Deathwatch Character Sheet Generator

By Tricky110974, in Deathwatch

Is it just me, or does the armor bonus from the flesh is weak not count

gulasch said:


Just wanted to thank you for the great work and this awesome tool, it's really useful. If you need any help with further developments/bug-fixing, I would be glad to help (I am quite adept at vb myself).

gulasch - I have now uploaded an unprotected copy of the file. My VBA skills are not brilliant - good enough to get me this far - so feel free to take a look and suggest any improvements.

Many apologies to all that have been using this little tool and have been waiting for updates. I have been promoted at work and this made me really busy. Before the promotion, I was spending most of my time at work developing the character generator (which was also helping me improve my VBA skills, which I do use in my job).

I am now settling into my new position and although work has not lessened, I may be able to find a little time to do some more development in the near future.

Tricky - Thank you very much for making the source public! Had some time to finally look at it and it is pretty impressive coding. I have fixed some minor bugs with the Custom Chapter Creation and would like very much to work with you on this tool.

I would start and implement the new chapters from First Founding, maybe make a Squad Mode/Solo Mode sheet and continue fixing some bugs. I have taken the liberty of uploading a new version to my skydrive, take a look at it. Most changes are in custom chapter creation, which should fully work in, including advances.

Just got the First founding book. Looking forward to the newest update of this awesome game assist with these new chapter.

I would like to thank you for all the hard work put into this. I think this is great. I wish I had the coding knowledge to assist with this myself but I do not. As First founding is out it'd be nice to add those things in it. But first your own personal lives should be important. I'm glad someone else decided to help you tricky. now all I need to do is fine one for a Rogue Trader and Dark Heresy character and I'm golden.

Tricky110974 said:

Update available: v04r13_20110622


  • Librarian Starting Powers - You can now select 3 once more

Redemption NL said:

Hey, just checked out your generator, looks very useful! I've done a quick clickthrough through the application quickly, and noticed two things:

- In the latest version, a librarian can only select 1 starter power. It works fine in the version that is a day older.
- If you select the power armor history, normally you'd roll on the chart and can select the one above and below your result as well. Not a big deal as you allow manual entry, so you can always roll yourself manually.

Have to admit that I'd not picked up on your second point. However, my thought is that there would be little point asking for a random set of results that then just presents you with 3 options. I'm not really happy about there being a random result that then says pick an option. If you wanted to pick an option, then you would and you wouldn't bother with the rolls at all.

If there is a concensus that the random Power Armour History should then present the roll and the options above and below then, I'll look into making it that way. Let me know what others think...

firstly i havent used this but ive been reading through the thread and am just amazed at your dedication and work. well done.

secondly, i humbly think that if game provides such an array that you should include it in your generator as the tool could be used side by side with the book and help newer players find their way.

Any chance of it being able to add in the bonus to AGI from Corvus armour and history? Got an Assault Marine with MkVI and the history that gives +5 AGI, it's not reflected in his AGI stat (+15). And maybe also mention the +15 to Auto Senses?

Sorry to be a pain.

Still an awesome tool.

I feel a little guilty for not being able to put in the work that I was able to a few months ago.

I now have a little help (gulasch) and I've made the source code available (for those that want to tinker).

I really do hope that I will be able to find some time (work and a new born baby taking up most) to be able to return to this project soon. I have copies of the all the books and so have the reference data. I have also improved my Visual Basic skills and have a few ideas for the tool and would like to add all the new material.

I have said it before, and will keep on saying it, but thank you to all for the positive comments and feedback/suggestions.

Hello Tricky,

Great Character Generator! You have put a great deal of work into it.

I have a question though. In your sheet you have marked Dodge as already trained.

When i look at the official sheet, it´s not trained. Did i miss an official errata on that? Couldn´t find anything.

Cheers, and thanks for your work.


Khorgar said:

Hello Tricky,

Great Character Generator! You have put a great deal of work into it.

I have a question though. In your sheet you have marked Dodge as already trained.

When i look at the official sheet, it´s not trained. Did i miss an official errata on that? Couldn´t find anything.

Cheers, and thanks for your work.


The sheet is in error, Space Marine have Dodge trained as a starting skill.

See p. 36 of the Corebook.

if i remember well...

barter, blather, disguise, secret tongue, doesn'exist in deathwatch.

dodge and intimidate are trained

evaluate you don't have it


How embarrassing. How could i miss that. Thanks for the help.

Why is it not mentioned in the Errata?

Well, now what to do with 300 extra XP..........

Edit: You can get Evaluate on the rank 3 General Space Marine Table for 400.

if I correct understand.......

you don't have 300 xp for the errata......

Well, i bought the Dodge skill like any other skill.

So i have 300 XP left for my Devastator Marine. gui%C3%B1o.gif

First, I want to congratulate you on your super excellent character creator.

Second, Is there any way you could include the Raven Guard Chapter to a next update???

Excellent work!!!!

Tricky, I too am looking forward to when life gives you the time to include First Founding :)

I have a suggestion too: When you select a chapter trapping at the start, it would be helpful for a summary of the mechanical benefits to appear when highlighted (similar to when you choose your specialty).

A Fantastic Product, and one that makes character creation so much easier!

I don't know if this is a bug or that I just missed it in the rulebook, so please bear with me.

The Deathwatch Rank 1 advances aren't shown in the window until after you've spent your base 1,000xp.

I was under the impression you were able to buy these advances during character creation.

I'm using Version .5 r1 (7/13/2011) on Excel7.



I enjoy this tool very much, thanks for all the great work.

However, I seem to be unable to select the Watch-captain advanced speciality.

I have tried almost everything, adding the crux terminatus honor to the wargear, adding several distinctions. Can someone help me out?

Watch-Captain Albus said:

I enjoy this tool very much, thanks for all the great work.

However, I seem to be unable to select the Watch-captain advanced speciality.

I have tried almost everything, adding the crux terminatus honor to the wargear, adding several distinctions. Can someone help me out?

A new release has been posted v0.5r2_20120607_OPEN. This should allow the selection of Watch-captain.

I am still around and think that I can now devote some time to this project once again…

Great news!

I hope you have time to add some of the First Founding material. I would be glad to help you, but I haven't got the time.

Thanks Tricky and keep up the great work

Malkari said:

Thanks for developing this. Made doing pre-gens easier. I noticed when printing off the characters that the +10 and +20 boxes in the tactics column did not get checked. It shows them paid in the advances screen but not on the alternative character sheet (never checked the original character sheet).

This is now fixed in version v0.5r3_20120608.

cedyeus said:

A Fantastic Product, and one that makes character creation so much easier!

I don't know if this is a bug or that I just missed it in the rulebook, so please bear with me.

The Deathwatch Rank 1 advances aren't shown in the window until after you've spent your base 1,000xp.

I was under the impression you were able to buy these advances during character creation.

I'm using Version .5 r1 (7/13/2011) on Excel7.



I am sure that you can't select Deathwatch Advances with the starting XP. Can someone verify as I don't have acces to books at the moment.

Starting to work on this again. To do:

Bonus from PA History (raised by Surgeon)

Show benefit from Chapter Trapping (raised by CoMuTra)

Add First Founding material

If anyone has any other suggestions/feedback, then let me know. I need to try a remember how far I got with the custom chapters.