Deathwatch Character Sheet Generator

By Tricky110974, in Deathwatch

Tricky110974 said:

Starting to work on this again. To do:

Bonus from PA History (raised by Surgeon)

Show benefit from Chapter Trapping (raised by CoMuTra)

Add First Founding material

If anyone has any other suggestions/feedback, then let me know. I need to try a remember how far I got with the custom chapters.

I have this problem with the custom chapter. Whatever I try, the excel tells me that questions 13, 17 and 18 haven't been filled out. And so it is impossible for me to add the chapter to the chapter list.

Version 0.5r4_20120608

Has first attempt at Iron Hands chapter.

Have noted issue with Custom Chapter.

Tricky110974 said:

Version 0.5r4_20120608

Has first attempt at Iron Hands chapter.

Have noted issue with Custom Chapter.

Great Tricky, again thanks for all the work. I'll try that version out. I'll let you know my remarks.

Awesome stuff, thanks again.

I have a problem, however, when I try to load a character with this new version, it's stating that the password is incorrect. I've never used a password before, what am I missing?


In the newest version DW_Character_Sheet_Generator_v05r4_20120608_OPEN, I cannot choose neither Raven Guard nor Salamanders as a chapther.

Just thought you should know.

I just found this and wanted to just say THANK YOU for this great sheet.

I agree that the bonuses from Bonus from PA History and Chapter Trappings would be awesome.

Also the Chapters from Honour The Chapter would be amazing as well. (I only really care about Sons of Medusa to be honest, but they all would be great.)

More than anything I just wanted to give you a big high five for the wonderful work you have done. Thanks again.

Surgeon said:

Awesome stuff, thanks again.

I have a problem, however, when I try to load a character with this new version, it's stating that the password is incorrect. I've never used a password before, what am I missing?


Fixed in v.05r5 20121025.

This was because older version used password protected files.

Arthur Corolanus said:

In the newest version DW_Character_Sheet_Generator_v05r4_20120608_OPEN, I cannot choose neither Raven Guard nor Salamanders as a chapther.

Just thought you should know.

Apologies. I added the new chapters to the list as place holders. Haven't actually added them to the generator.

I keep thinking that I have time to work on this but life and work keep taking away my free time. I am still around and will keep doing what I can.

If anyone out there has MS Excel VBA skills, then feel free to tinker.

UPDATE: v0.5r5 20121025

Raven Guard now added.

Watch-Captain Albus said:

I have this problem with the custom chapter. Whatever I try, the excel tells me that questions 13, 17 and 18 haven't been filled out. And so it is impossible for me to add the chapter to the chapter list.

Can you provide more details. The Chapter tab should show you what you have chosen for q. 13, 17 and 18. I know that there are some dependancies, so knowing what you chose for all questions will allow me to try and recreate the problem and then hopefully fix.

Update: v.05r6 20121026

Now includes Salamanders.

I still get error 9 every time I try to save a character.

You are a god among men.

However I'm still getting the password issue. Guess I'll just have to open them in v4, then manually recreate them in v5.

Guys I got the product to save. When you get the runtime error go in to debug the error. I just deleted the entire code line:

ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = False
ActiveSheet.Range("A:L").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
ActiveSheet.Protect DrawingObjects:=True, Contents:=True, Scenarios:=True, Password:=""

I saved it in debug mode and exited debug mode. i was able to save it at that time. Loading the character will give you another runtime error as well. Go back in to debug mode and delete the single line as well as save and exit debug mode. Now you can save and load, but I am guessing no custome chaps tho.

Whoa necro!

I have no idea how to use this generator and this makes me sad.

Awesome stuff mate! That's really impressive.

Any plans to add the Raptors?

I still get error 9 every time I try to save a character.

As am I. Is there any way to clear this up on our end?

Also, in the Power Armor History, the result "To Forget is to Forgive. Forgive nothing." displays the Gain Hatred (any) talent in the Power Armor History Field, but not in the Space Marine Talents and Traits field.

I don't know if this was intentionally done or not, but I thought it was worth pointing out.

Thanks for the fantastic work that you've put into this spreadsheet Tricky!


Life has been hectic for the past 12 months and I've not been able to give any time to this project. I really did set out with the best intentions and a part of me still wants to continue the development. But, I just don't know if I have the time. Next week, I have some free time (the first for a long time) and I will try and see if I can look into some of the comments and fix any obvious issues. Adding new stuff will most likely not happen as that requires significant time.

Thank you to all those that have praised what I've achieved so far.

Update: v.05r6 20131216


  • Characters now save

Update: v05r7 20131216


  • Salamanders Chapter Trappings
  • White Scars, all elements

To Do:

  • Validation on Advances from most 'recent' updates
  • New stuff - if people want to start making requests again, I will see what I can do...

Deathwatch Character Sheet Generator

Also going to look at adding the effects of Power Armour to characters. This will most likely mean having a check box that says you are wearing your armour and/or helmet. If checked, then the modifiers will apply.

Also going to look at adding the effects of Power Armour to characters. This will most likely mean having a check box that says you are wearing your armour and/or helmet. If checked, then the modifiers will apply.

That sounds fantastic! Once again, thanks for all that you've done and continue to do for the community.

Update: v1r1 20131217

As this is a new version (I'm calling it version 1), existing characters may need to be rebuilt, although I have added an update function to avoid this where possible. This is mostly because of the new functionality for wearing/removing a helmet. Apologies for any inconvenience this causes.


  • Validation on Advances - there are still some Advances that are not validated, so just double-check the requirements
  • Removed the password references (for those that were tinkering)


  • Power Armour History Characteristic Effects - these are starting to be calculated; if an effect is starred (BS +5*), then it is included in Characteristic
  • Check box to determine if helmet is being worn - if not checked then Head AP = 0
Edited by Tricky110974

I still get error 9 every time I try to save a character.

As am I. Is there any way to clear this up on our end?

Also, in the Power Armor History, the result "To Forget is to Forgive. Forgive nothing." displays the Gain Hatred (any) talent in the Power Armor History Field, but not in the Space Marine Talents and Traits field.

I don't know if this was intentionally done or not, but I thought it was worth pointing out.

Thanks for the fantastic work that you've put into this spreadsheet Tricky!

I've begun to add Power Armour History effects, starting with Characteristics. Next up will be Advances, which I hope will be easy, using a similar process to Elite Advances.