(RtL)LOS spiked pit + Tahlia hero ability

By Moneseki, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

1: Illustation: XXM where X means pit with hero, M means monster. Does the monster have line of sight to the hero furthest away?(monster is btw webbed and cant move). Our group think the hero furthest away from the monster cant see the monster, anyone disagree on that?

2: "When Tahlia discards a Guard order to make an interrupt attack, she may move a number of spaces equal to her speed before or after attacking." In our group she is allowed to move up to 3(her speed, unless swifted) spaces. Can she do anything else(spend fatigue to open doors, chests, other)? If she moves 2 spaces, then falls into a pit, can she then pay 1 fatigue + her last "move" to move out of it, leading to moving the 3 spaces?

1) I agree. The base game rules say "Other figures may trace line of sight to a figure in a pit normally " (p. 17). And the FAQ adds (p. 8): "Furthermore, if multiple figures are in the same large pit, all may trace line of sight to each other as if they were on normal floor spaces. All normal line of sight restrictions still apply , of course." So the hero in the middle blocks LOS between the other two figures, no matter whether LOS is drawn from inside or outside the pit.

2) Base game rules: "Spending Fatigue for Movement: At any time during a hero’s turn , he may spend one fatigue to gain one movement point" (p. 18). Since Thalia interrupts the OL's turn with her guard order she may not spend fatigue to gain movement points at this occasion. She may still use her normal movement points for movement actions.

Also a quick point about Tahlia's ability. I believe that you may use her movement either before or after her attack but not both before and after.

Moneseki said:

1: Illustation: XXM where X means pit with hero, M means monster. Does the monster have line of sight to the hero furthest away?(monster is btw webbed and cant move). Our group think the hero furthest away from the monster cant see the monster, anyone disagree on that?

Agreed. Figures in pits still block LoS like they normally would. Descent does not emulate the third dimension very well.

Moneseki said:

2: "When Tahlia discards a Guard order to make an interrupt attack, she may move a number of spaces equal to her speed before or after attacking." In our group she is allowed to move up to 3(her speed, unless swifted) spaces. Can she do anything else(spend fatigue to open doors, chests, other)? If she moves 2 spaces, then falls into a pit, can she then pay 1 fatigue + her last "move" to move out of it, leading to moving the 3 spaces?

IIRC she can spend these MP just like she would during her turn; moving, drinking a potion (as long as she didn't drink one during her actual turn), opening doors, etc. The only thing she can't do is spend fatigue for MPs, since it's not her actual turn anymore.

dragon76 said:

Also a quick point about Tahlia's ability. I believe that you may use her movement either before or after her attack but not both before and after.

That does ring a bell, and I think you might be right. I don't personally like that one though, since it creates a restriction on spending her MPs that doesn't normally exist for spending MPs. There's a good chance you're right about that, but I'm kind of hoping that's just an old FAQ ruling that has since been reversed/elaborated with the whole "move X spaces" should be read as "gain X MP" thing.

The last ruling was a pretty recent one. Can be found in the GLoAQ, and hopefully in the upcoming FAQ.

1: Thanks all. Kalev, thanks for pointing out it goes both ways. Pit-LOS isnt very logical to us(you`re in a pit, you only see adjacent. 10 spaces away from you a monster see you without a problem. Anyone able to explain how that is logical?). Last session we argued over this question. All meaning hero cant see the enemy, but 2 think the monster can see the hero furthest away since he is in a pit, while 1 think it cant due to the hero in front of the first hero.

2: So Tahlia gets movement points instead of ehhh "move"???? That makes her pretty much more powerful than we have played her the 3 months shes been in play. Here she`s only been allowed to move up to three spaces, no movement actions permitted.

In addition, another question that came to my mind...... Crystal of Tival reads : "Discard after equipping at the start of your turn to recover 6 wounds and restore your fatigue to its maximum value." Does this mean if you equip it you NEED to discard it? If so the hero has to put it in the backpack and avoid using a "other"-slot until its time to use it.

Thanks for all cents.

Crystal of Tival does not need to be discarded the same turn it was equipped. Unless thére´s some peculiar English language thing in the wording I am not aware of.

Moneseki said:

Pit-LOS isnt very logical to us(you`re in a pit, you only see adjacent. 10 spaces away from you a monster see you without a problem. Anyone able to explain how that is logical?).

