Riding Horse

By Cidervampire, in Talisman

If I'm using the riding horse to move, does that mean that the reaper can't move or does he move if I get a 1 on either dice.


If I'm using the riding horse and have the magic carpet, can I use the carpet if my dice total equals 6 or if I throw a 6 on either dice or can't I use the carpet at all?



" Death does not move until a player rolls a “1” for his move. "

Whether you use the Riding Horse or not, you still rolled a 1 for your move, so the Reaper still comes into play.

So that being the case, If you also have the flying carpet, and one of the dice comes up a "6" you can go anywhere.

So horses, double the chance in both situations.

Seems a bit overpowered being able to use the carpet with odds of 1 in 3

I may be misreading, but... logically you can't use the carpet and the horse in the move, if that's also part of the puzzle. That makes no sense.

If using the carpet, your move ends where you land; using the horse as well would count as a second move. You don't take off on the horse for another move. They should be seen as separate methods of executing a move and not cumulative. Likewise, horse and then carpet. With this in mind, it simplifies the conumdrum a little.

If the Repear moves on a 1 (I don't have the expansion yet), then logicially any 1 on a movement roll of a die (or dice) activates the Repear's motion, no matter how you execute the move. There are other cards in the expansion (from what I'm hearing here and elsewhere) that throw additional conundrums into the game beyond what 4th edition already has. Try approaching them from logic, thinking of cards for what the represent (like the horse versus the carpet) and hopefully you can figure them out... or house rule them.

some card may add some calue to the move but the dicehave a number if you roll a 3, it's a 3 even something say you can add 3 or 25, the dice say 3

so he don't say 6 !

For what it's worth I believe that in this instance you should use your own imagination and decide if it is at all logical that you could use a horse and a magic carpet at the same time.

I would suggest that before your roll the dice you should make up your own mind on your method of transport.

JCHendee said:

I may be misreading, but... logically you can't use the carpet and the horse in the move, if that's also part of the puzzle. That makes no sense.

This is an example of the quirks that come up that are basicly unsolveable. If we throw in logic, everything gets turned upside down.

If you say you cant use the horses and carpet at the same time beacsue its not logical, then when you use a flying carpet, why would you be able to take any of your follower with you at all? they all cant ride the carpet at the same time.

And this kinda stuff is all over the game. What about the pack of horses and the warhorse? if you use the pack for your move and you have a battle, do you get to use the warhorse?

Now you might as well, throw in the old "if its on the mule does it cout?" argument.

Now we have to have item slots, cuz you cant have two pieces of footwear on at the same time. it just goes on and on.

Galahad said:

For what it's worth I believe that in this instance you should use your own imagination and decide if it is at all logical that you could use a horse and a magic carpet at the same time.

This is never a good argument, because if we're using logic, then magic carpets don't exist in the first place. happy.gif

Mattr0polis said:

Galahad said:

For what it's worth I believe that in this instance you should use your own imagination and decide if it is at all logical that you could use a horse and a magic carpet at the same time.

This is never a good argument, because if we're using logic, then magic carpets don't exist in the first place. happy.gif

I don't agree... By playing Talisman you agree to abide by the possibilities of a Fantasy game. The existence of a magic carpet has nothing whatsoever to do with "logic", it either exists (as in the Talisman world it does) or it doesn't. Therefore, logic only applies to how you can use these items. Do you see what I mean?

The way my crew plays:

If you are using the riding horse, you are rollling two dice for your movement, totalling anywhere from 2 to 12. There is no chance of you rolling a "1" for your move, hence no chance for you to play the Reaper. We just consider that part of the price to pay for being able to use two dice.

Concerning the magic carpet, we only allow it to be used when a "6", and only a "6" is rolled. Using the horse and rolling a 2 and a 4 does not count.

So, only rolling one die for your movement is what qualifies for getting a chance to play the Reaper or use the magic carpet.

Stosh said:

The way my crew plays:

If you are using the riding horse, you are rollling two dice for your movement, totalling anywhere from 2 to 12. There is no chance of you rolling a "1" for your move, hence no chance for you to play the Reaper. We just consider that part of the price to pay for being able to use two dice.

So Riding Horse is faster than Death partido_risa.gif ? Or more precisely, someone on a horse doesn't tickle Reaper's fancy enough for it to move?

Groan... what an utter mess! Does the carpet say anything about leaving Followers behind? Does the carpet say anything about Followers? This sounds like another "coming soon to an errata / FAQ near you."

It seems that old 2nd edition expansion cards were chosen, rewritten (?) and not give much thought. Does anyone remember which 2nd edition expansions these came from?

Forget logic, its poor design.

I would say to be fair, there is a 1 in 6 or 17% chance or getting a 6 one one dice, and a 5 in 36 chance or 14% of rolling a total of six on 2 dice. To keep the balance, I would suggest trying that.