I cannot wait till this game comes out. I am a huge Gears of War fan. I hope there will be occasional small expansions just to add in other COGs etc. And big ones with new enemies, missions etc.
I'm sure they will make expansions. Especially with gears of war 3 coming I'm 99% sure they will make an expansion featuring monsters, missions, weapons, and characters from that game. I hope they make other characters too. My favorite character to play as is carmine but I doubt he will be in this game. Well here's to hoping that he will one day be a playable character.
I wonder how complicated this game will be. I'm hoping no more then a 24 to 30 pg rulebook. Seeing how my fiancee is my usual gaming buddy and she doesn't have a ton of experience with more complicated games I really want that rulebook to be closer to 24 pages. Looks like I'm going to have to teach her Castle Ravenloft/Wrath of Ashardalon and Doom to get her ready for this one.
The game looks sweet.
I wouldn't worry much about the length of the rulebook. FFG has been adding more pics and examples lately which kind of inflate the size, but are much appreciated.
Fully cooperative is a nice touch and will probably speed up the game play. I love Doom and Descent, but the game can take soooo many hours to play.
There is no doubt expansions are planned and if the system itself is popular enough it could be adapted to other games as well.
I really never thought FFG would get this out
.I does look interesting & Solo Option is good.I'm not sure I'll pick this up as I have DooM but the mechanics of the Game sound interesting.
This game looks really good based on the information and pictures released so far.
Yes, yes, and yes! While the competitive nature of Doom, Mansions, and Descent is nice and adds a more flexible opponent for the players to play against...I don't want to play against my friends all the time. Picking who gets to be the 'Bad Guy' is the hardest part of our game nights. This is why I'm loving Space Hulk, LOTR LCG, and games from other publishers (Wrath of Ashardalon, Castle Ravenloft, and soon to be the Underdark one as well).
Looking forward to this!
Great to have some news at last.
Based on the preview pictures, the starting characters are Marcus, Dom, Cole, and Baird.
The front of the box shows a Gear with a helmet (likely a Carmine) so that could come later. Maybe they'll give him a special rule or a do a scenario where you can replace him with his brothers (put the piece back out after he dies, a few turns later).
I'm hoping for expansion characters to include Jace Stratton, Dizzy Wallin, Tai Kaliso, Carmines, Anya Stroud, and Alex Brand.
I'm hoping there is a Horde scenario where it just keeps getting worse. I hope there is a card for Retro Lancers where you can charge and stab someone. Oh, I have all kinds of hopes.
I hope for a version where one player can play as the Locust 'hero' and play it like Descent, but I don't expect that very soon.
The question here is:- Is this game Space Hulk in a co-op version, or a fleshed out Death Angel with a 'board'? What will make this game something new? I don't know the backgound of this world, but Corey's work is always worth a look, but it will have to go some to succeed as I have my doubts it has enough ' differences' to stand out. Cheers!
Ixidor said:
I'm hoping there is a Horde scenario where it just keeps getting worse. I hope there is a card for Retro Lancers where you can charge and stab someone. Oh, I have all kinds of hopes.
They already mention a Horde Mode in the description
this game looks so sweeeeeeeeet!
I for sure thought they had given up on this. Interesting that it's co-op, makes more appealing as I do not have very many co-op games. I will keep my eye on this and may purchase.
I had no idea this was even coming out! Holy Frak this could be awesome and I hope it will be. My brother & I are huge fans of Gears and if this one isn't too hard to get into I am hoping to get this for him for Christmas this year.
I'm still not sure if this is just a belated April Fool's joke.
Dreamshadow said:
Yes, yes, and yes! While the competitive nature of Doom, Mansions, and Descent is nice and adds a more flexible opponent for the players to play against...I don't want to play against my friends all the time. Picking who gets to be the 'Bad Guy' is the hardest part of our game nights. This is why I'm loving Space Hulk, LOTR LCG, and games from other publishers (Wrath of Ashardalon, Castle Ravenloft, and soon to be the Underdark one as well).
Amen to that. I'm highly intrigued by the co-op nature of the game, looking forward to more details in coming anouncements. =)
TheKingOfBlades said:
My favorite character to play as is carmine but I doubt he will be in this game. Well here's to hoping that he will one day be a playable character.
Keggy said:
I'm still not sure if this is just a belated April Fool's joke.
I'm having trouble believing this game actually made it out of Development Hell too, especially considering FFG's history with licenses from video games. However, I doubt it's actually a joke.
