New Player/Collector - please help!

By cjohnson2, in 1. AGoT General Discussion

((Yes, I've read previous posts, but there's still stuff not clear to me)).

I want to start collecting A Game of Thrones LCG and place a fat nice order at the FFG store, but I don't exactly know where to start. I am primarily interested in collecting pictures from one of my favorite book series, and what better way to do it than to buy cards?

The whole trading card stuff was a big no-no for me - unless it was an "ultimate" card set bought off ebay, trying to collect all cards in each and every set could very well lead me to sleeping in my car. (Except I don't have one.) The LCG format, on the other hand, seems to be ideal for me.

Which brings me to the questions:

1. What products listed in the Store are T CG and what are L CG? (Am I correct in the assumption that all the new LCG items have the word "chapter" in their titles?)

2. What do I have to buy to have my collection somewhat playable, on a living-room, let's-play-something-while-the-party-gathers-for-the-session level? (I am currently planning to buy each and every available "chapter").

3. What other "must-have" items do I have to buy to significantly expand/improve the character collection (maybe some starters or decks that are 100% sure to have important out-of-print characters in them).

Thank you.

cjohnson said:

I want to start collecting A Game of Thrones LCG and place a fat nice order at the FFG store, but I don't exactly know where to start. I am primarily interested in collecting pictures from one of my favorite book series, and what better way to do it than to buy cards?

Well, keep in mind that since all product will be packaged in fixed format from here on out (i.e., every box has exactly the same stuff), it's not like there's much to "collect" any more. At least not the way that card gamers usually use the term.

cjohnson said:

1. What products listed in the Store are T CG and what are L CG? (Am I correct in the assumption that all the new LCG items have the word "chapter" in their titles?)

Here is the link you want:

Anything listed under "Legacy Product" is primarily randomly packed. If all you want is the new LCG items, you are looking at the Core Set and the two expansion lines.

cjohnson said:

2. What do I have to buy to have my collection somewhat playable, on a living-room, let's-play-something-while-the-party-gathers-for-the-session level? (I am currently planning to buy each and every available "chapter").

All you need it the Core Set. It consists of 4 pre-made decks that can be played out-of-the box. All the expansion Chapter Packs consist of 20 cards (10x 1 copy each and 10x 3 copies each for a total of 40 cards) that are used to modify the decks in the Core Set. The Chapter Packs are NOT playable out of the box; there simply aren't enough cards - and there aren't enough of the right cards (like resources) to build anything playable with just cards from the "Chapter" products.

cjohnson said:

3. What other "must-have" items do I have to buy to significantly expand/improve the character collection (maybe some starters or decks that are 100% sure to have important out-of-print characters in them).

There aren't any, really. FFG redesigned the whole LCG format so that you could start with the Core Set and the Chapter Packs if you want. There is nothing "must-have" from a game or playability level. The Core Set will get you most of the key characters from the books for Houses Stark, Lannister, Baratheon and Targaryen. If you do want to go trolling through Legacy Product for alternate cards of the key characters and other less "literary" people, remember that most of it is randomly packed. You won't know what - or who - you're getting. Stick to the Five Kings Edition Starter, the Iron Throne Edition Starter, the Winter and Valyrian Edition PREMIUM Starters (and possibly the Legacy Pack), or else you'll be looking for that car to sleep in.

Many thanks, just placed my order! Now the waiting begins...