Players in Illinois (Chicago Area)

By tofubones, in CoC General Discussion

Are there any regular players in the Chicago area?


There's a group that meets monthly at Games Plus in Mount Prospect. We are gathering this Sunday at 11:30. We'll probably do a free booster draft open to all who can make it.


I won't be able to make it this Sunday, but would be interested in the future. Let me know the next time the group plays.

Booster draft? Are you guys playing the Old CCG or the newer LCG? I am still trying to figure out how compatible the two really are. Seeing as I have nothing but the LCG starter box I really have no interest in playing with very competitve CCG decks.

Let me know



What we try to do with our unofficial tournaments is limit the card pool to make it more inviting for new players. This past Sunday, we used just the decks from the core set. Next month, we are thinking about just using the white backed cards from the core set and the last two asylum packs. We scheduled that for Sunday, Feb. 8 at noon at Games Plus.

For booster drafts we have tried using 3 boosters plus an asylum pack. That worked OK. We also used 5 packs. I have 2+ boxes of Eldrich we use for drafts. As long as those last, there is no cost to participate.

As an aside, if FFG has an official tournament, we will use their rules and all tournament legal cards can be used.

Hey Necrarch,

I was in Games-Plus Friday, are you guys planning to set up shop for the upcoming organized play league?

I am definitely interested if it is at a time in which I can attend!


Hi Abe,

We are going to have an informal tournament at Games Plus on Sunday, Feb. 8. I'll announce the details in a separate post shortly.

At that time, we're going to try to figure out what we can do about the league. We also need to talk to the store to see about sponsorship.