Event Center Roseville, MN

By Grevane, in Warhammer Invasion Community

Ok, sounds good.

Creok won't be able to make it Sunday. If you and Shawn make it, any chance Alex could join us too?


I'll be there. I'm new to the game, but am eager to get involved in the local community.

Hi XenoCake,

I was thinking about 1ish on Sunday. That work for you?

Grevane, you have things sorted out yet? If you can make it, is 1ish doable?


Works for me!

Thanks Papa Khann for the introduction to the game! Looking forward to more. Just ordered the rest of the packs, so I'll be even more overwhelmed with options next time. =o)

Sorry papa I ended up having quite a busy weekend. What is the next day that works for you?



Thanks for the games! It was good to meet you. I think you'll find some of those new options pretty useful. I look forward to our next meeting.


No worries, Grevane. We actually spent a fair amount of time shuffling back and forth between the back room (fallout shelter) and the gaming space, as some of the tornado action yesterday was close enough that the EC staff didn't want to take any chances.

Creok and I are planning to play this Friday night. I think XenoCake said he's travelling this weekend, but Creok and I should be there. Friday work for you, Grevane?


Sunday would work better, Friday looks busy. I have a week from this Friday off and that would be a good Friday for me. I'll keep it in mind though and if I can make it Friday I will.


Sunday this week I'll be out at Lake Minnetonka, so no card gaming for Papa Khann this Sunday.

Creok and I are definitely on for this Friday, if you can make it, that would be awesome. Anyone else out there that wants to join us is welcome too.

I'll keep next Friday in mind if that works for you, Grevane.


I have a group of 4 guys that play with a 5th on occasion that we would love to play other players. We normally hang out on the north side of town and are getting tired of playing amongst ourselves. Sundays appear to be the only time we are all free unless we meet some where else on Saturday evenings. Obviously this week end is probably shot for every one, but if any one is interested post here and I will check back. Still mad that I mixed up the week end for the card hoorah and missed it.

We should shoot for next Sunday then and get a big group together! I'll see if I can get one of my friends to show up too. What do you think Papa Khann?

This Sunday (5/5/11) would work for me. I'll talk to Creok about it.

XenoCake, think you could make it this Sunday?

If I recall correctly, the EC boots everybody out at 6 on Sundays. Something around 1ish work?


Have an extended family campout this weekend, so I'm a no-go for Sunday. I'm open Thursday night after 6, though, if anyone's available.


Meet at the EC tomorrow (Thursday, 6/2) around 6:30 or so?

willyv and Grevane,

You guys up for this Sunday?


I will see what I can do. If anyone is available Saturday night to play some where else I may be able to arrange to have people.

6:30 works for me. I'll be there!


Thanks for the games last night. ; )


Saturday night won't work for me this week for Warhammer.

Is anyone planning to show up Sunday afternoon?

Now that Legends is on the rack down at the EC (I picked up my copy last night) I'm anxious to revamp some decks and play again. ; )


This Saturday, I'll be at the Center for the Lord of the RIngs LCG Hunt for Gollum preview event, which ends at 3. If anyone's interested in some LotR or W:I, I'd be happy to stick around for some games.

Ok, we are all hit and miss on days, kinda tough with the weather being so nice, sort of. We should plan far enough in advance to get a bunch of us together so we can plan that day into our schedule. This coming week end is shot due to Father's day, what about the week end after, and I work Friday and Saturday night at a Game store to be named later, so I am able to control hours and I should be able to dig up at least 2 others for certain maybe another 2 with this much advanced notice for a Saturday night, other wise Sunday may be doable if I can get my "honey-do" list done by then

Also I am really wanting to try that Call of Cthulu LCG if any one is playing that also.

What part of town is the game shop you work at located in?


Just so every one knows, I run Outpost 2000 in Coon Rapids. I work almost every Saturday and we can stay as late as needed, considering I have the key and am not losing alot LOL. I have been to the EC and have even bought things from there so its not like I am trying to take anything away from there, I just really like this game and want to have an opportunity to play with more people. But it seems that with summer, day time hours don't work so well with a lot of us. I would like to get together with every one that is posting on here and have a chance to see some new decks. If Sundays are the best time to meet, then we should set a date far enough in advance to get as many people together as possible. What do you think?


Does your playgroup contain a person/s by the name Tony, Andy, and or James? Also are Saturdays your only available day? I know Papa Khan is rarely available Saturdays and I am usually busy then too.

This coming weekend (fathers day) I am actually available but will be out of town the following weekend. I will also be free Monday and Tuesday next week. (my vacation starts) How is your free time looking Papa Khan?


Generally speaking, Friday evenings and/or Sunday afternoons are still best for me for getting some Warhammer in. I believe XenoCake mentioned that Sunday afternoons are the most promising for him as well.

I can do this Sunday (6/19) if you guys are up for it. That work for eiher of you, Grevane/willyv?

XenoCake, you out there?



I think Sunday afternoons/evenings will be the most consistently open time for me. I could swing a week night here or there too, if we get it in the books a week or so ahead of time.

This weekend is shot for me unless we get lots of rain early tomorrow. Landscaping project that wouldn't go well in the rain. =o) Next Sunday is a strong maybe for me, all depending on how much of my graduate school work I can get done ahead of time.

Sorry to be so wishy-washy!