53. Dallak

By Corbon, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark FAQ Update Discussions

Dallak has no access to the sea, and therefore is not a port city. Can it be used as a home port anyway? How would the Revenge get there/leave from there? By flying? Carried on the heroes' shoulders?

Q: Can Dallak be used as a home port?
A1: Yes. Home ports are just a base and do not require port facilities.
A2: No. Home Port must be a Port and Dallak has no Port facilities

Similar question:
Q. Can the OL use the Gem of Transport to teleport a Lieutenant to Dallak? (Where he could fight a sea battle against the heroes in the middle of the continent?)
A1: Yes. Even seagoing Lieutenants can use the magic of the Gem of Transport to get to Dallak. There is a local reservoir there that they can use to ‘seige’ the city and/or fight the heroes on.
A2: No. Sea of Blood Lieutenants are not allowed to enter any inland location, including Dallak.

Just my two cents but I would say yes, Dallak counts as a valid home port choice. AFAIK there are no icons or other mechanical means of identifying "port cities" as compared to "cities" (if there were I'm guessing this question wouldn't be raised.)

That would also imply a "yes he can use the gem of transport that way" for the follow-up, but I'm cool with that. Maybe there's a big river leading down to Dallak.

The rules say Dallak has no Shipyard:

Exception : Dallak does not have a shipyard, and the heroes may neither upgrade nor repair their ship there (rulebook p. 31).

However, no Shipyard does not necessarily mean no port.

On the other hand, there is no sea trail between Dallak and other cities, so one could wonder how non-magical ships would get there (the Ghost Ship can't, for instance). Would a landlocked city build a port only for magical ships?

To summarize, it is mostly a question of flavor and "real-world logic".

The second question is already in the FAQ and can be left out.

Parathion said:

The second question is already in the FAQ and can be left out.
