Can BoW be used to play BL expansions?

By flyingcircus, in Battles of Westeros

Can Battles of westeros be used to play a game of Battle lore fantasy, using the expansions? Is the rules basically the same?

Though based on the same rules there are significant differences. You will not be able to use BoW expansions for BattleLore without significant work on your part. Having said that the miniatures are of the right scale and if you want to homebrew things it'll have some neat ideas to try out.

DragonWhimsy said:

Though based on the same rules there are significant differences. You will not be able to use BoW expansions for BattleLore without significant work on your part. Having said that the miniatures are of the right scale and if you want to homebrew things it'll have some neat ideas to try out.

You misunderstood, I was thinking of getting BoW and using like the Hundred Years War expansion from BL with BoW, is that possible or would I have to come up with allot of house ruling?

Pretty much the same thing I think. I've not played both so take what I say with a grain of salt. But from everything I've read the games are very different. However if you're feeling creative rules wise they could make a great basis for a House Targaryen army.

Myself I'd love to get the bolt throwers from the new dwarf expansion for BoW. I bet those could be converted easily. One thing BoW's needs is some warmachines.

Just wondering, thanks. I ordered BoW and am waiting on it to get here. I am tempted to get the new Hordes box set FFG put out, the monsters look cool and use it with BoW.

flyingcircus said:

DragonWhimsy said:

Though based on the same rules there are significant differences. You will not be able to use BoW expansions for BattleLore without significant work on your part. Having said that the miniatures are of the right scale and if you want to homebrew things it'll have some neat ideas to try out.

You misunderstood, I was thinking of getting BoW and using like the Hundred Years War expansion from BL with BoW, is that possible or would I have to come up with allot of house ruling?

Check out the images and reviews of the Battlelore expansions on BoardGameGeek. I haven't played any of the Battlelore expansions, although I've played the core set quite a bit, but I'd be surprised if they were all that hard to field in a game of Battles of Westeros, although they will look out of place being in a different sculpting style and you would have to devise your own scenarios.

Devising scenarios would be the least of my problems, I think getting the two systems to mesh would be the more difficult one.

flyingcircus said:

Devising scenarios would be the least of my problems, I think getting the two systems to mesh would be the more difficult one.

I don't know why you would say that. I can't think of any unit in the base Battlelore set that cause a problem on a Battles of Westeros field with no modification. I mean the banner colors indicate the same number of dice and the movement works exactly the same. I'm sure I could throw some Elephant blocks from Commands and Colors: Ancients on the Westeros field with no problem, too. I just don't want to devise new scenarios when I'm not even close to playing out the diversity of scenarios that you get in the core Battles of Westeros box.

The models are not the same scale - same bases yes, but the Battlelore ones are larger and bulkier. BOW ones are thinner and smaller.

Its a scale difference that some might be ok with, but I personally wouldn't mix them.