Does anyone use models in their games?

By Svarte Hanske, in Fan Art

Since I have about as many models as to set up 3 different armies, I figured I could use them in our games. Models as in miniatyres, like Space Marines.

I asked the players to make their own character as model, and if they did, they would gain +1 fatepoint.

The results where that pretty much everyone went and found a model to represent their character and painted it. It was really interesting to watch the different models, all sorts of different bits they had chosen and one of them had used alot of greenstuff.


1. Putting together and painting a model like this is pretty easy to make it look OK.

2. The models can be used in combat on a grid along with other models to easily show where everyone is.

I'll see if I can post some pictures soon :)

I bought a Titan Tech-Priest from Forge-World and used him to represent my Explorator. I could have just gotten one of the Enginseers from the Imperial Guard, I suppose, but this model looked "reposed" I guess you might say. Also, the mechadendrites look more sophisticated and has a better quality sculpt overall.

Games Workshop just announced the launch of a more detailed batch of miniatures, you can check in their website about it. I was going to buy some minis for our games, but now I'll wait to see what new minis will they sell, and the price.

@ Argus Van Het,

Technically, those GW minis aren't "new". GW has decided they are no longer going to sell metal minis, at all. The new line are simply resin replacements for everything they had in metal... and if the rumour mill is to be believed, the price went up. Waiting may not be in your best interests.


- V.

Vandegraffe said:

@ Argus Van Het,

Technically, those GW minis aren't "new". GW has decided they are no longer going to sell metal minis, at all. The new line are simply resin replacements for everything they had in metal... and if the rumour mill is to be believed, the price went up. Waiting may not be in your best interests.


- V.

ARRRRRGHHHH!!! I'll better run to ask for my techmarine, then!!! XD

Vandegraffe said:

@ Argus Van Het,

Technically, those GW minis aren't "new". GW has decided they are no longer going to sell metal minis, at all. The new line are simply resin replacements for everything they had in metal... and if the rumour mill is to be believed, the price went up. Waiting may not be in your best interests.


- V.

Resin more expesnive than metal?

GW at its best. Gosh am i happy i am doing WW2 wargaming now, and have finished my 40k armies. (100+ CSM with basic bolters/ or BPs/CCWs).

Heh i can get my 40k fix from FFG which is quite alot cheaper.

Voronesh said:

Resin more expesnive than metal?

GW at its best. Gosh am i happy i am doing WW2 wargaming now, and have finished my 40k armies. (100+ CSM with basic bolters/ or BPs/CCWs).

Heh i can get my 40k fix from FFG which is quite alot cheaper.

Voronesh, don't get me started. Turns out GW dropped metal for environmental reasons - the regulations for metal minis are getting really strict about what sort of alloy you can use. Soooo, they used it as an excuse to bump the price. Also, since the moulds were originally designed for metal, using resin with them results in all sorts of issues, like flash and breakage of thin bits. preocupado.gif

As for the rest, I resemble that remark. I am a former CSM player myself, (haven't played since the Gav-dex) and have been using FFG for my 40K fix.


- V.

A like mind.


hye, been doing this since the releace of DH - by now I use laminated A2 sheet with grid on it to make a battlefield and then tarrain from tabletop to make interior- drums, sandbags, crates, pipeing, ex ex. We use "real line of sigt" so the players can shoot what they can see and the cover is defined like that as well.

This "3D" map is great for very dynamic compbat and quick to change (over tradisonel drawings) and you avoid the eternal :"can I hit that" - when it´s obvious your teammate is right in front of your heavy flamer ><