Is there anyway to paint the monster models?

By nickelcity, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I'm used to 40k, so the the models for Descent look a little plain to me. I was wondering if there was anyway I could add some 'oomph' to the models in the game to add to the asthetics of the game.

nickelcity said:

I'm used to 40k, so the the models for Descent look a little plain to me. I was wondering if there was anyway I could add some 'oomph' to the models in the game to add to the asthetics of the game.

Yes, you can paint them the same way you would paint 40k minis. You might want to give them a scrub in warm water first to wash off any lubricants left over from the moulding process, but otherwise the process is the same. Honestly, I didn't even do that much for the ones I've painted so far, and it's been working fine thus far.

nice. Thank you very much!

I enjoy viewing people's painted figures on as well. Hopefully I will have some to post up there myself soon happy.gif