This Saturday (23rd) my play group will going to the EC. Anyone interested in playing should show up. Even better post what time works best for you. We have many decks to try out.
Event Center Roseville, MN
Just curious... Did you make it to the Event Center Saturday? If so, what sort of turn-out did you have?
I'd be up for joining you sometime (didn't see this post till this morning, though Saturday nights isn't always the best option for me to be able to make it).
Papa Khann
aka Rick
No, we decided not to go seeing as no one responded and we figured no one else would be there. I have 3 people besides myself who play. I am probably the most flexible at the moment as I work about 10 min away from the EC. So name a day that works for you and I can probably show up. (better chance if I get an advanced notice)
Any one else actually still play around here? I would love to get something regular going maybe a tournament every now and then would be sweet. I hate having all these cards and not a thing to do with them...
Any interest out there in meeting at the Event Center tomorrow, Friday 4/29, for some games? My normal play partner is out of town, but I'd be up for getting some games in. I'd like to playtest some decks I'm thinking of playing in the upcoming Regionals.
Grevane and company? Wytefang?
aka Rick
What time were you thinking of being there? I've got a bunch of stuff going on but could probably make it in for a couple hours but admittedly it is a small window (5-7ish). Any other Friday would work fine though.
I could make it there by 5:30ish. If you want to get a few games in before you have to split, that's fine by me. Otherwise we can pick another day.
aka Rick
Yeah, 5:30 should work fine. I wear an Indianapolis Colts hat and will have my orange duffel bag with me.
-Grevane aka Zac
See you there at 5:30. ; )
Anyone else from the area up for joining us? Sounds like Grevane will need to take off by 7ish, but I can stay until about 8:30 or so.
aka Rick
It was nice to meet you Papa Khann. We were able to get a lot of games in at least. I got home and tweeked some decks and made some new ones so next time will be just as interesting. I love deck building.
Wish more people could show up to the event center. Even like twice a month would be fun. Anyone interested in starting a league or tournament day? This game is too good for people not to play it...
Just keep posting if anyone has a day they want to meet at the EC and play some games. I can always show up after work.
Papa if your free this Wed. I could meet you at the EC agian around 5:00. This next Friday I will be very busy with a cinco de meyo party.
It was nice to meet you too, Grevane. I enjoyed the games a lot. It's good to see different styles of deck building/play.
Unfortunately I already have a committment for this Wednesday evening. I'd like to gather again for sure though. Hopefully we can manage that prior to the Regional tourney, as I'd like to do some more tweaking before then. Maybe we can hook up next week sometime.
I think it's a great idea to get some more players involved at the Event Center a couple times a month. I know I can get my friend that plays over there, as he's usually up for a game.
Wytefang, are you out there and reading this thread? How about you guys up in Cambridge?
Well it looks like this Friday will work out and one of my friends will be able to come too. So if your available papa we could be there by 6:30 this Friday. Let me know if your down for some play testing.
Hi Grevane,
I'm definitely interested. So is a friend of mine.
Unfortunately, I've been battling a cold this week. I think odds are good I'll be good to go by Friday (it started last Sunday). However, I should probably play it by ear for now (wouldn't want to infect anybody).
I'll post again tomorrow.
aka Rick
Yeah, let me know if you can make it! I've got some new stuff I really want to see how it works.
Hi Grevane,
I'm feeling much better today. Tomorrow night should be a "go". ; )
And even if I should relapse (not anticipating that), I talked to my friend last night and he sounded interested in joining you guys there at 6:30ish, regardless of whether I make it. I think his forum name is Creok. He may post here later.
aka Rick
I will definitely be showing up tomorrow - I'll seek out those with Warhammer decks in play, should be 4 of us if I count correctly so we should be able to get a ton of games in!
Sounds good to me! I really amped up a few decks so they should be regional quality. Any one else out there should swing by and really get some play testing done.
It'll be nice to meet you Creok and I hope your feeling better papa! Tomorrow should be fun!
Just an fyi, I'm feeling pretty good today, so I plan to be there around 6:30. See you tonight.
aka Rick
Papa, you available for one last day of play testing tomorrow?
well I got to go to work now, not sure if you will be there tonight papa but I have all my stuff and will be going to the ec after work today. I will be there about 5:00. I'll wait around an hour or so in case you show up.
Hi Grevane,
I'm going to try to make it tonight at 5:00.
I have some tentative dinner plans that may interfere, but I'll get that sorted out asap and hopefully still be able to make it for at least an hour or so.
I'll post again later today.
Ok, got it sorted out. I'll be at the EC, but probably won't make it till about 5:15.
Thanks for the games last night. ; )
Looks like neither Creok or I will be in attendance Friday night. Be there for sure on Saturday though.
That sucks, but at least you will be there Saturday! Hope the turnout is good. I will have 4 with me I hope they do real pairings and I'm not stuck playing my friends all day.
Any interest in meeting up Sunday afternoon some time for a few games?
possibly, I have to figure out what I have going on this weekend. Let me get back to you when I know. I'll see if Shawn can make it too.