Anyone into yoyoing?

By Otazo, in UFS Off Topic

Is here anyone in the forums interested on yoyos?

I've been playing pretty seriously with yoyos for the last years or so, but I don't invest time enough to say I'm GOOD at it. I can perform some cool trick and mix some maneuvers, but I'm still learling slack and whips.

Does someone else like/play/collect yoyo around here?

::raises hand::

I haven't actively played with any Yoyos for the last few years because it drives other in my home nuts, but when I first started working in a call center year ago, I used to "dual-yo" to achieve my Zen as I was walking customer through their issues.

I also became less interested when it all became about yo-yos with axles, and they were stupidly expensive just to be able to sleep and do various tricks for longer.

But place a yo-yo or two in my hands, and I'll immediately 'giver still.

Well, I'm not the kind of "gotta-have-all-yoyo-model-and-editions" kind of collector, but I have some pretty good and nice looking yoyos even if I can use only 1 a time. It is indeed true that yoyos are not that cheap if you go serious with then (there's a titanium made one that goes over 400$) but I can tell you that the possibilities go wild and de amusement increases a lot with a 50-80$ yoyo.

Bad news is that it really takes time to be good, unless you are naturally skilled, wich I'm no XD

Anyone else around?

Otazo said:

Well, I'm not the kind of "gotta-have-all-yoyo-model-and-editions" kind of collector, but I have some pretty good and nice looking yoyos even if I can use only 1 a time. It is indeed true that yoyos are not that cheap if you go serious with then (there's a titanium made one that goes over 400$) but I can tell you that the possibilities go wild and de amusement increases a lot with a 50-80$ yoyo.

Yeah... I kinda find spending any sort of significant money on a yo-yo is maddening. Ok... so I turn 35 in less then a month, but I remember new yo-yos, that were classic wood, with no bells and whistles costing less then $5. It just seems kinda nuts to me.