Reaching Something Rotten in Kislev.
Major spoilers.. no players etc etc...
Well were almost through the third installment of Enemy within campaign... and so far everything is really fine (great fun, lots of violence, horror, paranoia, injustice etc.)
Now comes the tricky part... Something Rotten in Kislev and after that how to end the campaign.
I’ve read allot of tips from other GM:s and the usual advice is to skip SRiK all together. Some part of me would still like to play the original campaign... well at least ALMOST the original campaign.
The reason I write this down in a forum is that I'm trying to sort out my ideas... and at the same time perhaps can get fun ideas from other GM:s.
My plan is to rearrange SRiK in a way that fits the rest of my campaign and that actually has a place in the main plot. At the same time I want to adjust some of the odd and actually bad stuff in this part but still try to keep much of the original story intact. Aaaaargh!
Ive made quite allot of adjustments in the previous parts, mostly adding a bit more plot and horror to the earlier installments. Ive tied the story more tightly to the Chaos Incursion and plans to end the campaign when Valten is killed at the gates of Middenheim.
Some of the changes in my campaign so far is:
* Gideon from SoB is still around... well almost. Gideon is a Daemon Prince that tries to reach godhood by sacrificing a big city. After all Johannes Teugen was sort of a cultist looser and Etelka Herzen was the one with the skills to actually summon the daemon. The physical form of Gideon was killed in the first installment, but hes true name (and henceforth the means to summon him) is still around in the Red Crown. Etelka survived the DotR and fled to Middenheim. In the big mess between the two cults in PBtT Etelka was finally slain, but now the name of the daemon is in the hands of the friendly lawlord that helped the heroes to track down evildoers in Middenheim, Karl-Heinz Wasmeier. Gideon knows that the big war is coming and want to be a god before this happens... but at the same time Tzeentch don't want to alert the Empire that the end is actually near.
* In my campaign Kastor Liberung (and henceforth one of the characters) is a Karl-Franz lookalike, this caused allot of fun situations in PBtT and it will be REALLY important in the last installment of the campaign. At the same time a big part of the story is about Siegfried von Kesselring and his sword Barrakul that the players found in DotR. Siegfried fought alongside Magnus the Pious in the last Chaos Incursion about 200 years ago. Siegfried was with Magnus when he entered Ulrichs holy flame in Middenheim and united the broken Empire. Siegfried also fought alongside Magnus in Kislev. The wielder of the might sword Barrakul have several flashbacks when he sees himself fight daemons on the frozen planes outside Praag. The player with this weapon is also the emperor lookalike, and hes got a huge DESTINY written all over him, the man with the emperors face and a holy (well,,, sort of stolen and allot of religious nutcases want it back) weapon. A destiny much needed when history repeats itself and Chaos i coming back.
Reasons to travel to Kislev:
Find out that the Destiny that guides the sword wielder to Praag is wrong... the battle wont be here this time. The first big onslaught will be at Middenheim, the city that cant fall.
Get the players to see and understand the full might of Archaons force and to understand that the Empire WILL fall this time... unless a real miracle occurs. This leads the players to the last part of the campaign.
One player i a priest of Morr. This is also a big part of his destiny to heal a damaged god.
Oki... its getting late and I just try to print down some of my main plans of SRiK.