Talk about the next set
"Break of Dawn" Set 4
Talk? 'Tis more amusing to watch the speculation, good sir.
And I still think it'd be ironic and hilarious if Mr. Dawn ends up losing every game he plays between Set 4 and Set 5, just 'cause it's "his" set and all.
I'm still getting used to everything in Set 3. My friends have been busy, so we rarely have time to play. By time we really get a good feel for it and try new ideas, Set 4 will be upon us for the cycle to continue again. But nonetheless it is fun.
Anyways, I think if FFG starts making their own cards, they should make one for each of us who've been registered on the forums. Nothing overpowered, just fun cards. Already know what mine would be. "Come Into Play Effect: If you win the match, give your opponent a sympathy cookie or a hug. If you lose the match, your opponent gives you a sympathy cookie or a hug."
Hey now...I'll win at least one game between Set 4 and 5..."My Set" Will not fail me!
Well do keep us informed. You'd appreciate the irony in losing every game just as much as we would, my friend.
WayToTheDawn said:
Hey now...I'll win at least one game between Set 4 and 5..."My Set" Will not fail me!
Well as his name STATES:He gets you the cards You can't buy them except from him
King_Simba said:
WayToTheDawn said:
Hey now...I'll win at least one game between Set 4 and 5..."My Set" Will not fail me!
Well as his name STATES:He gets you the cards You can't buy them except from him
What? I don't get it...........
King_Simba said:
WayToTheDawn said:
Hey now...I'll win at least one game between Set 4 and 5..."My Set" Will not fail me!
Well as his name STATES:He gets you the cards You can't buy them except from him
That was epic phail.
Lol Though Break of Dawn could also be interpreted, I horribly spelled that wrong, as the time Mr. Dawn might keep losing since he will be broken in a bad way. Or it could be in a good way lol.
ohhhh, I get it... "WAY" to the Dawn...I'm the only "WAY" to get the "DAWN" set...
Ooooohhhhh! Now I get it too...
*throws a rotten tomato*
I haven't even bought a single pack of the 3rd set yet and people are already discussing the 4th set...this game has pretty much died for me...mostly because the only store close to me that sold KH cards closed...I wish more places around me stocked this game or I knew people around me who played.
Tvd333 said:
I haven't even bought a single pack of the 3rd set yet and people are already discussing the 4th set...this game has pretty much died for me...mostly because the only store close to me that sold KH cards closed...I wish more places around me stocked this game or I knew people around me who played.
Never give up! I barely know anyone who plays around me and I have no store that supplies cards. I basically rely on buying cards off the internet instead of stores and I battle online instead of in my town.
no plays around me but every target and it's mother sells them.....but they never give me godly cards...Target hates me and I feel your pain bro.
Well I play Yugioh as well, and I'm more into that, but also I'm moving to Florida (Disney World actually for their college program!!!) for 5 months, and I don't plan on dragging all my cards with me down there on top of all the other things I need to bring with me...but I'd love to continue this game.
yeah I played yu-gi-oh as well
I still have the complete set of Cyber Dragon. ...even though i dont play it just kinda sits on my deck in a hard sleeve
I've never bought anything from the internet, and idk if I'm gonna start right now with what I mentioned in my last post about moving to Florida. Maybe when I come back they'll have another set out so I'll buy a box or two of the sets (3+4) that I didn't get a chance to get a hold of before/while I was there. mom won't let me buy a box. she said she spent to much on Pokemon (95-00) and Yugioh (00-07)
I've rarely bought boxes of anything, I think I've only bought 2 boxes of Yugioh, and thats about it. My parents never knew I bought them, haha, its not like I hide them, I just don't tell them how much they cost.
oh my parents ask...or mom does. my dad says go ask your mother lol. I might be able to be individual packs with my christmas money that equal a box but 5 bucks says SRU are a no go.
Yeah...well back onto KH...haha...I've always been a KH fan which is why I got into the game, but I just liked it cause I was like "Cool! My fav. video game got turned into a card game!". But the actual game itself never really interested me, I just really wish I had someone people to play with so I could put the money that I've already spent on the game to use. Maybe its just because I need newer cards, so hopefully the 4th set will spark my interest to actually get into the game.
yeah basically the same...i mean you can't really do much yet.
And maybe the area in Florida that your going to has a good comic book store that sells the cards and even may have a group that holds tournaments or something. You did say you were moving to florida right? The comic book store around me just went out of business and so theres no place for me to go though they didnt even have Kingdom Hearts I have to go to Target for that but I have decent luck at that and I live in the middle of no where so its hard for me to find people to play but I like just having the cards either way and playing people online.
Yeah, the same with Michigan except I live in the business district of the 10 largest city....bunhc of pricks..not one of them plays
Good point about moving to Florida, I could maybe find something there, but I still don't plan on bringing all my cards with me. Although I've always felt like I've wanted to restart this game over, so maybe that will be my chance.
Does anyone want to hear about the Lv2 Cid?