Hi to the moderators, or whoever will be dealing with the next FAQ update for Descent (I see Anton is no longer a mod here, so maybe it will be someone else?)
Another forum member was handling contacts with Anton previously, but isn't responding currently - hopefully due to having a newborn in the house!
We are have a large document ready for you, full of questions, with attached explanations and detailed answers to choose from (mostly).
At this stage our idea of how it works is that we pass you this document, you read it bit by bit, asking back questions of us if needed, and copy each 'question' and the chosen/modified 'answer' to the section supplied for that purpose at the end of the document. By the end of that process we will have a section (much, much smaller) of the document that can simply be cut and paste into your FAQ document, more or less.
Hopefully this process provides you with a good understanding of the questions without having to do lots of research, and enables answers for the FAQ that don't create more questions themselves.
Please make contact with us at Descent FAQ Group or replying here.