Alright to hide the number of district cards on your hand from the magician?

By moons1, in Citadels

We played Citadels yesterday, and when a player was considering to pick the magician he wanted to know the number of district cards on each players hand. Another player didn't want to show the number of cards on his hand. He said that the rules didn't say that he had to show the number of cards on his hand. I thought this was kind of silly, and that this would be just as silly as all the players hiding the number of gold counters in their fists.

What do you think?

Just my opinion - While I don't think its in the rules, I agree that it seems counter to the spirit of the rules. The Assassin and thief target a ROLE, in part so that a particular player isn't picked on. The Magician targets a PLAYER. If number of cards were intended to be kept secret from the magician, then the choice may (almost) have been switched to targeting a ROLE, like the Assassin or Thief.

Basically, then, I am guessing that one of the reasons that a Magician targets a PLAYER instead of a ROLE is that his power would be too weak if he then knew nothing about the player he was targeting.

Also, as a magician, trading two cards to a player and then finding out he had none would be somewhat damaging. I don't think any of the powers were intended to be self-damaging.

Again, just my opinion (I'm also wary in general of '..but its not in the rules' players - rulebooks are finite - there are infinitely many things not in the rules)

I agree. As you both said - hiding number of cards is like hiding a number of gold, and that just seems silly.

And the fact, that magician has power to trade his hand for a hand of other player makes this even more stupid. Thats like if you wouldn´t show districts you already built - and so the warlord would attack aimlessly. Or in the case of not showing the gold - thief would steal blindly not knowing the outcome? That´s just random. And Citadels are about STRATEGY.

- To prevent this, just make sure next time the other players know that the basic rule is to show the number of gold and cards in your hand, so noone misunderstands the rules. (Anyway, playing the game secretly suddenly sounds like an interesting idea to me, maybe I´ll try it :) )

Agreed, the point of the magician is to prevent players from hoarding too many cards in their hand. If they do, the magician will be coming for them!! I always play where you have to show how many cards you have. I feel it works better that way.

Spirit of game + Game = Fun factor for everyone...

I would not invite him/her to your game nights again...

I completely agree that the number of cards in your hand should be public information at all times.

That said, it's also worth remembering that the player who was asking was, according ot the OP, thinking about taking the Magician . As in, he's still picking his leader. Does that justify hiding the number of cards in your hand? No, not at all. But it does justify a certain amount of "c'mon man, just pick a **** leader."

There are two sides to the situation as presented. I wouldn't go kicking the guy out of my gaming group just because he wants to get into the proper game round instead of sitting here forever while Joe mulls over which leader to pick. I would, however, want to clarify the position that cards in hand is public information, moving forward.

That said, I also think it would be hilarious if the Assassin decided to geek the Magician that turn. >=D