This looks exactly like what I am looking for.
Too bad it's completely non-functional in Open Office.
If that could get fixed you'd be my hero.
This looks exactly like what I am looking for.
Too bad it's completely non-functional in Open Office.
If that could get fixed you'd be my hero.
Killbeggar said:
This looks exactly like what I am looking for.
Too bad it's completely non-functional in Open Office.
If that could get fixed you'd be my hero.
I am downloading OpenOffice 3.3 and will see if I can sort something. I'm not that hopeful as I think that OpenOffice does not work with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and 90% of the Generator is coded using VBA.
Tricky110974 said:
One of my favorite excel character generators was written in VB and somehow it got converted over to Open Office. So I think it's possible with proper appeasement of the machine spirits. But if not thank you anyway.
New version available!
Expanded wargear is now in with the exception of multiple power armour history rolls. Also a couple more bug fixes.
Next up is Advanced Specialties and I am working on a way to enter custom Skill/Talent Groups. This came about with some new groups in RoB and the current need to hard code them in. Thought it would be better if you could pick from a list or create a new one. The list would represent what has been presented in published products, but you could still add your own if you need to.
Have had a look at OpenOffice and there are some serious issues - can't find the forms I've created and the code will need to assessed line by line.
I've added some images to my public folder for those wanting to see what I'm working on without downloading the Excel file.
I'm using the latest version of your Character Generator (20110404) and as I'm going through the character generation process I have seen a few small errors so far.
1. Under Dark Angels Advances - It goes directly to Interrogation +20 without listing Interrogation or Interrogation +10.
2. Under Dark Angels Advances - Talent: Talented (Pilot (Personal)) should be listed as Talent: Talented (Pilot).
3. Under Deathwatch Advances - Skill: Hunter of Aliens should be listed as Talent: Hunter of Aliens.
4. Under Chosen Advances (because it's given for free to start with) - Lore: Scolastic (Codex Astartes) should be spelled Scholastic.
5. Concealment should be a beginning free trained skill (it's currently listed under General Space Marine Advances).
6. Under movement, the calculator should be adding 1 to the base Agility bonus when calculating movement rates, right now it's just using the base.
7. I made the same character twice, with the same list of advances, but one got a mysterious +10 advancement bonus to Ballistic Skill (that it should not have gotten) where the other did not. I'm trying to pin down what caused it, but it's a sneaky bugger.
A couple of more notes for the character creator...
A. Strength needs a touch-up, right now my strength damage is calculated as double my base, but it should be double +2 because of the armor.
B. On the front character sheet there is no spot for Ciphers: Chapter Runes (and with this spreadsheet it could say your chapter name there too).
C. You might try to find a way to incorporate the negatives to Concealment (-40) [-30 Armor Rating of 7+, -10 size] and Silent Move (-30) [Armor Rating] on the front skills list.
D. Under Elite Advances you missed Lore: Forbidden (Adeptus Astartes) and jumped straight to +10 and +20.
E. Under Elite Advances you added Lore: Scholastic (Codex Astartes) where it's not needed since it's a free trained skill at creation. [+10 and +20 are still needed obviously]
Brother Gerron: Thanks for the feedback. This is exactly what I needed. It's too easy to make simple mistakes when you're spending so time on something and are so close to it. Always need a second pair of eyes (or a third...)
Will look into all the issues and see if I can't get them all resolved for next release.
what help do you need i can help you out.
It would be Very KEWL if there were an online version like the one Wizards of the Coast has for D&D 4th Ed. It would just be simpler and then hit the prit button and you are ready for your game. Of course here isn't an equivalent for registered leagues and character stats by comparison, yet.
i tried using the latest version you had posted and kept it in the excel format, however i am trying to use it via Open Office and it doesnt seem to work with that. I guess I will have to put office on here and then try it again.
Is there a way to get the deeds from ROB? I know this is already mentioned but concealment should be trained from the start.
Sorry for the quiet time... been away for a couple of weeks.
New version is available - DW_Character_Sheet_Generator_v02_20110504
Now have Advanced Specialties in and Skill/Talent Groups are chosen slightly differently.
Have the ability to add new Skill/Talent Groups.
Fixed some of the issues mentioned by Brother Gerron and Tunnelhckrat.
Will be adding a Show/Hide Advances that you do not meet prerequisites.
Still need to add Deeds, Distinctions, and Honours.
After that it's bug fixes and improved functionality.
tlavalle - do you know MS Excel 97-2003 and VBA? Happy to share an unprotected version if you want to have a look at the code and offer suggestions. Note that the code is changing all the time as I try to improve the sheet.
Would like to hear ideas of what additional information could be present on sheet. At present, it is formatted to replicate official sheet, but there are elements missing like Special Abilities, RoB content. Although the Generator allows you to pick these things, they are not presented on the sheet.
first of all...good job...
corvus armor has only one history (nor 2?)
i want to remove my wich way?
if i take it from the equipment....the checkbox was ok but now I have two jump pack???
New version available - DW_Character_Sheet_Generator_v02_20110505
Coming soon:
Gantz - to remove equipment double-click on the right-hand equipment list.
Someone earlier mentioned Java rather than Excel, so I am now starting to learn Java and I intend to create a character generator as my learning project. Wish me luck...
New version available - ...v02_20110506
One thing Ive noticed that hasnt been mentioned is insanity and corruption. Cant believe how well this project is coming, Good work Tricky.
Tunnelhckrat said:
One thing Ive noticed that hasnt been mentioned is insanity and corruption. Cant believe how well this project is coming, Good work Tricky.
Thank you for the compliment. Good catch on the Insanity and Corruption. Will add to the Move, Fate, Wounds tab, I think.
New version available - ...v02_20110509.
after I select my chaplain adv specialty i can see advanced upgrades but cant choose any, It was like that before the last upgrade as well. Does anyone else have problems with adv specialties? Also is there any way to take mastercrafted gear?
Tunnelhckrat - will look into issue and let you know what I find.
New version available - ...v02_20110510
Coming Soon:
Updated version v02_20110510
To Do:
hi thanks for the generator but i'm getting a pop up requesting a password and i'm using it on my phone thanks
harl said:
hi thanks for the generator but i'm getting a pop up requesting a password and i'm using it on my phone thanks
There are 3 buttons on the top of the page. The one in the top-left should run the Generator, and there should be no need for a password. The 2 buttons on the top right are quick development tools that I use and do require a password. That said, I haven't tested the tool on a phone, so that could be problem.
New version - v02_20110511
Still to do:
I've mentioned this before, but the objective of this project is to produce a printable completed character sheet. This objective has, for the most part been met. However, I'm now left wondering whether there is a requirement to provide an alternative sheet that is able to capture elements of a character not included in the 'official' sheet. For example, there is nowhere to write your special abilities. Skills are shown by the Advances purchased, but there has been a request for other modifiers to be calculated such as penalties for Power Armour.
I have, to this point, avoided including any 'conditional' modifiers (Power Armour being one, as a SM could remove it), and have focused on providing what would be entered onto the sheet as is. There are also some elements that are aimed at in-game roleplaying and these have also been avoided.
Would be happy to hear thoughts on how the actual sheet could be improved. Can't promise that I can get everything in, but I'll do what I can.