I'm liking the heroes expansion but

By ClanNatioy2, in Battlelore

I wish that each class had a special power that only they had and you get automatically when you pick them. The reasons why I wish they each had their own special powers is because the heroes seem a bit weak when they first start out and also because the rogue and the warrior are very similar. They share 4 out of 6 skill cards.

I was thinking that each of them could have their own unique starting power.

Rogue - gets 2 addition attack dice when attacking an unsupported enemy unit

wizard - has a 2 dice ranged attack (range 4) that hits on banner colors and lore symbols (dice rolled are unaffected by movement).

field commander - add 1 to your command. So for cards like mounted charge and blue banners you would get to order one extra unit as long as your field commander is still in the battle.

cleric - when adjacent enemy troops retreat for any reason they are frightened and must check for panic loses (enemies that are already frightened instead take one automatic hit in addition to the normal panic check).

warrior - doesn't need one. He already can take more punishment and rolls more dice in combat then any of the other heroes.

Let me know what you guys think of these powers. do you like them/not like them? what would you change?

I have Heroes, but I haven't had a chance to put it into play yet. This summer I'll definately be playing a lot of BattleLore. I think the Heroes expansion looks awesome. The miniatures are pretty cool, though the warriors sword is a bit...well, lame. I envisioned him having a huge broadsword or something. That tiny, bent dagger looking thing he has doesn't look very imposing. No biggie. Anyway, as to powers...I think it would be cool if the Heroes had some sort of finishing move like in Mortal Kombat. Like if they roll all red dice in an attack, they wipe out an entire unit in a whirlwind of slashing steel or something. Maybe if they ever do "BattleLore, Feudal Japan," that would be something cool.

we have played HEROES a number of time, but the pllayers in my group, decided it was more effort than it was worth... a shame,,, but it is gathering dust now

My wife is my usual opponent when playing Battlelore. Over the last 6 or so games we've been using the same heroes and it'sbeen a lot of fun seeing them grow. They haven't ever been game changers, but they have certainly been handy at critical points. My wife's is the Warrior (she called her's Slasha), and she has been responsible for a few of my units meeting messy ends. Mine is a rogue (The Masked Bastard of Mercia), mine has been very handy in moving units through and around terrain and this has been vital at some points. The artifacts are also great fun, adding some really useful and fun special abilities to the game. We like this expansion a lot, but to sing it really needs to be played a lot against the same opponet/s in my view.



The expansion is definitely meant for multiple plays for it to really shine but I would have liked to have seen a class specific ability for each of the heroes because when they start out they just have the one skill and a random item and it seems like it's better to hide them at first until they get a little more powerful (although this is a boring approach to heroes). I also think they need those class specific powers because of how similar the rogue and warrior are. It really bugs me that they share 4 out of 6 skill powers. You could make a rouge and warrior and they would be exactly the same (except that the warrior would roll more dice and be able to take more hits). The main thing that separates the rogue from the warrior in this expansion is my own personal image of how a rogue and warrior should fight. But the actual mechanics of these two heroes don't encourage this kind of play. You could play a warrior just like you were a rogue and a rogue like it was a warrior.

caradoc said:

My wife is my usual opponent when playing Battlelore. Over the last 6 or so games we've been using the same heroes and it'sbeen a lot of fun seeing them grow. They haven't ever been game changers, but they have certainly been handy at critical points. My wife's is the Warrior (she called her's Slasha), and she has been responsible for a few of my units meeting messy ends. Mine is a rogue (The Masked Bastard of Mercia), mine has been very handy in moving units through and around terrain and this has been vital at some points. The artifacts are also great fun, adding some really useful and fun special abilities to the game. We like this expansion a lot, but to sing it really needs to be played a lot against the same opponet/s in my view.



you are really luck gamer to have a wife that shares your hobby....lucky bastarda happy.gif

Maimed said:

you are really luck gamer to have a wife that shares your hobby....lucky bastarda happy.gif

Ha! This is very true - I am very lucky!



TheKingOfBlades said:

The expansion is definitely meant for multiple plays for it to really shine but I would have liked to have seen a class specific ability for each of the heroes because when they start out they just have the one skill and a random item and it seems like it's better to hide them at first until they get a little more powerful (although this is a boring approach to heroes). I also think they need those class specific powers because of how similar the rogue and warrior are. It really bugs me that they share 4 out of 6 skill powers. You could make a rouge and warrior and they would be exactly the same (except that the warrior would roll more dice and be able to take more hits). The main thing that separates the rogue from the warrior in this expansion is my own personal image of how a rogue and warrior should fight. But the actual mechanics of these two heroes don't encourage this kind of play. You could play a warrior just like you were a rogue and a rogue like it was a warrior.

This is true, but some of the skills are really very cool. The rogues skill that allows him to move through terrain (and the unit he is with if a Leader) is very cool - and also very rogue-ish. I've been happy with how indiviual our heroes are, but a special ability would have been cool as well.

It would be cool to have a mini expansion called 'Heroes of the Age' - with some personalities that can be used with the 'Heroes' rules, but who also come with a little card that details their particular special ability, much like a creature. It might be a fun way of addiing Goblin, Hobgoblin, Ogre, Dwarf and so oin heroes to the mix.



Yeah path finder is an awesome skill and it is very rogue-ish no doubt about that. But the warrior has the option to take that skill too.

The skills the rogue and warrior share are: riding, blademaster, assassin, and path finder.

the skills they have different are: Rogue has leech and thievery and the warrior has bruiser and hack-and-slash.

This makes these two heroes far too similar for me. So either they need class specific skills to make them different no matter what skills you pick or they need to change the some of the skill cards. Personally I don't think the warrior should have the assassin skill or the path finder skill. She should have gotten different ones maybe skills that make her more resilient or something that lets her move quicker but only when shes a champion. Maybe instead of assassin she could have a skill called bowmaster that lets any unit she joins roll an additional dice in ranged combat and the unit hits on sword on shield results.

And I wouldn't mind having the rogues blademaster skill change to backstab (your rogue hero rolls two additional dice in melee combat against unsupported units. [this is the same ability that I suggested as being the rogue's class skill but I wouldn't mind seeing it on a skill card]).

There are some good ideas in this thread. I like the idea of a Goblin or Ogre hero. Don't know much about the game as I just got it in the mail yesterday, but I'm surprised they wouldn't include those type of heroes in the expansion.

There must be some people generating house rules on these forums. That seems like a good opportunity right there. It would be fun to design some other heroes and skills.

I'm painting some custom sculpts for goblin, dwarf, etc., heroes, but just to use in place of the regular sculpts. I have no special rules. In fact, I haven't even played the Heroe's expansion yet.