How's the replayability?

By SolennelBern, in Chaos in the Old World

Hi all! I've been eyeing this game for a long time and I read much about it, be it on these forums or BGG ones. It looks quite fun and bloody and dark, which I love, but what about replayability?

Those of you who boardgame regularly, do you choose this game often for your gaming evenings? And is every game the same of there's always some twists that make every session a bit unpredictable?

Thanks a bunch!

This game has 4 layers of randomness, so the replayability is certainly there.

1) The starting tokens are fairly random. Tzeentch likes Warp Stones, Slaanesh likes Nobles/Heroes, and the Horned Rat will like Skaven tokens. Each of the 9 regions will receive some token to start, and only 2 of them benefit no players. Khorne is very interested in eliminating opposing figures, so working with the randomized tokens, the first round is certainly up in the air (though it's still realistic he'll get no kills whatsoever that round).

2) The Old World cards can impact the game severely, especially the new ones coming up. You never know what's going to happen, and it can cause players to drastically change their previous plans.

3) Each player's Chaos decks add to the randomness, simply because you never know what capabilities your opponents have. I've won games because I accurately called that an opponent did not have a certain card in their hand. Tzeentch's Teleport card alone makes a Bloodthirster in the Empire a good opening move.

4) Of course you also have the battle dice. Khorne's the only player who can have all the skill in the world and lose due to the dice. What figures die has a huge impact on the game.

Don't get me wrong, this game is plenty strategic. It's far more strategy than luck, but with these 4 elements to it, it's got plenty to make the replayability high.

I'm one of those Khorne players. I can win with the three other factions handily, but when it comes to Khorne the dice always fail me. Sorta like when we play warhammer...hmmm...

I would say that this is a board game that lends itself to a great deal of value in the replay-ability department.

Each faction plays differently and all are pretty well balanced. That alone gives it great replay value in my book. Depending on your mood there is always a faction that can suit your needs.