Well, I suppose you know about logic and Descent being evil enemies, don't you ? But it makes still some sense. Sitting in a pit ought to be a disadvantage. So you have restricted LOS, outside figures don't.

Moneseki said:

2: So Tahlia gets movement points instead of ehhh "move"???? That makes her pretty much more powerful than we have played her the 3 months shes been in play. Here she`s only been allowed to move up to three spaces, no movement actions permitted.

Check this thread: www.fantasyflightgames.com/edge_foros_discusion.asp . Corbon cites a GLoAQ entry later in the thread covering Thalia and her special ability. It answers your question directly.

Moneseki said:

Crystal of Tival reads : "Discard after equipping at the start of your turn to recover 6 wounds and restore your fatigue to its maximum value." Does this mean if you equip it you NEED to discard it?

I agree with Parathion, though I am not native English speaker, either. But I guess they would have used the word "immediately" if it was meant to be discarded immediately. Many things have to be done or trigger "immediately" in Descent, so FFG is aware of the existence of this word. Thus we can assume that it was deliberately not used in the Crystal of Tival wording.

kalev said:

I agree with Parathion, though I am not native English speaker, either. But I guess they would have used the word "immediately" if it was meant to be discarded immediately. Many things have to be done or trigger "immediately" in Descent, so FFG is aware of the existence of this word. Thus we can assume that it was deliberately not used in the Crystal of Tival wording.

I agree with both you and Parathion regarding how the card should be played. The source of the confusion stems from the fact that the sentence can basically be parsed a few different ways, and it depends entirely on the mentality of the reader which way they'll interpret it.

It can be read "(discard after equipping) (at the start of your turn)..." Which would seem to say it must be discarded right after equipping.

Or it can be read "(Discard) (after equipping at the start of your turn)..." Which actually implies it could be discarded at any point during your turn as long as it was just equipped at the start of this turn.

Or it could be "(Discard) (after equipping) (at the start of your turn)..." Meaning it must be discarded at the start of your turn after having been equipped (not necessarily the start of the same turn it was equipped, however.)

The point is they want the item to be equipped before it gets discarded. I'm fairly sure the last example is the most accurate. Perhaps the best wording would have been "While equipped, discard at the start of your turn..." Hindsight being 20/20 and all.

I concur that if it was intended to be used as soon as it was equipped they probably would have used the word "immediately" in there somewhere, however, I'd be careful about assuming things just because a word is not present. The whole "move X spaces" means "gain X MP" thing shows us that they don't always use the same terminology consistently. I think you're right in this case, I'm just saying I'd be careful about making assumptions like that in general.

Hmm... I guess I've always seen a different parsing in the text, which is that "equipping at the start of your turn" is a single phrase, which refers to a specific point during your turn. This is to differentiate it from 'equipping' which you can do later as a movement action. Thus, I don't see the the word 'equipping' as referring to equipping the crystal itself, per se, but rather to the institution of equipping. For me, it reads as You may discard this card immediately after (this specific point of your turn) to regain 6 wounds and restore your fatigue.


phelanward said:

Hmm... I guess I've always seen a different parsing in the text, which is that "equipping at the start of your turn" is a single phrase, which refers to a specific point during your turn. This is to differentiate it from 'equipping' which you can do later as a movement action. Thus, I don't see the the word 'equipping' as referring to equipping the crystal itself, per se, but rather to the institution of equipping. For me, it reads as You may discard this card immediately after (this specific point of your turn) to regain 6 wounds and restore your fatigue.


Me too. Except the 'immediately' part is not present anywhere and is totally 'made up'.
OTOH, FFG effectively confirmed the 'immediate' part was intended ...

Q: "There are three treasures that offer one-time healing to a hero: Jinn's Lamp, Amulet of Healing, and Crystal of Tival. All three say "Discard after equipping at the start of your turn..."... Should "at the start of your turn" just be ignored, or does it have some other significance?"
A: It can only be used at the start of your turn after Step 2: Equip Items. The result is that you will have only 1 Other item (if any) equipped.

Nothing anywhere, says it has to be 'used' the same turn that you first equipped the item. The only restriction is the timing of the use/discard (and the fact that of course it must be equipped when used)
If the item is not equipped, you can't use it for anything - so discarding from the backback is just throwing it away - different from 'discarding for effect'.