I didn't notice any dice in the pictures, but I'm hoping this one isn't entirely card-driven. Not that I have a problem with card-based engines, Gears just seems like something that I should be able to roll dem bones for.
I found the news rather intriguing, even if I don't know much about the videogame. It seems to me like a co-op version of Doom, which can be magnificent if it's tough and difficult as Doom was
Steve-O said:
I'm having trouble believing this game actually made it out of Development Hell too, especially considering FFG's history with licenses from video games. However, I doubt it's actually a joke.
I didn't notice any dice in the pictures, but I'm hoping this one isn't entirely card-driven. Not that I have a problem with card-based engines, Gears just seems like something that I should be able to roll dem bones for.
Don't worry, the descriptions on the new game page show dice and mention attack and defence dice and a type of saving throw with dice.
Steve-O said:
I didn't notice any dice in the pictures, but I'm hoping this one isn't entirely card-driven. Not that I have a problem with card-based engines, Gears just seems like something that I should be able to roll dem bones for.
About mid-way down. Where it says Seven Missions... there's a picture of dice.
GoW also has a Product page which lists contents, among them 5 Attack and 4 Defense dice.
I'm pumped about this game and will buy it but does $80 seem a little steep for what you get?
Unless when they say over 30 miniatures you get 39. And when they say over 200 cards you get 299.
I'm just saying that I used to buy ffg's big box games for $90 (and that's in a hobby shop at full price) and those big box games came with an insane amount of components.
TheKingOfBlades said:
I'm pumped about this game and will buy it but does $80 seem a little steep for what you get?
That remains to be seen. I am unquestionably excited about this game finally coming to light, but I'm not preordering it or anything. I will be watching the previews and waiting for reviews to read before I drop money on it. Hopefully I'll get a chance to try it out first, but I might not wait on that alone.
Runewars is another game that was widely criticized for being too pricey for the components it offered, but having bought that one at full retail I can say without hesitation that it was not overpriced. That game is crazy fun, tactically deep and doesn't take forever to play. Theme and fun are important, too, when considering the price. Indeed, I would say they are more important than the raw materials involved in the game's manufacturing. A board game's worth is more than the sum of its parts.
I would happily pay $80 for this game if the reviews I hear make it sound like I'll get $80 worth of fun out of it, even if it only comes with 31 minis and 201 cards. I would never pay that much for a crappy game, even if the component list was worth twice as much in materials.
Co-op? Hmmm interesting.
Steve-O said:
TheKingOfBlades said:
I'm pumped about this game and will buy it but does $80 seem a little steep for what you get?
That remains to be seen. I am unquestionably excited about this game finally coming to light, but I'm not preordering it or anything. I will be watching the previews and waiting for reviews to read before I drop money on it. Hopefully I'll get a chance to try it out first, but I might not wait on that alone.
Runewars is another game that was widely criticized for being too pricey for the components it offered, but having bought that one at full retail I can say without hesitation that it was not overpriced. That game is crazy fun, tactically deep and doesn't take forever to play. Theme and fun are important, too, when considering the price. Indeed, I would say they are more important than the raw materials involved in the game's manufacturing. A board game's worth is more than the sum of its parts.
I would happily pay $80 for this game if the reviews I hear make it sound like I'll get $80 worth of fun out of it, even if it only comes with 31 minis and 201 cards. I would never pay that much for a crappy game, even if the component list was worth twice as much in materials.
I was one of the people that disliked the price of Runewars.
I think that a games components are what should drive its price and the rules are what makes you buy a game.
ffg's older big box games come with a ton of components and they are cheaper then the big box games now and the games are a ton of fun to play and for me starcraft is a heck of a lot more fun then runewars and it's components are better (maybe not the art but the quality of the plastic miniatures are better in my opinion) and there a lot more of them.
So the whole argument that a games rules can drive up the price doesn't work for me.
TheKingOfBlades said:
So the whole argument that a games rules can drive up the price doesn't work for me.
Well, I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree then. I don't see it as "the rules driving up the price," I see it as "the value of a game is more than just the cost of its components."
As to whether or not Gears of War will justify an $80 price tag, as I said before, that remains to be seen. I'm excited about what I see right now, but I need more information to properly answer that question.
Is this game for:
1) people who don't own an Xbox
2) think the Xbox version is too fast
3) Never heard of Gears of War?
Is this similar to reading a book version of a movie?