Deathwatch Character Sheet Generator

By Tricky110974, in Deathwatch

Known Issues/Requests:

  • Power Armour Effects - Ongoing; Non-conditional characteristics bonuses are now added; other effects still to do
  • Chapter Trappings Benefits - Outstanding
  • Custom Chapter - q. 13,17 & 18; not exactly sure what the issue is, need more information
  • Power Armour History choice to allow option of 1 above and 1 below with random roll - outstanding

If anyone is aware of other issues, let me know.

Edited by Tricky110974

Update: v1r2 20131218


  • Characteristic bonuses for Chapter Trappings [Wyrm-hide, Raven Claw and Raven Calvaria)
  • Descriptions of Chapter Trappings now appear below the selection list when highlighted to aid choices (if an effect is marked * then the bonus is included)
  • Added the Power Armour History Effects to the Notes section on page 2 of the 'official' sheet and altered the layout of the Power Armour History on the alternative sheet.


  • If you gain a bonus talent from Power Armour History then choose an Elite Advance for 0 cost. I've not been able to create the code that allows a Talent selection from the Power Armour History code yet.

I've started looking at the additional content in First Founding (New Chapter Pasts, Advanced Specialties, Additional Chapter Rules and Chapter Wargear). Can't promise when this will be available, but it is my next focus. If I ever get all that done, then I'll begin looking at Honour the Chapter.

First of all I think you did an amazing job with the file.

Thank you very much. I just entered my player character, a Space Wolf Librarian.

I noticed some minor bugs though: (I hope you are still looking for feedback)

- I bought Peformer (Storyteller) and although it did put it in the sheet, it did not check the box.

- Evaluate should be checked as a basic skill.

- The Damage and Penetration of the Force Staff is not rising with Psy. It shows only +3 although I bought another Rank of Psy-Rating.

I will write again if I find other things.

Edited by stormdonkey

First of all I think you did an amazing job with the file.

Thank you very much. I just entered my player character, a Space Wolf Librarian.

I noticed some minor bugs though: (I hope you are still looking for feedback)

- I bought Peformer (Storyteller) and although it did put it in the sheet, it did not check the box.

- Evaluate should be checked as a basic skill.

- The Damage and Penetration of the Force Staff is not rising with Psy. It shows only +3 although I bought another Rank of Psy-Rating.

I will write again if I find other things.

Will check the skills, but I was under the impression that only the skills detailed in the rules were given, regardless of what was shown on the character sheet. I know that there was a skill that was described but not checked on the sheet (dodge?). The Performer skill should have checked though.

Will look into the Damage and Penetration issue.


  • Have not been able to recreate the Force Weapon issue. The code adds Psy-Rating to any Force weapons.
  • Performer skill is fixed for next release.
Edited by Tricky110974

Update: v1r3 20131220


  • Performer skill on 'official' sheet


  • Additional Chapter Pasts from First Founding

As per page 93 and 98 of the core rulebook, Evalutate is a Basic Skill and described. So it should be checked as a Basic Skill, shouldn't it? Maybe I didn't get some Errata-info.

And I also don't want to sound stupid or sarcastic or like an ass.

The force weapon issue did not occur again... I don't know why it did not work the first time.

First of all I think you did an amazing job with the file.

Thank you very much. I just entered my player character, a Space Wolf Librarian.

I noticed some minor bugs though: (I hope you are still looking for feedback)

- I bought Peformer (Storyteller) and although it did put it in the sheet, it did not check the box.

- Evaluate should be checked as a basic skill.

- The Damage and Penetration of the Force Staff is not rising with Psy. It shows only +3 although I bought another Rank of Psy-Rating.

I will write again if I find other things.

Will check the skills, but I was under the impression that only the skills detailed in the rules were given, regardless of what was shown on the character sheet. I know that there was a skill that was described but not checked on the sheet (dodge?). The Performer skill should have checked though.

As per page 93 and 98 of the core rulebook, Evalutate is a Basic Skill and described. So it should be checked as a Basic Skill, shouldn't it? Maybe I didn't get some Errata-info.

And I also don't want to sound stupid or sarcastic or like an ass.

The force weapon issue did not occur again... I don't know why it did not work the first time.

