When are they going to put out a FFG edition of BL?

By flyingcircus, in Battlelore

I don't want a French edition, I want an English edition and have been waiting for a redone FFG edition, so were is it FFG!?

If you don't want to support or even do up the game, sell it back to Days of Wonder so people can get a **** copy!

I completely understand and agree with FFG's decision to repurpose the French edition. Why would they want to put the money into designing and manufacturing something that essentially already exists? I am sure there are plenty of people happy to see these editions, especially some of the more rare expansions.

I think flyingcircus has a point. If I was new to a game I would want the rules in English and not have to print off an eighty page document. And also the scenarios are in french. How are you supposed to play the battles if the scenarios are in french? (at least I've heard they're in french I wont know for sure until I get my copy).

I also think Biomage has a point. Why wouldn't ffg sell off all the old stuff before they do another print run. But I think these redone base sets are better for people that already own battlelore and just need a second copy to play the bigger scenarios and reluctant allies.

They only expansion I didn't own was the hundred years war so I got a redone french copy It's kind of a hassle to have to print the rules off of line and have all these loose papers in my battlelore box. It's especially annoying for me because I don't have a color printer so I have to use the french hundred years war book for the set up of the scenarios and the print off copy to be able to read the rules. But all in all I'm very glad to be able to get a second base set and the hundred years war expansion.

Well all they had to do was print up all the english parts/books rules etc, place into box and sell them as english. Why should i pay full price for a game they didn't make in the first place and something that I have to do all the work to make playable in the second place, very cheezy if you ask me and lazy on their part! Its becoming their MO of late, any way to squeeze an easy dollar off the fan base, but not with me this time, i'm waiting for a properly done set.

Yeah that's true they should have put English print rulebooks and scenario books in there. It doesn't seem like that would have been too hard. If they can redo the cards in English why not the books?

Considering that the vast majority of the base sets cost comes from its large amount of miniatures with the nice plastic inserts that protect the banner bearers and that all the work is done for you (the stickers are already place on and the minis are glued to the bases). It should have been no problem to include English rules.

They'll make an edition probably around when we see an actual FFG person making a post here in this forum - probably never, sadly. FFG really hasn't supported the product unlike Westeros and they are just making smaller "base" sets via the last few expansions (with a few items still missing - haven't checked lately of what hasn't been released yet). Just FFG's way of saying they are "supporting" the product when really not.

Until I'm proven otherwise, I doubt we will see anything TRULY new from FFG on true Battlelore. They bought the name for Westeros - and look at them go to town on using the "battlelore" (major cough!) system.


I've heard some people speculate that the reason "a battlelore game" is on the westeros box is because ffg plans on making a second edition battlelore using the battles of westeros rules. I can't really see that being the case because I believe that battlelore 2nd edition using westeros rules would be an epic failure. No battlelore fan would make the switch from battlelore to battlelore "a battles of westeros game". And no one would switch because they would have to re-buy a ton of new product.

Has anyone else heard this speculation?

Also I hope that ffg is getting ready to wow us with some completely new product such as a big expansion that includes a complete army with call to arms deployment cards. Or an expansion that include new lore cards and a race specific lore master for each of the three races. and figures and cards to play those loremasters with the heroes expansion.

Fingers crossed a new edition is not a similar system to Westeros! If I wanted that I'd just buy Westeros!



I hope ffg doesn't make a new edition at all but I've heard people say they would make a battlelore 2nd edition more similar to westeros and I wanted to know if anyone else had heard that too.

If ffg does make a second edition it better not be like westeros, Richard Borg must still be in charge of the system and the majority of existing material must be use-able or I would not purchase it. I would just continue to play "classic battlelore with all the expansions and material I already own.

TheKingOfBlades said:

I hope ffg doesn't make a new edition at all but I've heard people say they would make a battlelore 2nd edition more similar to westeros and I wanted to know if anyone else had heard that too.

If ffg does make a second edition it better not be like westeros, Richard Borg must still be in charge of the system and the majority of existing material must be use-able or I would not purchase it. I would just continue to play "classic battlelore with all the expansions and material I already own.

