Dallak has no access to the sea, and therefore is not a port city. Can it be used as a home port anyway? How would the Revenge get there/leave from there? By flying? Carried on the heroes' shoulders?
Q: Can Dallak be used as a home port?
A1: Yes. Home ports are just a base and do not require port facilities.
A2: No. Home Port must be a Port and Dallak has no Port facilities
Similar question:
Q. Can the OL use the Gem of Transport to teleport a Lieutenant to Dallak? (Where he could fight a sea battle against the heroes in the middle of the continent?)
A1: Yes. Even seagoing Lieutenants can use the magic of the Gem of Transport to get to Dallak. There is a local reservoir there that they can use to ‘seige’ the city and/or fight the heroes on.
A2: No. Sea of Blood Lieutenants are not allowed to enter any inland location, including Dallak.