get ready to jump

By rulemonkey, in UFS Off Topic

If the topic is a cliff will you jump off of it?

If the cliff is a topic would you post something about it?

If the topic was a doctor would they have the patients?

If the topic was a baker would they need the dough?

If the topic was the flu would you catch the fever?

If this topic wasn't worthless, would I care?

If the Topic is Topic, would any conversation be considered "On-Topic" or "Off-Topic"?

If this topic was a toilet would I give a ...

If the topic was topical could I apply it to my skin?

If the topic was tropical, would you apply sunscreen to your skin?

and here i thought this topic might be about skydiving....which i did this past weekend after winning my air patch :)

Im definately going to go thru the full course and get certified. I'd recomend it to anyone.

If you were to ruin the thread, who would you be?

Uhh.... Uhh.... I know this one.... RIGHT!

Who is Chris Escarcega?

If I were talking about people who didn't ask a question in there post, that would be who ruined the thread.

Its alright, I don't know who John Cleese is either.


Makingsenseofus said:

Uhh.... Uhh.... I know this one.... RIGHT!

Who is Chris Escarcega?

So true LOL!

rulemonkey said:

If the topic is a cliff will you jump off of it?

If the topic was important, would it be in the Off Topic forum?