Mazzew's (SuperSpaceSardine's) Trading Thread (Updated: 10/25/09)

By Mazzew, in Agrabah Bazaar

I always liked Yuffie, I don't see why some people don't, but everybody has their own opinoins! ; )

Mazzew said:

Roxas said:

Check my trades for Queen of Hearts.

as she is in my mild wants I would prefere to trade 2-3 rares for her, possibly 4 cause they are taking up my spare deck box.

1 R Soul Eater for my SR Queen of Hearts?

Can I get back to you on that? The reason being that although I don't need Soul Eater (I had three prior to getting the spare two), however a majority of my other wants are higher up on the ladder than Queen of Hearts (The top two are Jack lvl 3 and Dark Riku)

Mazzew said:

TheChampIsHere said:

Out of curiousity would you do:

Stealth Sneak
Disney Castle (extra to trade)


Agrabah lvl 3 SR

Hmm... I'll think about it, but I don't really want/need another Disney Castle.

I know, but since you are iffy on trading one, I figured I'd give you an extra one so that you can trade one.

Morbidsanity said:

i must say the first time i played final fantasy 7 and went to watai or however u spell that town, i hated her with a passion, the next few battles after she was in my party again i killed her myself, sliced her like butter, then turned her into a toad and had frog legs...i must say in kingdom hearts when you got to fight her in the coliseum, that really made my day :) i would play it just to kick her tail, all because of that side quest...>_<

XD She really pissed me off in KH2. I wanted to fight all those heartless myself but she just kept leaping around and getting in my way. It's a shame you can't kill her in that game. ;.;

Roxas said:

Mazzew said:

Roxas said:

Check my trades for Queen of Hearts.

as she is in my mild wants I would prefere to trade 2-3 rares for her, possibly 4 cause they are taking up my spare deck box.

1 R Soul Eater for my SR Queen of Hearts?

Can I get back to you on that? The reason being that although I don't need Soul Eater (I had three prior to getting the spare two), however a majority of my other wants are higher up on the ladder than Queen of Hearts (The top two are Jack lvl 3 and Dark Riku)

Sure, not a problem. I won't be heart broken. I already have 2 soul eaters in my deck so I am not desperate for another one. ^_^

I was just mad at her at that sidequest, other than that i liked her, but i really wanted to use knights of the round on her, but couldn't :( so i used it on a little frog instead....OVERKILL

*Post to keep thread moving*

Stealth Sneak R for Agrabah lvl 3 SR?

TheChampIsHere said:

Stealth Sneak R for Agrabah lvl 3 SR?

No thank you.

What would you want. Do you have anything else for trade. I have some things that you have on your wants list, but the things up for trade aren't worth that much. If you had more though, I might be willing to trade something.

You have 3 SRs up for trade that aren't under MIGHT trades, some might trade an SRU for that (all of those), but not ones like Cloud and such...maybe End of the World or 100 Acre Woods or something.

TheChampIsHere said:

What would you want. Do you have anything else for trade. I have some things that you have on your wants list, but the things up for trade aren't worth that much. If you had more though, I might be willing to trade something.

You have 3 SRs up for trade that aren't under MIGHT trades, some might trade an SRU for that (all of those), but not ones like Cloud and such...maybe End of the World or 100 Acre Woods or something.

At this point in time I do not have anything else to trade. If there is something I want badly enough, I will do what I have to to get it. Otherwise, I'm not really in any big hurry to trade anything off.

Oh well, if you get something in the near future that isn't on my haves list, then please make an offer, and I might be willing to trade something better.

hey do you buy cards? I have mersora and sora lvl 1 and 2 SR

Morbidsanity said:

hey do you buy cards? I have mersora and sora lvl 1 and 2 SR

I do when I have cash. How much do you want for each?

umm you give me an offer, because i usually charge around 10 for nf promos and 5 for SRS, but we can work out a deal

Morbidsanity said:

umm you give me an offer, because i usually charge around 10 for nf promos and 5 for SRS, but we can work out a deal

Sounds good. I will let you know on Wednesday. I'm interested in the NF MerSora and SR Lvl 2 Sora.

alright let me know wednesday:)

oh yeah let me know of anything else you need check my thread but some of them i traded off already so i have to renew it, but ilet me know

Morbidsanity said:

oh yeah let me know of anything else you need check my thread but some of them i traded off already so i have to renew it, but ilet me know

Right now I can probably afford to do the SR Sora Lvl 2 for about $3-$4.

hey you want me to hold on to those 3 cards for you?

Morbidsanity said:

hey you want me to hold on to those 3 cards for you?

Just the NF Mersora and the Sr Lvl 2 Sora if you would be so kind. :)

i want your

King Triton - Lvl 2 - Super Rare

Parasite Cage - Lvl 7 - Rare

I have

*Sora - Lvl 2 - Super Rare (Base Set)

*Sora - Lvl 3 - Super Rare (Base Set)

Pooh Bear - Lvl 0 - Super Rare (DA Set)

Jasmine - Lvl 0 - Super Rare (L/D Set)

let me know what you want to do

also do you have any soul eaters

i will hold them for you :)

Morbidsanity said:

i will hold them for you :)

Thank youuuuuu~ :3

Van Comrad said:

i want your

King Triton - Lvl 2 - Super Rare

Parasite Cage - Lvl 7 - Rare

I have

*Sora - Lvl 2 - Super Rare (Base Set)

*Sora - Lvl 3 - Super Rare (Base Set)

Pooh Bear - Lvl 0 - Super Rare (DA Set)

Jasmine - Lvl 0 - Super Rare (L/D Set)

let me know what you want to do

also do you have any soul eaters