Rant Regarding a Broken Card

By AnotherHorrorFan, in Warhammer Invasion Community

I was hoping someone with a differing perspective could explain to me how Friedrich Hemmler is not easily in the top 3 (possibly number 1) over the top broken cards in the game. There are a variety of ways to potentially get him into play on the second turn. Regardless of where you elect to place him that all but decides the game. You could of course say there are a few cards that could destroy him quickly, but the fact that he only has two loyalty cost practically makes him a rush unit with five life and hammers. His drawback is scarcely even a drawback. The fact that he is not at least on the restricted list is a mystery to me. Someone please enlighten me.

I'd say the drawback is the cost, not the ability. You don't need to destroy a 5+ gold character to mess up your opponent, just disrupt it for a turn or two.

If your opponent can bring Hemmler out in the first 3 turns like you say. That's going to be the center of his gameplan, and that's a huge risk for him to take. If you can even just corrupt, or return the character to hand, that's a pretty heavy blow to your opponent.

Kill the character and your opponent has to make up all the resources he missed playing by bringing Hemler out early, which is usually a game ender.

What makes rush effective is the idea that you're creating more threats than your opponent can deal with. Hemmler is a single threat, which is much less effective.

Imho, Visit the Haunted City is far more broken than Hemmler ever was.


Amen ! (To what Papa said)

A deck build around "Visit the Haunted City" can kill (well, "stall" actually) any other deck.

Hemmler ? He's good, no doubt, but there are other cards (even cheaper one's) that are equally powerful. And don't forget he's a hero which has several inbuild restrictions (you can't play him twice and no other hero in his zone).

I don't even think he's that good. I have 10+ cards in my deck that can kill him, 3 that can stall him, and only 3 total (3x Gurni's elite) that would die to his forced ability.

I have never seen the rule that a hero cant be played again I thought the rule was you just couldnt have more then one in a zone?

Jvirtue55 said:

I have never seen the rule that a hero cant be played again I thought the rule was you just couldnt have more then one in a zone?

i believe your right but the point is you cant have two out at once either because he limited and only one hero can be in your battlefield

Exactly. You may be able to play him twice during the game. But as long as you have him in play any other copy of him you have in your hand is a "dead card".

Hmmm. I thought the Hero cards are unique in WHI and you mustn't have only one copy in game (in play plus discard pile). Of course it has been more copy in your deck to make faster to draw up but I mean if a Hero died and it is in your discard pile you shouldn't put in play from your hand an other copy of that because it is unique. Different situation if you can draw back from your discard pile or your opponent has got some card effect which forces you to take back in to your hand. Does it sound logically? If a Hero died it’s dead.

JudJackalTom said:

Hmmm. I thought the Hero cards are unique in WHI and you mustn't have only one copy in game (in play plus discard pile). Of course it has been more copy in your deck to make faster to draw up but I mean if a Hero died and it is in your discard pile you shouldn't put in play from your hand an other copy of that because it is unique. Different situation if you can draw back from your discard pile or your opponent has got some card effect which forces you to take back in to your hand. Does it sound logically? If a Hero died it’s dead.

Uniqeness only refers to cards in play. When a unique card is destroyed and enters discard pile, you may play another copy of it.

Hemmler is OP for sure but he is not a gamebreaker.