First of all I think you did an amazing job with the file.

Thank you very much. I just entered my player character, a Space Wolf Librarian.

I noticed some minor bugs though: (I hope you are still looking for feedback)

- I bought Peformer (Storyteller) and although it did put it in the sheet, it did not check the box.

- Evaluate should be checked as a basic skill.

- The Damage and Penetration of the Force Staff is not rising with Psy. It shows only +3 although I bought another Rank of Psy-Rating.

I will write again if I find other things.

Will check the skills, but I was under the impression that only the skills detailed in the rules were given, regardless of what was shown on the character sheet. I know that there was a skill that was described but not checked on the sheet (dodge?). The Performer skill should have checked though.

Apologies. I misunderstood the issue. I thought that you asking for Evaluate a free starting skill. You are correct, Evaluate should be checked as basic. This has been done. Not made a new release as the fix was so minor.

Let me know if you get the Force Weapon issue again. Excel and Visual Basic can be twitchy and sometimes, things just don't work on an occasion.

Edited by Tricky110974

Thank you for the great job!!!

Hi Tricky,

First of all, magnificent work, that is your character generator.

I have found a problem with the deed price of victory.

The problem are the two mastercraft cybernetics.

The sheet generator tells me that my reputation is not sufficient.

Do you have a workaround for that?

Another question is the extension Honor the Chapter.

Will you integrate this in you sheet?

Thanks again for the magnificent work until now.

The problem are the two mastercraft cybernetics.

The sheet generator tells me that my reputation is not sufficient.

Do you have a workaround for that?

There is a checkbox called Ignore Reknown on the wargear tab that you can check to take the equipment you're looking for.

Edited by Killbeggar

I can't wait to see this thing finished!

Is this still being worked on? I would love to see Carharodons be added to the Chapter list.

I know it may take Tricky a while to get to it all, but the work he/she has done has been phenomenal and for that, has my deepest thanks =)

I'm late to the discussion, but I'll point out that one of my players is an unemployed graphic designer who came up with his own DW character sheet. You can check it out on his gaming blog .

Just a quick message to say I'm still around. I feel guilty when people thank me for the work knowing that there's so much more that I can do if I had the time.

I checked out my latest development notes and my next task was to look at the new advanced specialties from First Founding. These can be a little challenging and need a little planning that still leads to some trial and error. This means I need adequate time to code or a loose my rhythm and end up having to start over.

this is really great, i love it, :D

but i think there is something wrong with the MK6 “covus” power armor from rites of battle,

the book say that it gives a +10 agillity and that the autosences are not 10 but 15. :ph34r:

as far as i can see the generator dont do this.

else its great, keep up the good work ;)

Anymore developments on the generator, Tricky?


We still love you tricky!

My thanks for the amazing work done on this!

Edited by Zaukodar

Awesome Program,

Some small items I have trouble with are; I cannot requisition any Lightning Claws. I keep getting an error when I try and I think it is because of the 30/45 req. I (on previous versions) tried to create a Pair of Lightning Claws with a req cost of 45 and drop the original to 30. I couldn't get it to work. Also, I was wondering if there is a way to add a visual indicator to show that you have bought advances in the nine stats. I was looking to add little dots that will darken when you buy some. but all in all outstanding time saving program.

Ok I edited the Wargear , and Weapons to show two lightning claws ( Astartes Lightning Claw, Astartes Lightning Claw 2nd) I changed the req for Claw to 30 and made the 2nd 15.

I corrected the Corvus agility bonus by adding this code under the code for Astartes Power Armor strength bonus,

intRow = 2

Do while Sheet9.Cells(intRow, 1).Value <>""

If Sheet9.Cells(intRow, 1).Value = "Mk6 ""Corvus"" Armor" Then

cha_Age = cha_Age + 10

Exit Do

End If

intROw = intRow +1


Edited by Luther Lightfoot

Does anyone know how I could have a separate window open up when I choose Weapon Arm Mount so I can assign it to a weapon, and then after assigning it the associated weapon stats will be modified?

Tricky, what program is best to open the character generator with?

Tricky, what program is best to open the character generator with?

Microsoft Excel (latest version)