Deathwatch Character Sheet Generator

By Tricky110974, in Deathwatch

I'm developing a Character Sheet Generator using Microsoft Excel and Visual Basic (for Applications), i.e. a macro running spreadsheet.

I've got a fair bit done now. Equipment is the only real bit missing, although there are a few minor things to still add (elite advances, past events, etc.)

Not sure if anyone is interested, but happy to share what I've done (and what will be done).


  • MS Forms input - nothing is entered manually into spreadsheet.
  • Allows random characteristics, points buy and manual entry
  • Choose chapter and specialty
  • Buy advances
  • Random or manual entry for Wounds and Fate Points
  • Enter other details (name, demeanour)
  • Generates page 1 of the character sheet
  • Although developed on Excel 2010, it is saved as Excel 97-2003 compatible, but you will need to enable macros.

I will be working on adding equipment and Page 2 of the character sheet next.

I've saved a copy here:

Let me know what you think...

so far man, looks pretty sweet - nice n easy to use.

One thing to note is that when you update it next you might want to look through the living errata info as i noticed a few talents and skills in the lists that have had their xp costings changed (whereas the ones in the generator reflect the old values) i.e. "Hardy" for the Apothecary.

Aside from that looking good n looking forward to see what the rest looks like.

Looks really good. Although everytime I try and create a Techmarine, I get an error: Run-time error '1004': Application-defined or object-defined error.

I'm running Excel 2003 SP3 if that helps.

Living Errata will be incorporated ASAP.

Will look into Techmarine issue right now.

Thanks for feedback - it's what I've been wanting.

Techmarine issue resolved.


  • Living Errata now incorporated
  • Techmarine now selectable

New Features:

  • Page 2 now developed - Talents & Traits, Psychic Powers and XP

To Do:

  • Equipement (incl. PA History)
  • Renown
  • Elite Advances
  • Past History
  • Specialty ability choice

sweet, will have another looky when i get chance later.

That's Awsome!

I spend ages creating a similar one for the original WFRP authough it's not any where near as good as this.

Thanks for posting it. I'll try it out with our group and let you know how we get on.

New version up with the start of the equipment tab present.

Ugh. Why does everybody flock to excel? Something that could be potentially full of macros and viruses?

No offense. But why can't anybody make a simple javascript one?

(PS. Where I used to work made me engraned to hate excel. I just do, sorry)

Looks like it's coming along great! I'm having a hard time manually putting in my rolled stats though. Also, there are Chapters, but not RoB Chapters/Successors. Is there a plan to implement these?

Frostfire: Excel and VBA is what I know. If anyone has Java skills, then I'd happily look at what they could do. No offense taken happy.gif

Brolthemighty: I'm simly working in order of release at the moment. Once all of the Core Rulebook is implemented then I will move onto RoB - helps me keep track of what I've done. Can you explain what difficulty you are having with rolled stats - will happily make improvements from feedback.

Work on equipment is progressing nicely, but I'm trying to work out best way acquire and show on sheet - specifically: weapons, upgrades and ammo.

NVM, I got it working. The only downside I see (and again, I could be missing something) is that once you make a choice in the generator, there's no real way to see the list of choices (in regards to talents) you've made without exiting the generator and looking at your sheet. So if you come up with an off amount of xp, you can't really say where it came from or went to.

Other than that, it's coming along nicely, and some really great work has been done! I can't wait to be able to use it!

Just a quick update:

A new version is available, although it is more of a work-in-progress with the Equipment tab. I got the equipment list built, but still working on how it populates the printed sheet.

Brolthemighty: The Advances tab shows what Talents have been chosen, but skill advances are only visible on printed sheet. Are you suggesting a more comprehensive tracker of XP showing all advances purchased?

Keep the feedback coming...

Yes, on the sheet you can see what was purchased, however in the actual Generator, there's no box showing what has already been purchased. I think it might be a nice addition to have a 5th box showing what you've already purchased, as well as the xp cost....with the ability to double click it again to remove it from "Purchased."

I'll look into adding a 5th box.

I need to work on an undo feature for all stages and so this will come a little later.

New version available.

Altered the Advances tab to better show what Advances have been chosen.

Feedback appreciated.

Hey Tricky110974 I use Open Officetrying running it but its not doing anything. Do you have it so that it will only work in excel? thanks

Raven1man: I have to admit that I have not tried Open Office, but the sheet uses VBAthere are passwords which may prevent it working.

New version available.

New functions:

  • Reset Chapter, Specialty
  • Unchoose Advances
  • Unchoose equipment

Need to work on getting last few generation elements: Description, Past Event, PA History.

Made some updates. Final elements are now in, although need to build option to choose PA History (can only generate random at the moment).

Need to work on removing Advances to ensure they also remove attribute effects; e.g. Sound Constitution removes Wounds.

If anyone is wondering to how to remove Advances (or Equipment), simply double-click on the list.

Great additions Tricky! Glad to see how quickly you're advancing this, very impressive indeed. Makes Generating a character quickly and....fairly painless. I can't wait for the RoB stuff to be added :D

Dare I say it... nearing a point where I can call the tool version 0.1!

I believe I have most of the functionality I was aiming for at the start.

To Do:

  • Specialty ability choices
  • Standard equipment choices (including Storm Wardens option to swap combat knife)
  • Chapter Trappings to be added
  • Any bug fixes that are needed
  • Rites of Battle content to be added

Feedback at this stage would be most appreciated to help in identifying bugs and user-friendliness (or not).

Check out the link in the opening post to grab a copy.

Rites of Battle, here I come..!

It has taken a month to get this far. I think that I have all the Core Rules now incorporated (including Elite Advances). The only things that aren't present are Solo/Squad mode abilities. However, I feel I should point out that the intention was to create a nicely printed character sheet, and Solo/Squad modes are on a seperate sheet. That said, the generator does ask for Special Ability choices (from Specialties) and these are not actually on the sheet.

I was wondering whether to add a Misc. tab so that you can enter other details, such as current wounds, insanity, etc. There is also some space left on the bottom of page 2 and this could be used to show Special Abilities and Solo/Squad mode. Happy to hear thoughts.

And so now I'm looking at RoB, and this creates a new To Do list:

  • New Chapters (The Imperial Fists, successor chapters)
  • Deeds
  • Distinctions
  • Advanced Specialties
  • Expanded Wargear
  • Honours
  • New Talents and Traits

If anyone has a preference for what they'd like to see first, then speak up. I'm not expecting any major issues implementing the new content, although Advanced Specialties will need some work, just because of amount of information.

The lastest version (v0.1) is called 'DW_Character_Sheet_Generator_v01', and I guess is the first "official" release.

New version available.

I've left version 0.1 on the server and have added version 0.2 (01 April 2011). New version has Rites of Battle chapters. I also fixed what appeared to a bug where Ultramarines were getting a +5 Strength modifier as standard.