My repurposed set has a French Lore Deck. Any way to get it in English?

By jcikal, in Battlelore

Bought my BL repurposed set from my FLGS yesterday and when I opened it, the Lore deck is in French. The battle cards are in english though. Unfortunately, my FLGS had run out of BL sets and couldn't exchange it for another one. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there any way I can get an English version of the Lore deck from FFG or should I just scout ebay for one?

contact FFG - they should be able to help you on that...since all the decks were suppose to be English.



Got an email on Thursday from FFG that they will send me an English Lore deck on Friday's mail. YAY for fantastic customer support. It's times like this that makes you appreciate the company even more.

dont want to start new topic but I got some french stuff - cards, booklets. If anyone is interested, in EU, let me know on PM