Heart Points?

By Nobody18, in Odds & Ends

I'm still pretty new to Kingdom Hearts Tcg. What are Hearts Ponts? I bought decent amounts of packets and a starter deck but I havn't seen heart points. How do I redeem heartpoints? And may someone post a pic on how it looks like. Google image hasn't been any help at all. I want to know everything on heart points. Oh, and what can I get with heartpoints?

Heart Points are a certain number in a heart picture on the back of card packs. They were on the first and second sets, but the third set didn't have any heart points, which lead people to believe they would eventually cancel and stop making heart points. They released a form that you could send in with a certain number of heart points to get any of the promos out (except Kairi and Sora lvl 2), you could also get like Key packs and stuff. Nonetheless, that ended I think January 8, so right now, you can't get anything with them. Some people will trade cards for heart points, but I have like 300, so I won't trade for them.

That all I can think of off the top of my head...

So...the heart points are useless for now...?

TheChampIsHere said:

Heart Points are a certain number in a heart picture on the back of card packs. They were on the first and second sets, but the third set didn't have any heart points, which lead people to believe they would eventually cancel and stop making heart points. They released a form that you could send in with a certain number of heart points to get any of the promos out (except Kairi and Sora lvl 2), you could also get like Key packs and stuff. Nonetheless, that ended I think January 8, so right now, you can't get anything with them. Some people will trade cards for heart points, but I have like 300, so I won't trade for them.

That all I can think of off the top of my head...

ends Jan 31

Where do I get the redeem form for the heart points?

go to the home page and click on the Kingdom Hearts thing.

Go to the support page and there will be a pdf file for it. Better get it in quick.

After January 31st, will heart points ever be used again?