa 53 Coastal Trader
AHoTa 115 Fate and Foresight (2)
AHoTa 138 Prove One's Worth
AHoTa 90 Rorge
AHoTa 107 The Riverroad
FK 80 Aeron Damphair
FK 101 Antidote
FK 69 Bitterbridge Tourney Grounds
FK 27 Boy-King’s Bannerman
FK 7 Catelyn Stark
FK 142 Desert Hermit (2)
FK 203 Liars and Thieves
FK 49 Massage Parlor
FK 56 Melisandre
FK 20 Moat Cailin
FK 132 Myrcella Lannister
FK 248 Princes of the South
FK 33 Qyburn
FK 128 Rhoynish Bannerman (2)
FK 12 Robb Stark
FK 74 Robert's Wine Cellar
FK 209 Someone Always Tells (2)
FK 173 Syrio Forel
FK 234 The Breaking of Oaths
FK 238 The Promise Of Victory
FK 247 The True Queen
FK 159 The Vale
FK 85 Theon Greyjoy
FK 53 True King's Bannerman
FK 37 Tyrion Lannister (2)
FK 105 Vaes Dothrak
FK 175 Vargo Hoat (2)
IT 196 Paying the Iron Price
IT 93 Pyat Pree
IT 105 Vaes Dothrak
I am looking for:
AHoT 6 Flayer of Men
AHoT 74 Highgarden's Finest
AHoTa 112 Aloof and Apart
AHoTa 119 Gathering of the Clans
AHoTa 88 Nestor Royce
AHoTa 71 Vale Ward
IT 223 Bounty of the Realm
IT 150 Hand of Gold
IT 210 Support of the Masses