Borg has said that the newer rules they have been playing with include Battle Savvy as a default for all troops, and that the newer cards for Arbalests and other ranged weapons (roll 1 die when moving, instead of no dice or one less die) are also in their "second edition" rules set that might be released some day.

FFG might do something else with it. I've never played Westeros, and probably never will, so I can't comment on that.

I haven't heard any of the above speculation, but as to the OPs question, I thought that the publisher was pretty specific as to why there aren't more of the original core sets being printed.

After they bought it from Days of Wonder they discovered that DoW had underpaid in a deal with a new factory for the figures and then also overprinted in order to save money. With inflation and the factory's not giving a new similar deal, FFG stated the original core set would be over $100. Since the $80 boxes from the original run hadn't sold out after several years, they imagined raising the price wouldn't help.

I think they will have a new core set, but it won't be the same as the old. I think they like BattleLore (since they keep making expansions) and hopefully some new armies will be produced. It kind of feels like Westeros is a medieval wargame, while BattleLore is more high fantasy.

I wouldn't mind having a ruleset option like Westeros. I like BattleLore, but the whole, "No one on the left board has any idea what to do until maybe next turn-hopefully-if I draw the correct card" doesn't work for me. Although, I may pick it up. It's hard to resist at this price.

I think flyingcircus has a point. If I was new to a game I would want the rules in English and not have to print off an eighty page document.

Buy the repurposed sets now and print the manual and scenarios out... or wait and get them in english but have to glue all the miniatures into their bases. It's a trade off!

Just don't imagine that a new FFG BattleLore set will be the same as what they're selling now with the repurposed sets.

sepayne7l said:

I like BattleLore, but the whole, "No one on the left board has any idea what to do until maybe next turn-hopefully-if I draw the correct card" doesn't work for me.

To each his own, but I prefer to look at this as "maybe I should have played my command cards a little more judiciously." I greatly enjoy the element of command in the game, and do not like mechanics that blunt the advantage of having a command of 6 over a command of 4, for example.

toddrew said:

sepayne7l said:

I like BattleLore, but the whole, "No one on the left board has any idea what to do until maybe next turn-hopefully-if I draw the correct card" doesn't work for me.

To each his own, but I prefer to look at this as "maybe I should have played my command cards a little more judiciously." I greatly enjoy the element of command in the game, and do not like mechanics that blunt the advantage of having a command of 6 over a command of 4, for example.

Ocassionally, one does in fact get a bad hand of cards (all pertaining to one mostly empty section, for example). Usually the game is a matter of management.

Taeblewalker said:

Ocassionally, one does in fact get a bad hand of cards (all pertaining to one mostly empty section, for example). Usually the game is a matter of management.

This is part of the strategy behind the C&C system. It prevents an army from massing all of their forces in one area and ensures that some units stay in reserve. I really like that aspect of the game. It is a completely different set of strategies than any other game.

The game is always one of management - have to manage good and bad.

I was INCREDIBLY happy to see them. I passed on a used box of Battlelore for $40 about a month before they disappeared from stores and the internet. The boxes started selling for $200 on ebay. Ouch...

It was great to be able to place an order for everything I wanted in Battlelore (and I bought everything except for the dragon expansion which I couldn't find!). Haven't received the box yet, but as I understand, it has everything in it aside from an english rulebookyou can get that online. Kudos to FF for getting this done. Haters wanna hate, but I'm just looking forward to playing the game.

Taeblewalker said:

toddrew said:

sepayne7l said:

I like BattleLore, but the whole, "No one on the left board has any idea what to do until maybe next turn-hopefully-if I draw the correct card" doesn't work for me.

To each his own, but I prefer to look at this as "maybe I should have played my command cards a little more judiciously." I greatly enjoy the element of command in the game,do not like mechanics that blunt the advantage of having a command of 6 over a command of 4, for example.

Ocassionally, one does in fact get a bad hand of cards (all pertaining to one mostly empty section, for example). Usually the game is a matter of management.

Play with Battle Savvy rulesyour bad hand problems will go away. ;)